

单词 raw vegetable
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COOK〕If you can't resist snacking between meals, eat something healthy such as fruit or raw vegetables. 如果两餐之间一定要吃点心,就吃些水果、生蔬菜等健康食品。朗文写作活用〔Greek salad〕A salad of lettuce and raw vegetables, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions, garnished with olives and feta and dressed with olive oil and vinegar.希腊色拉:以莴苣及生菜组成的色拉,例如小黄瓜、蕃茄及洋葱,以橄榄及羊奶酪装饰并以橄榄油及醋调味美国传统〔LIKE〕Raw vegetables and nuts have always been a favourite with health-food freaks. 生的蔬菜和坚果一向受健康食品迷的青睐。朗文写作活用〔chef's salad〕A tossed green salad that usually includes raw vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, and julienne strips of cheese and meat.特大色拉:一种搅拌的蔬菜色拉,通常包括生蔬菜、煮鸡蛋、干酪丝和肉丝美国传统〔crudités〕Cut raw vegetables, such as carrot sticks and pepper strips, served often with a dip as an appetizer.蔬菜色拉:用切碎的生蔬菜,如胡萝卜条和辣椒丝,通常与沙司搅拌,来作为开胃小吃食用美国传统〔dip〕A savory creamy mixture into which crackers, raw vegetables, or other foods may be dipped.浇汁:一种液态调味汁,饼干、蔬菜或其它食物可蘸之美国传统〔rabbit food〕Raw vegetables, especially those eaten in salads.生菜:生的蔬菜,尤指在色拉中食用的美国传统〔salad〕A dish consisting of green, leafy raw vegetables, often with radish, cucumber, or tomato, served with a dressing.沙拉:由绿色有叶生菜制成的一道菜,常加有萝卜、黄瓜或西红柿,并加调味品食用美国传统〔strip〕Serve dish with strips of fresh raw vegetables.用新鲜的生蔬菜条作配菜。柯林斯高阶〔vegetable〕Raw vegetables contain more potassium than cooked ones.生的蔬菜中所含的钾元素比做熟后的要多。剑桥高阶Raw vegetables contain more potassium than cooked ones.生蔬菜比烹制过的蔬菜含有更多的钾元素。剑桥国际Improvements in nutrition have been mostly to do with persuading people to eat less fatty food and more raw vegetables.营养改良主要是劝说人们少吃些含脂肪的食物,多吃些生蔬菜。剑桥国际




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