

单词 resembling
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Cretaceous〕cretaceous Of, containing, or resembling chalk. cretaceous 白垩的:白垩的、含白垩的或似白垩的美国传统〔closely〕a pattern closely resembling a cross一个非常像十字架的图案外研社新世纪〔pyrotechnic〕pyrotechnic Resembling fireworks; brilliant: pyrotechnic 辉煌灿烂的,天花乱坠的:美国传统〔resemble〕a fight for something resembling justice 为公正之类的事业而奋斗牛津搭配〔snuffer〕snuffers An instrument resembling a pair of shears that is used for cutting the snuff from or for extinguishing candles. snuffers 烛花剪刀:一种用来剪烛花或熄灭蜡烛的,类似于一把剪刀的器具美国传统〔stigma〕stigmata Marks or sores corresponding to and resembling the crucifixion wounds of Jesus, sometimes occurring during religious ecstasy or hysteria. stigmata 圣伤痕:与耶稣钉在十字架上的伤痕位置一致或相象的伤疤或伤痕,有时在宗教狂热或歇斯底里出现美国传统〔triangle〕a large region resembling an inverted triangle 近似一个倒三角形的大区域牛津搭配




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