

单词 shadowy
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔borderland〕a shadowy figure who lived on the borderland of the drug scene.一个影影绰绰出现在毒品地区边缘的身影美国传统〔bulk〕the shadowy bulk of an ancient barn.一座古老谷仓的巨大阴影柯林斯高阶〔dark〕a shadowy avenue through thick foliage) but may suggest shifting illumination and indistinctness: 茂密的叶子遮住了林荫道), 但也可暗示转换照明和模糊: 美国传统〔dark〕a shadowy figure in a black Homburg traversing the fogbound park. 头戴黑色翘边帽的神秘人在因浓雾而进退不能的公园来回徘徊 美国传统〔espionage〕the shadowy world of espionage 鲜为人知的间谍界牛津搭配〔form〕the shadowy forms of the divers swimming below the boat 潜水员在船下游动的模糊身影朗文当代〔hidden〕a motionless, shadowy form draped in black, its face hidden一个一动不动的模糊人影, 身上一袭黑衣, 脸遮了起来外研社新世纪〔shadowy〕shadowy arms deals between governments 政府之间秘密的武器交易麦克米伦高阶〔shadowy〕a shadowy character 面目不清的可疑人物英汉大词典〔shadowy〕a shadowy figure 模糊的身影英汉大词典〔shadowy〕a shadowy figure.模煳的人影。牛津同义词〔shadowy〕a shadowy form 虚无飘渺的形式英汉大词典〔shadowy〕a shadowy group calling itself the People's Army.一个自称为“人民军队”的神秘组织柯林斯高阶〔shadowy〕a shadowy group calling itself the People's Army自称人民军的神秘团体外研社新世纪〔shadowy〕a shadowy lane 阴凉的小巷韦氏高阶〔shadowy〕a shadowy path through the woods.树林里幽暗的小径。牛津同义词〔shadowy〕a shadowy room 幽暗的房间朗文当代〔shadowy〕a broad, shadowy room.一间宽敞阴暗的房间柯林斯高阶〔shadowy〕a broad, shadowy room宽敞阴凉的房间外研社新世纪〔shadowy〕a tall, shadowy figure silhouetted against the pale wall.灰白的墙上映出一个高大而模糊的人影柯林斯高阶〔shadowy〕a tall, shadowy figure silhouetted against the pale wall灰白的墙上映出一个高大而模糊的人影外研社新世纪〔shadowy〕explore the shadowy field of psychic research 探索心理研究的未知领域英汉大词典〔shadowy〕lead a shadowy kind of existence 过着神出鬼没(或见不得人)的生活英汉大词典〔shadowy〕the shadowy depths of the forest 浓荫铺地的树林深处英汉大词典〔shadowy〕the shadowy figures who control international terrorist organizations 控制国际恐怖组织的神秘人物朗文当代〔shadowy〕the shadowy shape of a big barge loaded with logs.装满木材的巨大驳船的模糊轮廓柯林斯高阶〔shadowy〕the shadowy shape of a big barge loaded with logs装满圆木的巨大驳船的模糊轮廓外研社新世纪〔shadowy〕the shadowy world of spies.间谍的神秘世界柯林斯高阶〔shadowy〕the shadowy world of spies间谍的神秘世界外研社新世纪〔shadowy〕the shadowy world of terrorism 鲜为人知的恐怖主义世界牛津高阶




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