

单词 retina
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HURT/INJURE〕Never look straight at the sun. Any damage to the retina could cause permanent blindness. 千万不可直视太阳,视网膜若受损伤可导致永久性失明。朗文写作活用〔emmetropia〕The condition of the normal eye when parallel rays are focused exactly on the retina and vision is perfect.屈光正常:当平行光线恰好聚焦于视网膜并形成清晰视觉时正常眼睛的状态美国传统〔fovea centralis〕A small depression near the center of the retina, constituting the area of most acute vision.中央凹:接近视网膜中心的小凹处,构成最敏感的视觉区美国传统〔hypertensive〕In hypertensive retinopathy damage is caused to the retina as a result of high blood pressure.在高血压性视网膜病中,视网膜的破坏是由高血压引起的。剑桥高阶〔operate〕He was operated on for detachment of the retina.他作了视网膜剥离手术。英汉大词典〔opsin〕A protein of the retina, especially the protein constituent of rhodopsin, that makes up one of the visual pigments.视蛋白:视蛋白,尤指由视黄醛蛋白组成的元素,它是组成视色素的元素之一美国传统〔optic nerve〕Either of the second pair of cranial nerves that arise from the retina and carry visual information to the thalamus and other parts of the brain.视神经:头颅神经的一束,起自视网膜,携带视觉信息到视丘和大脑的其它各部分美国传统〔optic vesicle〕An evagination on either side of the embryonic forebrain from which the optic nerve and retina develop.眼泡:脊椎动物胚胎前脑外的侧壁向外胀出的部分,从这里发育成视神经和视网膜美国传统〔porphyropsin〕A purple pigment similar to rhodopsin, found in the rods of the retinas of freshwater fishes and certain frogs.视紫(质):淡水鱼以及某些蛙类视网膜棒状细胞内的紫色素,与视紫红质相似美国传统〔project〕Images are projected onto the retina of the eye.影像被投射到眼睛的视网膜上。牛津高阶〔pupil〕The apparently black circular opening in the center of the iris of the eye, through which light passes to the retina.瞳孔:暴露于眼睛虹膜中央明显的黑色圆形,光线通过此孔才能达到视网膜美国传统〔refraction〕The ability of the eye to bend light so that an image is focused on the retina.眼睛的折射力:眼睛折射光线的能量,从而使物体形象集中于视网膜上美国传统〔retinal〕Of or relating to the retina of the eye.视网膜(上)的:视网膜(上)的或与其相关的美国传统〔retinitis〕Inflammation of the retina.视网膜炎症美国传统〔retinoblastoma〕A hereditary malignant tumor of the retina, transmitted as a dominant trait and occurring chiefly among infants.视网膜神经胶质瘤:视网膜的一种遗传性恶性瘤,作为一种显性特征遗传,主要发生在婴儿中美国传统〔retinopathy〕A pathological disorder of the retina.视网膜病美国传统〔rod〕Anatomy Any of various rod-shaped cells in the retina that respond to dim light.【解剖学】 视网膜:视网膜里的一种对昏暗的光线可作出反应的杆状细胞美国传统〔signal〕The brain interprets the signals from the retina as light.大脑把来自视网膜的信号解读为光。牛津搭配〔slip〕Your right retina has slipped.你右眼的视网膜剥离了。英汉大词典〔the (latest) thing〕Retina scanning is the latest thing.视网膜扫描是新近才有的。剑桥高阶〔vitreous humor〕The clear gelatinous substance that fills the eyeball between the retina and the lens.玻璃体:充满视网膜与晶体之间眼球的无色清晰透明胶状物质美国传统If a person is short-sighted, images are focused in front of their retina, and if a person is long-sighted, images are focused beyond their retina.人如果近视的话,图像就会聚焦在视网膜前方,如果远视的话,图像就会聚焦在视网膜之后。剑桥国际The optical system of the eye stimulates cells of the retina. 眼睛的视觉系统刺激视网膜内的细胞。译典通




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