

单词 right and wrong
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BASIC〕Raising your child to tell the difference between right and wrong is one of the fundamental tasks of parenthood. 培养孩子懂得分辨是非是父母的基本任务之一。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕They're only children, but they do know the difference between right and wrong. 他们只是孩子,但是他们也知道是非之分。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕Parents need to teach their children the difference between right and wrong. 父母要教育子女学会明辨是非。朗文写作活用〔amoral〕Lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong.无从区分是非的:缺乏道德感的;无所谓对错的美国传统〔apprehend〕These are the rights and wrongs of the case, as I apprehend them.在我看来,事情的是非曲直就是如此。英汉大词典〔bat〕We batted a cardinal question of right and wrong.我们详细讨论了一个大是大非的问题。21世纪英汉〔belief〕I think the rights and wrongs of eating meat are a matter of personal belief.我认为食肉是对还是错是个人信仰问题。牛津搭配〔casuistry〕The determination of right and wrong in questions of conduct or conscience by the application of general principles of ethics.判断是非:使用伦理学的基本原理判断行为或良心的是与非美国传统〔concept〕They have no concept of right and wrong.他们完全没有对错的概念。外研社新世纪〔did right〕He's old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. = He's old enough to know right from wrong.他已经长大,能够辨明是非了。韦氏高阶〔differentiate between〕We must differentiate between right and wrong.我们必须分清是非。21世纪英汉〔discern〕He can discern between right and wrong.他能分清是非。21世纪英汉〔dispute〕We disputed the rights and wrongs of the affair.我们辩论这件事的是与非。牛津同义词〔distinguish〕His attorney argued that Cope could not distinguish between right and wrong.他的辩护律师辩称科普无法分辨是非。朗文当代〔distinguish〕I can distinguish between right and wrong.我能明辨是非。英汉大词典〔draw a/the line〕It is sometimes hard to draw a line between right and wrong.有时候很难分清是非对错。韦氏高阶〔falsehood〕Most people believe in right and wrong, truth and falsehood.大多数人相信有是非曲直。朗文当代〔heart〕The distinction between right and wrong lies at the heart of all questions of morality.是非之别是所有道德问题的核心。牛津搭配〔heart〕The distinction between right and wrong lies at the heart of all questions of morality.是非界限是所有道德问题的核心。牛津高阶〔instinct〕Children do not know by instinct the difference between right and wrong.儿童并非生来就会分辨是非。牛津高阶〔intuitive〕Her perception of right and wrong seemed almost intuitive.她对于是非的理解力几乎带有直觉的性质。英汉大词典〔intuitive〕Most people have an intuitive sense of right and wrong.大多数人具有基于直觉的是非感。剑桥高阶〔judge〕You should be able to judge between right and wrong.你应当能够判断是非。21世纪英汉〔once upon a time〕Once upon a time people knew the difference between right and wrong, but nowadays nobody seems to care.从前,人们还知道是非曲直,可是如今似乎没人在乎这些了。剑桥高阶〔right〕I don't want to spend ages discussing the rights and wrongs of all this.我不想浪费时间来讨论这一切的是与非。朗文当代〔right〕She doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong.她不能明辨是非。牛津高阶〔right〕Some kids don't seem to know the difference between right and wrong .有些孩子好像不能分辨是非。朗文当代〔right〕We sat discussing the rights and wrongs of the prison system.我们坐下来讨论监狱体制的利弊。牛津搭配〔right〕We'll worry about the rights and wrongs of the situation in the morning.我们会为明天早晨局势的好坏而担忧。麦克米伦高阶〔right〕What are the rights and wrongs of the case? 案件的是非曲直真实情况如何?英汉大词典〔right〕Your conscience should tell you the difference between right and wrong.凭你的良知应该能够分清是非。剑桥高阶〔sublimely〕He displayed a sublime indifference to the distinction between right and wrong.他对是非之间的差别根本就无动于衷。柯林斯高阶〔teach〕No one ever taught him the difference between right and wrong.从未有人教过他分辨是非。朗文当代〔teach〕Someone needs to teach her right and wrong.需要有人让她懂得正确与错误。韦氏高阶〔the rights and wrongs〕I don't care about the rights and wrongs of the matter - I just want you both to stop arguing.我不关心在这件事上孰是孰非——我只是想让你们两个都不要再吵了。剑桥高阶〔them〕Kids these days have no one to tell them what's right and wrong.如今的孩子没人告诉他们什么是对什么是错。柯林斯高阶〔wrong〕Any good parent feels strongly about right and wrong.称职的父母都有强烈的是非感。外研社新世纪〔wrong〕Children must be taught the difference between right and wrong.必须教儿童分清是非。牛津高阶〔wrong〕He has no sense of right and wrong.他没有什么是非感。剑桥高阶〔wrong〕Small children do not know the difference between right and wrong.小孩子还不能明辨是非。麦克米伦高阶〔wrong〕There were disagreements over the rights and wrongs of sex education.对性教育的对与错存在分歧。麦克米伦高阶〔wrong〕Whatever the rights and wrongs of the situation, there's not a lot we can do.不管这一情况的是非曲直如何,我们所能够做的并不多。牛津搭配Her work is guided by an intensely felt sense of right and wrong.她做事时有强烈的是非感。剑桥国际I am determined to find out the rights and wrongs of this matter. 我决心查明这件事的真相。译典通I don't care about the rights and wrongs of the matter (= who is right or wrong) -- I just want you both to stop arguing.我不关心谁对谁错----我只是想让你们停止争吵。剑桥国际It is certainly important to distinguish between right and wrong. 明辨是非当然要紧。译典通It's important for children to have an inbred sense of right and wrong.儿童具有确定不移的是非观是十分重要的。剑桥国际Most people have an intuitive sense of right and wrong.大多数人有基于直觉的是非感。剑桥国际Some people have a very clear idea about what is right and wrong.有些人有很明确的是非概念。剑桥国际They discussed the rights and wrongs of (= the moral arguments for and against) abortion.他们讨论了堕胎的是非曲直。剑桥国际




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