

单词 rock star
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAIL〕No one was surprised when he didn't make it as a rock star. 他没有成为摇滚乐歌星,没人感到吃惊。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕Many rock stars have pledged to support the campaign to save the rainforests. 许多摇滚明星正式表示支持这项运动拯救雨林。朗文写作活用〔addled〕He plays an addled, Kurt Cobain-like rock star.他饰演一个糊里糊涂、类似科特•柯本的摇滚明星。外研社新世纪〔antics〕But the rock star, whose stage antics used to include smashing guitars, is older and wiser now.这个摇滚歌星以前常耍诸如摔碎吉他之类的噱头,但是随着年龄增长,他现在变得理性多了。剑桥高阶〔assortment〕An unlikely assortment of rock stars and politicians attended the charity concert.平常很少一起出现的摇滚歌星和政界人士共同参加了慈善义演。剑桥高阶〔brainchild〕The record was the brainchild of rock star Bob Geldof.这张唱片是摇滚歌星鲍勃·格尔多夫的心血之作。柯林斯高阶〔brainchild〕The record was the brainchild of rock star Bob Geldof.这张唱片是摇滚歌星鲍勃•吉尔道夫的作品。外研社新世纪〔face〕Face it , kid. You're never going to be a rock star.面对现实吧,孩子,你永远也成不了摇滚歌星的。朗文当代〔flamboyance〕He wears flamboyant clothes more suited to a rock star than a literary figure.他总是身穿那些与他作家身份不搭、倒更适合摇滚明星的时髦招摇的衣服。柯林斯高阶〔gaze〕Rock stars are constantly exposed to the public gaze.摇滚明星无时无刻不暴露在公众的目光之下。牛津搭配〔illusionist〕The best rock stars are also great illusionists.最优秀的摇滚乐明星也是幻觉大师。外研社新世纪〔kid〕I thought he was kidding when he said he was going out with a rock star.他说他在与一位摇滚乐歌星谈恋爱,我还以为他在开玩笑呢。牛津高阶〔look〕All the men sport rock star looks.那些男人都故意显摆摇滚明星范儿。牛津搭配〔plague〕Rock stars have to get used to being plagued by autograph hunters.摇滚歌星必须习惯歌迷要求签名的纠缠。牛津高阶〔plaster〕He has posters of rock stars plastered all over the walls of his room.他房间的墙上贴满了摇滚歌星们的海报。麦克米伦高阶〔poster〕His walls are plastered with posters of rock stars.他的墙上贴满了摇滚歌星的海报。牛津搭配〔prance〕It's pathetic to see 50-year-old rock stars prancing around on stage as if they were still teenagers.看到50岁的摇滚歌星们还像十几岁的青少年一样在舞台上蹦蹦跳跳是很可悲的。剑桥高阶〔pushing〕Pushing 40, he was an ageing rock star.他年近40,是一个上了年纪的摇滚明星。柯林斯高阶〔rock star〕He's a rock star.他是一位摇滚歌星。外研社新世纪〔squalid〕It's the usual squalid rock star tale of drugs, sex, and overdoses.那是常见的摇滚歌星堕落的故事——吸毒、纵欲、过量服用麻醉品。剑桥高阶〔up〕I'm well up on 60s rock stars.我对60年代的摇滚乐明星了如指掌。麦克米伦高阶〔wed〕Rock star to wed top model(= in a newspaper headline).摇滚歌星与顶级名模结成伉俪。牛津高阶An unlike/motley assortment of rock stars and politicians attended the charity concert.摇滚歌星和政界人士不协调地相聚出席义演音乐会。剑桥国际Bruce Springsteen is an American rock star.布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷是一位著名的美国摇滚乐明星。剑桥国际Fragments of a guitar smashed by the late American rock star Jimi Hendrix have been auctioned for £29 700.被已故美国摇滚歌星吉米·亨德里克斯摔碎的吉它碎片以29 700英镑的价钱被拍卖。剑桥国际Her remarkable success as a rock star is partly due to her ability to manipulate the media.她作为摇滚歌星的辉煌成就部分归因于其利用传媒的能力。剑桥国际Hovering around the rock star are her minions, putting each blond curl and black eyelash in place.在摇滚乐歌星周围忙碌的是她的仆从,他们正在理齐金色卷发和黑色睫毛。剑桥国际It's pathetic to see fifty-year-old rock stars prancing around on stage as if they were still teenagers.看到50岁的摇滚明星们还像十来岁的人一样在舞台上蹦蹦跳跳是很可悲的。剑桥国际It's the usual squalid rock star tale of drugs, sex and overdoses.这是个常见的摇滚歌星堕落的故事,毒品,性和过量吸毒。剑桥国际The 16-year-old rock stars were received ecstatically by a crowd of waiting fans. 16 岁的摇滚明星们受到了等待着的歌迷的狂热欢迎。剑桥国际The airport was crawling with photographers waiting for the rock star.机场里挤满了等候这个摇滚明星的摄影记者。剑桥国际The record company fears its association with the discredited rock star might sully its image.唱片公司担心与那名声不好的摇滚歌星有来往会影响其形象。剑桥国际The venerable rock star received a special award today for his 20 years in the music business.那位摇滚老明星今天得到了一项特别的奖励,表彰他从事音乐工作20年。剑桥国际




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