

单词 pursue
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔accord〕pursue economic policies in accord with the national interest 根据国家利益执行经济政策英汉大词典〔art〕pursue the baker's art 当面包师傅英汉大词典〔detente〕their desire to pursue a policy of detente.他们寻求缓和两国关系的政策的愿望柯林斯高阶〔draft〕a candidate who did not pursue the nomination, but accepted a draft by the party convention.一位不谋求提名,但接受党的会议征召的候选人美国传统〔dream〕pursue (realize) one's dream of becoming a singer 追求(实现)当歌唱家的理想英汉大词典〔industrial action〕the freedom of trade unions to pursue industrial action工会采取劳工行动的自由外研社新世纪〔liberate〕women's freedom to pursue careers liberated from childcare 妇女从抚育孩子的事务中解放出来去追求事业的自由朗文当代〔mean〕pursue a mean course 走中间道路英汉大词典〔pursue〕pursue a hobby 从事业余爱好韦氏高阶〔pursue〕pursue a plan 实行一项计划英汉大词典〔pursue〕pursue a policy of peace 奉行和平政策英汉大词典〔pursue〕pursue a topic 继续讨论一个题目英汉大词典〔pursue〕pursue after a runaway 追赶一名逃犯英汉大词典〔pursue〕pursue lofty political goals.追求崇高的政治目标美国传统〔pursue〕pursue one's studies 从事研究英汉大词典〔pursue〕pursue regular morning exercises 定时做早操英汉大词典〔pursue〕a campaign promise to pursue policies that will help the poor 贯彻帮助穷人的政策的竞选承诺朗文当代〔pursue〕companies that pursue the traditional goal of profits 照例追求利润的公司朗文当代〔pursue〕organizations which use criminal tactics to pursue their objectives利用犯罪手段实现目标的组织外研社新世纪〔pursue〕the freedom to pursue her own interests 做她自己感兴趣之事的自由牛津搭配〔pursue〕to pursue a goal/an aim/an objective 追求目标;贯彻宗旨;实现目标牛津高阶〔pursue〕to pursue after an escaped prisoner追赶一名越狱逃犯21世纪英汉〔pursue〕to pursue legal action 进行诉讼牛津高阶〔require〕a career that requires many sacrifices of those who pursue it需要从事者作出许多牺牲的一份职业外研社新世纪〔scheme〕pursue a development scheme 实施一项发展计划英汉大词典〔study〕pursue one's studies 求学英汉大词典〔warmly〕warmly pursue the enemy 穷追敌人英汉大词典




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