

单词 research work
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔animal rights〕His research work was attacked by animal rights activists.他的研究受到了动物权益维护者的抨击。牛津高阶〔culminate〕The intense research work extending over ten years was culminated.十年之久的紧张研究工作就此告终。21世纪英汉〔encourage〕Her head of department encouraged her in her research work.部门主管鼓励了她的研究工作。牛津搭配〔immaculately〕It is difficult to praise this immaculately researched work too highly.这项研究工作毫无瑕疵,怎样称赞都不过分。柯林斯高阶〔interview〕I wanted to interview him for the Monitor about his research work.我要代表《箴言报》采访他,了解有关他研究工作的情况。英汉大词典〔jeopardize〕Cuts in funding could jeopardize this vital research work.资金的削减可能危及这一至关重要的研究工作。麦克米伦高阶〔remit〕We decided to remit our research work till next year.我们决定将研究工作推迟到明年进行。21世纪英汉〔revolve〕His life revolves around his research work.他的研究工作是他生活的中心。21世纪英汉〔self-discipline〕You need a lot of self-discipline when you're doing research work on your own.你独立做研究工作的时候,需要高度的自我约束力。剑桥高阶Some pioneering research work was done on this subject in the 1950s.这一课题的开创性研究工作是在20世纪50年代做的。剑桥国际You need a lot of self-discipline when you're doing research work on your own.当你独立做研究工作的时候,需要高度的自我约束力。剑桥国际




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