

单词 bonus
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BECAUSE〕Because you've done such a good job, I'm giving everyone a 10% bonus. 由于你们都干得非常出色,我准备给每个人发10%的奖金。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕It was a $350,000 contract, plus hefty bonuses and expenses. 那是一份35万美元的合同,另加巨额奖金和各种费用。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕The company offers bonuses, stock options, and a generous benefit package. 这家公司提供奖金、股份和一揽子丰厚的津贴。朗文写作活用〔EARN〕Liz earned a £1000 bonus for being the best salesperson of the year. 莉兹因为是年度最佳销售员,拿到了1,000英镑的奖金。朗文写作活用〔EARN〕The management offered a large bonus to those workers who stayed to the end of the contract. 管理层给做满合同期的工人发放一大笔奖金。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕The most productive members of staff are rewarded by financial bonuses. 工作效率最高的员工可获发奖金。朗文写作活用〔FRIENDLY〕As a director, I'm always looking for good actors, but it's a bonus if they are easy to get along with too. 作为导演我总是在寻觅优秀的演员,只是如果他们也性情随和就更好了。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Senior board members have offered to forgo their annual bonuses this year. 高层的董事会成员已经主动提出放弃今年的年度奖金。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕We pay performance bonuses that augment your annual salary. 我们支付工作表现奖金,这就增加了你的年收入。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Bonus payments to top officials cost the taxpayer millions of pounds each year. 每年支付给高层官员的奖金花去了纳税人数百万英镑。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The biggest bonus is that KPBS didn't have to put any capital into the project. 最大的好处是KPBS不必在项目中投入任何资金。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕You can receive your bonus in monthly instalments, or as a lump sum. 你可以按月拿奖金,或是一次拿一笔。朗文写作活用〔THANK〕We have decided to pay a special bonus to everyone on the staff to show our appreciation for their hard work during the year. 我们已经决定给每位员工一笔特别奖金,以表达我们对他们这一年来辛勤工作的谢意。朗文写作活用〔abuse〕The system of paying cash bonuses is open to abuse(= might be used in the wrong way).支付现金红利制度可能被人钻空子。牛津高阶〔achiever〕High achievers will receive cash bonuses.业绩出众的人会获得现金奖励。柯林斯高阶〔achiever〕High achievers will receive cash bonuses.业绩好的人会得到现金奖励。外研社新世纪〔added bonus〕The product has the added bonus of providing extra vitamins.这个产品额外的好处是可以提供更多的维生素。韦氏高阶〔added〕An added bonus is that your ticket is valid for three months, so if you want to come back again, it's free.额外的好处是你的车票有效期三个月, 所以如果你再想回来, 是免费的。外研社新世纪〔added〕I love my job. The salary is just an added bonus.我热爱我的工作,工资只是额外的收获而已。麦克米伦高阶〔added〕These trees are valuable for autumn colour, fruits and flowers. Many have fragrance as an added bonus.这些树色彩缤纷, 会结出果实或开出花朵, 让秋天平添一分韵味。许多树还会散发芬芳。外研社新世纪〔additionally〕A new contract is in place. Additionally, staff will be offered a bonus scheme.新合同已经准备就绪。 除此之外,还将给员工设立一个奖金计划。朗文当代〔announce〕The president of the company announced (to the employees) that there would be a bonus.公司总经理对雇员说将要发奖金。21世纪英汉〔assume〕Let us assume those clubs actually win something. Then players will receive large bonuses.倘若那些俱乐部真的赚了,那么球员就会获得一大笔奖金。柯林斯高阶〔backtracking〕The committee backtracked by scrapping the controversial bonus system.委员会改变主意,放弃了有争议的奖金制度。柯林斯高阶〔backtrack〕The committee backtracked by scrapping the controversial bonus system.委员会改变了主意, 取消了有争议的奖金制度。外研社新世纪〔base〕All we got was base pay—we didn't reach profitability levels to award a bonus.我们只拿到了基本工资,因为没有达到可发奖金的盈利水平。牛津高阶〔bonus〕All employees get an annual bonus before the holidays.假日前,所有的员工都拿到了年度奖金。牛津搭配〔bonus〕All workers participate in the bonus scheme.所有工人都参加分红计划。牛津搭配〔bonus〕As a bonus for good behavior you can stay up late.作为表现好的奖励,你可以晚点睡觉。韦氏高阶〔bonus〕Being able to walk to work is an added bonus of the new job.能够步行去上班是这份新工作额外的好处。牛津高阶〔bonus〕Britain's possession of North Sea oil has proved a bonus for British technology.英国拥有的北海油田是上天对英国科技的一个恩赐。朗文当代〔bonus〕Customers will receive a free tape as a bonus with any order over £30.顾客订购30英镑以上物品将额外免费获得一盒磁带。麦克米伦高阶〔bonus〕Each worker receives an annual bonus.每个员工都可获得一笔年度奖金。朗文当代〔bonus〕Further additions to your pay may take the form of bonus payments.工资以外的钱可能以奖金的形式发放。朗文当代〔bonus〕He got a vacation bonus.他得到一次额外的假期。英汉大词典〔bonus〕He promised to take me to the match with the added bonus of an afternoon off school.他答应带我去看比赛,还可以请假一个下午不用上学。朗文当代〔bonus〕He was awarded a cash bonus of $2 500.他获得了 2,500 美元的现金奖励。牛津搭配〔bonus〕I got £25 as a Christmas bonus.我得到25英镑圣诞节额外津贴。牛津同义词〔bonus〕I love the job, and it's an added bonus that it's so close to home.我喜欢这份工作,它还有个优点是离家很近。剑桥高阶〔bonus〕If it also works, that is an added bonus.如果这样也能奏效, 那可是意外的收获。外研社新世纪〔bonus〕If you buy direct, products are much cheaper, with the added bonus of fast delivery to your door.如果你直接购买,产品会便宜很多而且还会快速送到你家里。麦克米伦高阶〔bonus〕It's made from natural ingredients, but with the added bonus of containing 30 per cent less fat than ordinary cheese.该干酪用天然原料制成,而且其脂肪含量比普通干酪低30%。柯林斯高阶〔bonus〕It's made from natural ingredients, with the added bonus of containing 30 per cent less fat than ordinary cheese.这种干酪用天然原料制成, 附带的优点是, 它比普通干酪的脂肪含量少30%。外研社新世纪〔bonus〕Long-term savers qualify for a cash bonus.长期储户可获现金红利。朗文当代〔bonus〕Some employees will receive discretionary bonus payments.一些员工将获得可自由支配的奖金。牛津搭配〔bonus〕Staff members were given a bonus for finishing the project on schedule.因为项目如期完成,员工们都拿到了奖金。韦氏高阶〔bonus〕The company offered bonuses to entice new workers.公司以奖金来吸引新人。韦氏高阶〔bonus〕The company used to give discretionary bonus payments.公司过去常常会酌情发放一些奖金。剑桥高阶〔bonus〕The house is comfortable, and as an added bonus, it's near my work.这所房子很舒适,而且还有额外的好处 - 离我的工作地点很近。牛津搭配〔bonus〕The sunshine on the final day was a welcome bonus for the spectators.决赛当天阳光明媚,观众心情格外欢畅。牛津搭配〔bonus〕These returns will not be enough to meet the payment of annual bonuses to policyholders.这些收益不够支付投保人每年分得的余利。外研社新世纪〔bonus〕These returns will not be enough to meet the payment of annual bonuses to policyholders.这些收益不够支付投保人每年分得的红利。柯林斯高阶〔bonus〕We felt we might finish third. Any better would be a bonus.我们感觉可能会得第三名, 只要比这个名次好就是意外的惊喜了。外研社新世纪〔bonus〕We felt we might finish third. Any better would be a bonus.我们感觉我们可能会获得第三名,要是能比这个名次更好那就是意外的惊喜了。柯林斯高阶〔bonus〕We receive annual bonuses at the end of the year.我们每年年底拿到年终奖金。韦氏高阶〔bonus〕When we qualified for both the finals it was an extra bonus.我们有资格进入两项决赛, 这真是额外的收获。外研社新世纪〔bonus〕Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime.大公司的员工有相当一部分薪酬来自奖金和加班费。柯林斯高阶〔bonus〕Workers receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime.工作人员有相当一部分薪酬来自奖金和加班费。外研社新世纪〔bonus〕You will receive a bonus for high levels of productivity.因为工作效率高,你将得到一笔奖金。牛津搭配〔brevity〕The bonus of this homely soup is the brevity of its cooking time.这种家常汤的额外优点是烹制时间短。柯林斯高阶〔brevity〕The bonus of this homely soup is the brevity of its cooking time.这种家常汤的额外好处就是烹饪时间短。外研社新世纪〔build in/into〕There are special provisions for bonuses built into the contract.这份合同对奖金有特别的规定。韦氏高阶〔check〕To take advantage of this extra bonus offer, simply check the box on your order form.想要获得这个特惠,只需在订货单上的方框内打钩即可。牛津搭配〔cheekily〕Foster cheekily suggested he should have got a bonus.福斯特厚脸皮地建议他该得奖金。外研社新世纪〔classy〕Donating her salary bonus to charity was a really classy thing to do.她把自己工资中的奖金捐给了慈善事业,的确高尚。韦氏高阶〔compensation〕Annual compensation for our executives includes salary and bonus under our incentive plan.我们的高级管理人员获得的年度报酬包括工资以及按奖励计划发放的奖金。剑桥高阶〔contract bridge〕Auction bridge in which tricks in excess of the contract may not count toward game bonuses.定约桥牌:如果得到的墩数比叫的墩数多,多得分也不算作满贯加分的拍卖式桥牌美国传统〔crate〕We've also got a bonus quiz with crates of beer as prizes! 我们还获得了一次参加有奖智力竞赛的机会,奖品是成箱的啤酒!柯林斯高阶〔crawfish〕The boss crawfished on the Christmas bonus.老板取消了发圣诞节奖金的许诺。21世纪英汉〔deal out〕The bonus must be dealt out fairly.这笔奖金必须公平分配。21世纪英汉〔deal〕He even sweetened the deal with a $5 000 signing bonus.为达成交易,他甚至拿出 5,000 美元的签约奖励。牛津搭配〔discount〕If you collect ten bonus points, you will be entitled to a discount.集满 10 个奖励积分就可以享受折扣价。牛津搭配〔dividend〕A share of a surplus; a bonus.红利;盈余美国传统〔dvd〕The first edition of the album comes with a bonus DVD.专辑首版附赠一张数字影碟。牛津搭配〔figure〕The chairman's bonus payment could well reach six figures this year.主席今年的奖金可能足足有6位数。麦克米伦高阶〔firmly〕The firm's employees were expecting large bonuses.这家公司的雇员期待着发放大笔奖金。柯林斯高阶〔firm〕The firm's employees were expecting large bonuses.这家公司的员工期盼着丰厚的奖金。外研社新世纪〔grand〕You could add the £15,000 Bonus to the First Prize and win a grand total of £125,000! 头奖再加 15,000 英镑的奖金,获奖金额共计 125,000 英镑!朗文当代〔gravy〕The bonus he received in addition to his salary was pure gravy.他得到的工资之外的奖金纯属意外收入。韦氏高阶〔incalculable〕This is a bonus of incalculable worth.这一红利的价值无法计算。英汉大词典〔incentive travel〕Vacation travel arranged by or through an employer and awarded as a motivational bonus to qualifying employees or salespeople.奖励旅游:由或是经由雇主安排的假期旅游,用作为鼓励红利以奖励达到绩效合格的员工或是销售人员美国传统〔incentive〕Bonus payments provide an incentive to work harder.支付奖金能刺激人们更努力工作。剑桥高阶〔inducement〕Employees were offered a bonus as an inducement to finish the project on schedule.已向员工承诺一份奖金,以激励他们按期完成该项目。韦氏高阶〔ineligible〕She was ineligible for the $50,000 bonus.她没有资格得到那笔5万美元的奖金。外研社新世纪〔insistence〕The union has dropped its earlier insistence that workers should receive bonus payments.工会先前坚持工人应得到奖金,但现在已不再坚持了。牛津搭配〔insurance〕If you make more than two claims in any period of insurance you may lose your no-claims bonus.如果你在任何一段保险期内索赔两次以上,就可能失去无索赔奖金。牛津搭配〔interest〕An excess or a bonus beyond what is expected or due.附加物,红利:超出或超过预期或应付的红利美国传统〔kiss〕If you don't work hard you can kiss your bonus goodbye.如果你不努力工作,你就甭想得到奖金。英汉大词典〔left〕They seem to be handing out bonuses left, right, and centre.他们好像在到处发奖金。麦克米伦高阶〔matter〕There's still the small matter of my bonus to discuss.还有关于我的奖金这件小事要谈。麦克米伦高阶〔mature〕These bonuses will be paid when your savings plan matures in ten years' time.这些红利会在10年后存款到期时支付。柯林斯高阶〔mature〕These bonuses will be paid when your savings plan matures in ten years' time.这些红利将会在十年后储蓄计划到期时支付给你。外研社新世纪〔member〕All members of staff will receive a bonus.所有的员工都会得到一笔奖金。牛津搭配〔moment〕I don't think this is the right moment to ask for a bonus.我觉得这不是提出奖金要求的合适时机。牛津搭配〔morale〕The bonus helped maintain morale among the staff.发放奖金有助于保持员工的工作热情。牛津搭配〔notice〕Bonus notices were issued each year from head office to local agents.分红通告每年由总公司发送至地方代理商。外研社新世纪〔notice〕Bonus notices were issued each year from head office to local agents.分红通告每年由总公司发送至地方代理商。柯林斯高阶〔over and above〕We each received a bonus over and above our regular paychecks.我们除了正常的工资外,每人还得到一笔奖金。韦氏高阶〔payment〕Employees may occasionally receive bonus payments .雇员偶尔可以得到奖金。朗文当代〔pay〕His pay package including bonuses was worth at least $12 million.包括奖金在内,他的全部薪酬至少达到 1,200 万美元。牛津搭配〔peg〕His bonus is pegged to how many sales he makes each year for the company.他的奖金与他每年为公司完成的销售量挂钩。韦氏高阶〔performer〕Star performers are rewarded with bonuses.表现出色的人有奖金。朗文当代〔performer〕The top five performers of the sales team will receive a bonus.销售团队中五位最佳销售员将会得到奖金。韦氏高阶〔point〕Name the film and, for a bonus point, name the actress.说出电影名字,说出女演员的名字还有奖励分。牛津搭配〔powerful〕The cash bonus provides a powerful incentive to workers.现金奖励对员工是强有力的激励。韦氏高阶〔premium〕A sum of money or bonus paid in addition to a regular price, salary, or other amount.奖金:除常规的价格、工资或其它数目额外增加的一笔钱或奖金美国传统〔profit〕Footballers are accustomed to profiting handsomely from bonuses.足球运动员对获取丰厚的奖金已习以为常。柯林斯高阶〔promise〕The company promised us a bonus this year.公司承诺今年给我们发奖金。朗文当代〔promote〕Bonus payments to staff serve to promote commitment to the company.向员工发放奖金有助于促进他们对公司尽职尽责。牛津搭配〔publicity〕The chairman resigned in a storm of publicity over the bonus payments.董事长在有关奖金数额的媒体风暴中辞职。牛津搭配〔punctuality〕Workers received bonuses for punctuality.工人们因为守时而获得奖金。韦氏高阶〔recognize〕The manager recognized the employees' worth by giving them a bonus.公司经理发给雇员们一笔奖金以报偿他们的劳绩。英汉大词典〔redundancy〕We were offered a £3,000 cash bonus to take voluntary redundancy.给我们发 3000 英镑的现金奖金叫我们自动离职。朗文当代〔render〕These bonuses will actually render back a certain percentage of money to their players.这些奖励实际上会把一部分钱返还给玩家。外研社新世纪〔restore〕New Year bonus should be restored.发放新年奖金的做法应重新实施。21世纪英汉〔reward〕A bonus of up to 5 per cent can be added to a pupil's final exam marks as a reward for good spelling, punctuation and grammar.小学生期末考试的分数最多可以加5分,作为对其拼写、标点和语法正确的奖励。柯林斯高阶〔reward〕She was rewarded for her efforts with a cash bonus.她因自己所作的努力而得到一笔奖金。牛津高阶〔reward〕She was rewarded with a cash bonus.她得到了现金奖励。韦氏高阶〔score〕The bonus question at the end of the test scores 15 points.考试结尾的附加题有15分。麦克米伦高阶〔shaft〕His boss gave him the shaft by firing him just before he would have gotten a bonus.正当他正要获得奖金时,他的老板地却无情地解雇了他。剑桥高阶〔slice〕The new tax has sliced annual bonuses by 30 percent.由于征收新税,年度红利减少了 30%。牛津高阶〔stimulus〕The promise of a bonus was a stimulus to them.答应发给奖金是对他们的一种刺激。英汉大词典〔sweeten〕He sweetened the deal with a large signing bonus.他提供了一大笔签约奖金,使这笔交易更具吸引力。韦氏高阶〔target〕The company pays bonuses to workers who exceed production targets.公司给超额完成生产指标的工人发奖金。牛津搭配〔tick〕To take advantage of this extra bonus offer, simply tick the box on your order form.要得到这项额外优惠,只要在订单上的方框里打个钩就行了。牛津搭配〔trouser〕Even though he has in effect been sacked, he will trouser a £150,000 bonus.尽管他实际上已经被解雇,但他仍能捞到 15 万英镑的一大笔奖金。朗文当代〔unlisted〕There's an unlisted bonus track on the CD.*CD上有一首目录以外的附赠歌曲。韦氏高阶〔vulnerable〕Games In a position to receive greater penalties or bonuses as a result of having won one game of a rubber. Used of bridge partners.【游戏】 有局方的:作为已赢得决胜盘的结果,处于收到较多惩罚或奖励的形势。用于桥牌的参与方美国传统〔welcome〕The sunny weather was a welcome bonus.阳光灿烂的天气令人喜出望外。麦克米伦高阶〔welcome〕This year's bonus will be welcome to those on lower incomes.今年的奖金将会受到那些低收入职员的欢迎。麦克米伦高阶〔write into〕A bonus was written into the contract.合同中增加了奖金这一项。韦氏高阶Bonuses are offered for outstanding employees who meet key performance indicators and complete 100 hours training.给达到关键绩效指标并且能完成了 100 小时培训的优秀员工发放奖金。牛津商务Bonuses may be paid to employees at their manager's discretion.向员工发放的奖金可以由他们的经理自行决定。牛津商务A bonus will be paid on satisfactory completion of the contract.合同圆满履行之后将付给一笔奖金。牛津商务As of 11 May, the shares will be traded ex bonus.自 5 月 11 日起,交易的股票将不附红利。牛津商务Each member of staff is eligible for a discretionary bonus.每位员工均可酌情获得一笔奖金。牛津商务Employees know what their bonus will be before they open their pay packets.员工在发薪前就知道自己的奖金额。牛津商务Employees were offered a monthly productivity bonus (= extra money for producing more goods).员工享有月度超产奖金。牛津商务Employees' salaries are supplemented by performance bonuses.绩效奖金是对员工工资的补充。牛津商务He can earn an annual bonus of 70% of his basic pay.他每年所挣的分红占其基本工资的 70%。牛津商务He paid me and added a bonus for the new customers I had signed up.他付给我工资,又为我新争取到的客户而给我发了红包。剑桥国际He received an €800 000 bonus last year, which took his total emoluments to €1.82 million.去年他得到 80 万欧元的奖金,这使他的总报酬达到 182 万欧元。牛津商务If he had stayed on as CEO, he would have received a $1 million bonus.如果他仍担任首席执行官,他原本会得到 100 万元的奖金。牛津商务In order to prevent people from stagging, investors are being offered a bonus if they keep their shares for longer than two years.为了阻止人们倒卖股票,投资者持股两年以上便会得到一份红利。剑桥国际Insurers traditionally make their annual bonus declarations in the first three months of the year.保险公司历来是在每年的前 3 个月公布其年度分红。牛津商务Last year they paid $16m in cash bonuses to staff.去年他们向员工发放了 1 600 万元的奖金。牛津商务Managers were rewarded with cash bonuses for reaching their targets.经理们因实现了他们的目标而得到了一笔奖金。牛津商务Our bonus payments for improved productivity provide an incentive to work harder.我们的超产奖为更努力工作提供了刺激。剑桥国际Productivity bonuses are paid to staff meeting agreed targets.生产奖金按员工会议上商定的金额发放。牛津商务She earned about €40 000 last year in pay and bonuses.她去年的工资和奖金加起来大约 4 万欧元。牛津商务She makes around €80 000 a year in salary and bonuses.她每年的薪水加奖金大约 8 万欧元。牛津商务Terminal bonuses (= an extra payment made at the end of a life insurance contract) are being cut completely.人寿保险合同终期余利被彻底取消。牛津商务The bonus was made on an ex gratia basis.这笔奖金是特惠金。牛津商务The committee has now passed the final bonus figures.委员会目前已经批准了最终的奖金数额。牛津商务The company has paid out $1.5 bn in bonuses for the year.公司支付了 15 亿元的巨额年度奖金。牛津商务The company has proposed a 1–for–2 bonus issue (= shareholders get 1 extra share for every 2 shares that they own).公司建议按每 2 股送 1 股的比例发行红股。牛津商务The company paid tens of thousands of dollars in bonuses last year.公司去年发放了数万元的奖金。牛津商务The company used to give discretionary bonus payments.公司过去常常随意发放奖金。剑桥国际The company will issue one bonus share for every share held.公司将给所持有的每股股票发放一份红利股。牛津商务The company's gainsharing program ties bonuses directly to team performance.公司的利润分享计划将奖金与团队表现直接挂钩。牛津商务The directors took home an additional $5 million in bonuses.董事额外赚取了 500 万元奖金。牛津商务The extra two-day holiday was a real bonus. 外加的两天假期真是额外之所得。译典通The perks (= extra benefits of a job) include a yearly bonus and company car.公司给予的额外待遇包括年度奖金和公司用车。牛津商务The shares will trade cum bonus until 15 March 2008.2008 年 3 月 15 日前买卖股票将附有红利。牛津商务The workers are expecting a large Christmas bonus. 工人们期待著在耶诞节得到一大笔奖金。译典通To curb costs, he is planning to hack back bonuses.为了遏制成本,他计划大量削减奖金。牛津商务Wage drift consists of such things as overtime, bonuses and performance-related pay.工资浮动包括加班费、奖金和业绩工资等。牛津商务We set up a system of bonuses to incentivize sales staff.我们建立奖金制度以激励销售人员。牛津商务When he left he had to repay the $5 000 bonus he had received.他离开时不得不归还他收到的 5 000 元奖金。牛津商务You will receive a basic weekly wage of €500 plus bonuses.你将得到周基本工资 500 欧元外加奖金。牛津商务Your pay package will consist of cash and performance bonuses.你的工资待遇包括现金和业绩奖金。牛津商务




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