

单词 publish
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOOKS〕During his illness, David kept a diary, which his family hopes to publish. 戴维在患病期间一直记日记,他的家人希望能将它出版。朗文写作活用〔BOOKS〕King has made history by publishing a novel on the World Wide Web. 金在互联网上出版了一本小说,开创了历史先河。朗文写作活用〔CAUSE〕By publishing the book they were guilty of incitement to racial hatred. 他们因出版这本鼓动种族仇恨的书而触犯法律。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕A facsimile of the 1896 book was published in February. 这本1896年版图书的摹本于2月出版。朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕As an unknown author, it isn't easy to get your work published. 一个不出名的作者要出版作品很不容易。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕Fresh evidence has come to light since the report was published. 报道刊登后,出现了新的证据。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕The government is taking out an injunction against the newspaper to try to stop it publishing a secret report. 政府在向法院申请禁制令,试图阻止这家报纸刊登一份机密报告。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕Longman has published a deluxe, leather-bound edition of Johnson's Dictionary. 朗文公司出版了皮面装帧的《约翰逊辞典》豪华版。朗文写作活用〔INSTRUCTIONS〕New guidelines on how to move dangerous chemicals by road have just been published. 公路运输危险化学品的新规定刚刚颁布。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕I wanted to find out more about careers in publishing. 我想对出版业多作了解。朗文写作活用〔Lib Dem〕Three published polls all revealed the Lib Dems gaining ground at the Tories' expense.3个已公布的民意调查均显示自由民主党正在夺取保守党的阵地。柯林斯高阶〔NUMBER〕Government figures published today show that unemployment is rising again. 政府今天公布的数据显示,失业人数又在上升。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕He's very proud that his work has finally been published. 自己的作品终于出版,他很自豪。朗文写作活用〔SPOIL〕The committee's final report, just published, pours cold water on government proposals for helping the unemployed. 委员会刚刚发表的年终报告,给政府对援助失业者的提议泼了一盆冷水。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕Berne has published a review of studies on sex education programs in public schools. 伯恩发表了一篇关于公立学校性教育计划研究的报告。朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕Sagan published a book relating to the subject matter in his TV show. 萨根出版了一本和他的电视节目内容有关的书。朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕The first book on the subject was published in 1900. 第一本关于这个话题的书出版于1900年。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕His book was published not long after he died. 他去世后不久,他的书就出版了。朗文写作活用〔accuse〕The professor stands accused of (=has been accused of) stealing his student's ideas and publishing them.那位教授被指责剽窃学生的观点拿去发表。朗文当代〔advisory〕When they published the interview they prefaced it with an advisory note that some of the language used might be offensive.他们发表访问记时在篇头加了警告性的按语,说是其中所用的某些词句可能过于粗俗。英汉大词典〔aim〕This keen cook is collecting recipes with the aim of one day publishing them.这个热衷厨艺的厨师正在搜集菜谱, 想着有朝一日能够出版。外研社新世纪〔alphabetical〕The names are published in alphabetical order.姓名按照字母顺序公布。剑桥高阶〔anecdotist〕One who tells, collects, or publishes anecdotes.讲述轶事趣闻者,收集轶事趣闻者,出版轶事趣闻者美国传统〔annals〕It was published in the 'Annals of Internal Medicine'.它发表在《内科医学年鉴》上。柯林斯高阶〔annotate〕It will be published with annotations and an index.这本书出版时将附有注释和索引。牛津高阶〔annual〕A periodical published yearly; a yearbook.年刊;年鉴:每年出版一次的期刊;年刊美国传统〔anthologize〕To compile or publish an anthology.编纂选集,出版选集美国传统〔appoint〕He's just been appointed (as) director of the publishing division.他刚刚被任命为出版科科长。剑桥高阶〔association〕Published in association with the Council for the Protection of Rural England, the book provides refreshing solutions to the long-term problem of water conservation.这本书与英格兰乡村保护委员会合作出版,就节约水资源这个长期问题提供了全新的解决方法。柯林斯高阶〔author〕Her ambition was to become a published author.她的理想是写作并发表。牛津搭配〔banns〕The banns were published in their local parish church.他们的结婚公告发布在当地教区教堂里。剑桥高阶〔beat a dead horse〕He keeps trying to get it published but I think he's beating a dead horse.他一个劲儿地想将其出版,但我认为他在白费力气。剑桥高阶〔best〕To the best of my knowledge, no similar book has been published.据我所知,没有出版过类似的书。麦克米伦高阶〔betray〕They felt their assistant had betrayed their trust in publishing his diaries.在出版他的日记这件事上,他们感到助手辜负了他们的信任。麦克米伦高阶〔bid〕Three publishing houses bid on the book.有3家出版社出价购买这部书的版权。英汉大词典〔build (sb/sth) up〕It took her ten years to build up her publishing business.她花了10年时间将她的出版事业发展壮大。剑桥高阶〔build on〕I've built all my hopes on this dictionary being published.我寄一切希望于这部词典的出版上了。21世纪英汉〔bulletin〕The company publishes a weekly bulletin for its employees.这家公司每周为员工出一期简报。剑桥高阶〔catapult〕He catapulted to fame after his first book was published.他在出版了第一本书后一举成名。韦氏高阶〔cater〕They published several magazines,some that caters to young people, others to the aged.他们发行几种杂志,有些是迎合年轻人的,有些是迎合老年人的。21世纪英汉〔cerebral〕Washington struck me as a precarious place from which to publish such a cerebral newspaper.我的感觉是,在华盛顿出版这样一份理性的报纸不是太靠谱。柯林斯高阶〔clash〕Morgan clashed with editors over whether to publish the story.摩根和编辑们就是否发表这篇报道吵起来了。麦克米伦高阶〔climb down〕Even after these facts were published, he was unwilling to climb down.即使在这些事实被公布于众之后, 他也不愿意认错。外研社新世纪〔collected〕His collected poems have just been published.他的诗歌集刚刚出版。外研社新世纪〔companion〕A cookery book will be published as a companion volume to his television series.一本与他的电视系列节目配套的烹饪手册即将出版。麦克米伦高阶〔consent〕They can't publish your name without your consent.未经你的同意他们不能公布你的名字。剑桥高阶〔consultation〕The Government proposed a common retirement age of 63 in a consultation paper published yesterday.政府在昨天公布的征求意见稿中提出,一般退休年龄为63岁。柯林斯高阶〔cost〕This book is of such importance that it must be published at any cost.这本书非常重要,无论如何也要出版。柯林斯高阶〔curiosity〕Reed International is a curiosity in the international world of publishing.里德国际公司是国际出版界的一朵奇葩。柯林斯高阶〔definitive〕The definitive version of the text is ready to be published.正式的文本很快就要发表了。牛津高阶〔digest〕Abbr. dig.A collection of previously published material, such as articles, essays, or reports, usually in edited or condensed form.缩写 dig.摘要:将已发表的材料,例如文章、散文或报告编辑或压缩后汇集起来美国传统〔dirt〕They will publish any dirt they can find on their political opponents.他们将公布所有能够收集到的关于他们政治对手的丑闻。麦克米伦高阶〔down〕Mr Bennett, just down from Oxford, published his essay on cosmetics.刚从牛津大学毕业的贝内特先生发表了一篇关于化妆品的文章。英汉大词典〔draft〕I rewrote his rough draft, which was published under my name.我改写了他的草稿, 以我的名义发表了。外研社新世纪〔edition〕A limited edition of 2000 copies has been published.2000 册的限量版已发行。朗文当代〔emend〕The text is currently being emended and will be published shortly.文稿现在正在校订,不久即将付梓。剑桥高阶〔encompass〕Her published works on China encompass over half a dozen volumes.她写的有关中国的书已出版的有七八册之多。英汉大词典〔exclusive〕The newspaper published an exclusive about the escape.这家报纸刊登了有关这次逃跑事件的独家报道。剑桥高阶〔expurgated〕It was first published in 1914 in a highly expurgated version.它初版于1914年,当时删除了大量内容。柯林斯高阶〔eye〕Most novels are published with an eye to commercial success.大多数小说出版都指望获得商业上的成功。朗文当代〔fancy sb's chances〕I don't fancy his chances of getting his novel published.我认为他的小说获得出版的希望不大。剑桥高阶〔finding〕The findings of the commission will be published today.委员会的调查结果将于今天公布。牛津高阶〔fixture〕Next season's fixtures will be published early next month.下赛季的赛事日程将在下月初公布。剑桥高阶〔flushed〕He was flushed with success(= very excited and pleased)after his first novel was published.他的第一部小说发表以后,他志得意满。牛津高阶〔glamorous〕Working in publishing turned out to be less than glamorous.事实证明在出版界工作远不是件有趣的事。牛津搭配〔graft〕The newspaper published a series of articles exposing graft in the city government.报纸刊登了一系列文章,揭露市政府的贪污受贿行为。韦氏高阶〔handicapper〕Games One who predicts the winners in a horserace, especially one who publishes such predictions as a guide for bettors.【游戏】 赛马优胜预测者,尤指向赌博者公布这种预测以作指导的人美国传统〔hand〕After he left publishing, he turned his hand to law.他离开出版业后,改行从事法律工作。韦氏高阶〔healthy〕A healthy number of her poems were published in the magazine.她有许多首诗发表在这本杂志上。韦氏高阶〔high-powered〕I had a very high-powered senior job in publishing.我在出版界担任高层要职。柯林斯高阶〔hoo-ha〕One of the tabloids published the pictures and they caused a great hoo-ha.一家小报刊登了那些照片,引起了不小的轰动。剑桥高阶〔house organ〕A periodical published by a business organization for its employees or clients.商行内部刊物:由商业机构为其雇员或顾客出版的期刊美国传统〔hullabaloo〕There was a huge hullabaloo when the book was first published.那本书刚出版的时候引起了轰动。朗文当代〔hunt〕The hunt is on for potential employees with experience of electronic publishing.正在物色有电子出版经验的雇员。牛津搭配〔implication〕You need to consider the legal implications before you publish anything.发表任何作品之前都必须考虑可能带来的法律后果。牛津搭配〔independently〕An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.今天发表的一项独立民意测验表明民众对政府的不满正与日俱增。柯林斯高阶〔inspectorate〕The schools inspectorate has/have published a report on science teaching.督学团发表了关于科学教学的报告。牛津高阶〔interim〕The committee plans to publish an interim report by the end of July.委员会计划在七月底公布一份临时报告。外研社新世纪〔intimate to〕The reporter intimated to me that he would publish the story.这位记者向我暗示他将发表这篇文章。21世纪英汉〔intimate〕The magazine published intimate details of their affair.这本杂志刊登了他们暧昧关系的隐秘细节。麦克米伦高阶〔job〕When she left college, she got a job as an editor in a publishing company.大学毕业后她在一家出版公司当编辑。剑桥高阶〔journal〕All our results are published in scientific journals.我们的研究结果全都发表在科学刊物上了。柯林斯高阶〔journal〕The paper was published in an obscure medical journal.这篇论文发表在一份鲜为人知的医学期刊上。牛津搭配〔kite〕He published a kite for his project.他为自己的计划发表了一篇试探性文字。英汉大词典〔know the score〕You know the score - no payment till after the article is published.你了解情况——文章发表后才付稿酬。剑桥高阶〔level pegging〕An opinion poll published in May showed Mrs Yardley was level-pegging with Mr Simpson.5月份公布的一项民意调查显示,亚德利夫人与辛普森先生的支持率不相上下。柯林斯高阶〔mail bomb〕The newspaper was mail-bombed by angry readers after the article was published.文章发表后,这家报纸受到了愤怒读者的电邮轰炸。牛津高阶〔memoirs〕O'Connor published a childhood memoir.奥康纳出版了一部童年回忆录。牛津搭配〔memoir〕He died yesterday just three months after he published his memoirs.他在出版自己的回忆录仅3个月后于昨天去世了。麦克米伦高阶〔misunderstanding〕There has been some misunderstanding of our publishing aims.关于我们的出版目标存在着某些误解。外研社新世纪〔notice〕The request is published in notices in today's national newspapers.这一请求刊登在今天全国各大报纸的启事栏里。外研社新世纪〔notice〕The request is published in notices in today's national newspapers.这一请求刊登在今天全国各大报纸的启事栏里。柯林斯高阶〔obscurantist〕I think that a lot of poetry published today is obscurantist nonsense.我认为当今出版的很多诗歌都是故弄玄虚的无病呻吟。柯林斯高阶〔paper〕A formal written composition intended to be published, presented, or read aloud; a scholarly essay or treatise.学术论文:一篇写好的正式著作,为了出版、讲演或宣读;学术文章或论文美国传统〔permission〕The information was published with the full permission of Amnesty International.该消息的发布得到了大赦国际的完全许可。牛津搭配〔pirated〕A pirated edition of the book was published in August 1986.这本书的一个盗版版本在1986年8月出版。柯林斯高阶〔poetry〕She's published two books of lyric poetry and a novel.她出版了两本抒情诗集和一部小说。韦氏高阶〔pressroom〕The room in a printing or newspaper publishing establishment that contains the presses.印刷车间:印刷工厂或新闻出版大楼里放有印刷机的房间美国传统〔press〕Freedom of the press (= the right of newspapers to publish news and opinions without being controlled by the government) must be upheld.新闻自由必须得到捍卫。剑桥高阶〔print〕His brother ran a printing and publishing company.他哥哥经营了一家印刷出版公司。柯林斯高阶〔prior restraint〕Judicial prevention of a statement or other expression from being published.事前限制,预先制止令:司法上预先禁止公布某项陈述或表达意见美国传统〔profile〕A newspaper published profiles of the candidates' wives.一家报纸刊登了几位候选人夫人的简介。外研社新世纪〔profile〕A newspaper published profiles of the candidates' wives.一家报纸刊登了几位候选人夫人的简介。柯林斯高阶〔public〕Is it really in the public interest (= useful to people) to publish this information? 公布这一消息真的对大众有利吗?剑桥高阶〔public〕We have to show that publishing this story is in the public interest (=helpful or useful to ordinary people) .我们必须证明刊登这篇报道对公众是有益的。朗文当代〔publisher〕One that is engaged in publishing printed material.出版人:从事印刷品出版的人美国传统〔publishing〕He was hoping to get a job in publishing after college.他希望大学毕业后在出版界找一份工作。韦氏高阶〔publishing〕I had a very high-powered job in publishing.我曾在出版业担任要职。柯林斯高阶〔publishing〕She works in music publishing.她从事音乐出版。牛津搭配〔publishing〕The publishing world is extremely competitive.出版界竞争极其激烈。牛津搭配〔publishing〕Tony wants to get a job in publishing.托尼想找一份出版业的工作。朗文当代〔publish〕All of these magazines are published by one organization.所有这些杂志都是由一个组织出版的。麦克米伦高阶〔publish〕Don't publish other's faults.别四处评说他人的缺点。英汉大词典〔publish〕He has published two collections of poetry.他发表了两本诗集。外研社新世纪〔publish〕He has not published anything for a long time.他很长一段时间没有发表作品了。韦氏高阶〔publish〕He works for a company that publishes reference books.他在一家参考书出版公司工作。牛津高阶〔publish〕I don't encourage people to take photographs like this without permission, but by law we can publish.我不鼓励人们未经允许就拍摄这样的照片,但根据法律我们可以刊登。柯林斯高阶〔publish〕John Lennon published two books of humorous prose.约翰•列侬出版了两本幽默散文。外研社新世纪〔publish〕The company has published all of that author's works.这家公司已经出版了那位作者的全部著作。英汉大词典〔publish〕The demonstrators called on the government to publish a list of registered voters.示威者要求政府公布登记选民的名单。外研社新世纪〔publish〕The first edition was published in 2007.第一版于 2007 年发行。牛津高阶〔publish〕The magazine published an article satirizing the government.杂志刊登了一篇讽刺政府的文章。外研社新世纪〔publish〕The newspaper is published daily.这份报纸是日报。韦氏高阶〔publish〕The press should be free to publish and comment on all aspects of political and social life.新闻界应该有就社会政治生活方方面面进行出版和发表评论的自由。牛津搭配〔publish〕The results of the crime survey were published in June.犯罪调查的结果于6月公布。麦克米伦高阶〔publish〕They are publishing for the young author.他们正在为出版这位年轻作者的著作做准备。21世纪英汉〔publish〕They are publishing the dictionary on CD-ROM.他们将出版那本词典的光盘版。朗文当代〔publish〕University teachers must publish regularly to gain promotion.大学老师要获得晋升必须经常发表作品。朗文当代〔purpose〕Letters whose sole purpose is to make a political point will not be published.以宣扬政治观点为唯一目的的来信是不会被发表的。剑桥高阶〔quality newspaper〕Publishing a quality newspaper requires determination and hard work.出版高品质报纸需要决心和努力。外研社新世纪〔quarterly〕Reports are published quarterly.报告按季度公布。麦克米伦高阶〔quarterly〕The magazine will be published quarterly.这份杂志每季度出一期。剑桥高阶〔range〕The findings of a wide-ranging (= including many subjects) survey of young people's attitudes are published today.今天公布了年轻人对众多问题看法的调查结果。剑桥高阶〔redeploy〕Many newspapers redeployed reporters and editors overnight to publish special sections.多家报纸为发表专刊连夜重新调派记者和编辑。英汉大词典〔remark〕She published her observations on whales after 10 years of study.经过10年的研究之后,她发表了有关鲸的论述。韦氏高阶〔repudiate〕He published an article that repudiates the study's claims.他发表了一篇文章驳斥那项研究的结论。韦氏高阶〔return〕On her return to England, she published an account of her travels.她回到英国后出版了她的旅行见闻。麦克米伦高阶〔revision〕A major revision will be published in June.进行过大规模修订的版本将于6月份出版。麦克米伦高阶〔scheme〕She's come up with a hare-brained scheme for getting her novel published.她想出了一个让自己的小说得以发表的不靠谱计划。牛津搭配〔scoop〕Informal To top or outmaneuver (a competitor) in acquiring and publishing an important news story.【非正式用语】 抢先获得:抢在(对手)之前获得和发布重要新闻消息美国传统〔selection〕A selection of readers' comments are published below.下面选登了部份读者的意见。牛津高阶〔sell out〕Many stores sold out quickly when the book was first published.这本书首次发行时,大部分的书店很快就销售一空。韦氏高阶〔sensation〕The books have been a publishing sensation on both sides of the Atlantic.这些书在大西洋两岸的出版界都引起了轰动。剑桥高阶〔serial〕Published or produced in installments, as a novel or television drama.连续(载)的:分期出版或制作的,如小说或电视剧美国传统〔short story〕He published a collection of short stories.他出了本短篇小说集。柯林斯高阶〔slice〕Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market.小说在出版市场上占了很大的份额。柯林斯高阶〔source〕Candidates are required to publish the sources of their campaign funds.候选人须公布其竞选经费的来源。英汉大词典〔spectrum〕The Commercial Press published a wide spectrum of books.商务印书馆出版了一系列范围广泛的书籍。英汉大词典〔step〕The Prime Minister took the unprecedented step of publishing details of the conversation in the press.首相采取了前所未有的举动,把谈话细节公诸媒体。麦克米伦高阶〔such〕She has published her first sci-fi novel and hopes to write more such novels.她出版了她的第一部科幻小说,并且希望创作更多此类小说。韦氏高阶〔title〕Last year we published over a hundred new titles.去年我们出版了100多种新书。剑桥高阶〔title〕The company published 25 new titles last year.这家公司去年出版了25种新书。韦氏高阶〔toy〕Desktop publishing is probably the best executive toy ever invented.桌面出版系统在有史以来发明的行政人员的玩意儿当中可能是最棒的。牛津搭配〔trade edition〕An edition of a book published for distribution to the general public through booksellers.普通版:出版后通过图书销售商向一般大众发行的书籍版本美国传统〔universe〕New York City is the center of the publishing universe.纽约市是出版界的中心。韦氏高阶〔us〕A new study of education in the US has just been published.对美国教育的一项新研究刚刚发表。剑桥高阶〔vet〕During the war, the government vetted all news reports before they were published.战争期间,所有新闻报道在发表之前要接受政府的审查。剑桥高阶〔viewpoint〕The magazine likes to publish articles with alternative viewpoints.这家杂志喜欢刊登具有另类观点的文章。牛津搭配〔who's who〕The guest list reads like a who's who of the publishing industry.这份宾客名单读起来像是出版界的名人录。韦氏高阶〔wish〕She eventually went against her family's wishes and published her autobiography.最后,她违背家人的意愿,出版了自传。牛津搭配〔year end〕The year-end results will be published this week.本周将公布年终成绩。剑桥高阶A recently published report by a group of independents paints a grim picture of Europe's traffic.一份由一帮独立人士最近发表的报告描述了欧洲交通的糟糕情况。剑桥国际A recently published report suggests that national levels of literacy have plummeted.最近发表的一项报告指出,全民识字水平骤跌。剑桥国际All rights reserved (= nobody else can publish or copy this material).版权所有。牛津商务All the sordid details of the company's deception were published.这家公司所有卑鄙的欺诈行为被公布于众。剑桥国际An article about the dangers of the new drug has recently been published in the British Medical Journal.最近《英国医学报》上发表了一篇关于这种新毒品危害的文章。剑桥国际As far as the company's future is concerned, these recently published figures bode ill / do not bode well.就公司的未来而言,最近公布的数字为不良的预兆。剑桥国际Companies publish annual reports to inform the public about the previous year's activities.各公司发布年度报告告知公众其上一年的业务。剑桥国际Desktop publishing has made in-house ad services more affordable.桌面出版系统使机构内部广告服务更为便宜。牛津商务Electronic publishing is a growth area (= an area of activity that is increasing in size and developing quickly).电子出版物是一个发展很快的领域。剑桥国际He landed a lucrative billet with a publishing house. 他在一家出版社里谋到一个报酬很高的职位。译典通Her publishing career started as an editorial assistant on a women's magazine and it was on-ward and upward(=gradual successful development) from there.她是从一家妇女杂志社做编辑助理开始她的出版生涯的,后来一路往前,地位越来越高。剑桥国际Her new psychological thriller will be published next month.她那本新的心理惊险小说将在下个月出版。剑桥国际Only an expurgated version of the novel has been published so far (= the parts of it likely to cause offence have been removed).迄今为止这本小说只出版过一种洁本。剑桥国际Please send us your Polaroids and the best ones will be published.请你把一次成像照片寄给我们,我们挑最好的发表。剑桥国际Private publishing is big business--a rough estimate is that one book in ten is printed privately.私人出版的利润是很高的----据粗略统计,十分之一的书是由私人出版的。剑桥国际She published a history of the plagues which swept across Europe.她出版了一本记录几次席卷欧洲的瘟疫的书。剑桥国际She runs a graphic design and publishing company.她经营一家平面设计和出版公司。牛津商务The Government publishes figures every six months showing how many people are unemployed.政府每半年公布一次失业人数。剑桥国际The author had been an unknown until he published his recent book. 这位作家一直是个默默无闻的人,直到最近出版了他的一本书。译典通The books have been a publishing sensation on both sides of the Atlantic, and they have spent months on the best-seller lists.这些书引起了大西洋两岸出版界的轰动,它们在畅销书单上风光了几个月。剑桥国际The company has published a 29-page document outlining the proposed merger.这家公司公布了一份 29 页的文件,概述此次拟定的合并。牛津商务The company sold its publishing arm for an undisclosed sum.这家公司卖掉了其出版部门,价格未公开。牛津商务The encyclopedia is published in seven volumes at an introductory price of £100.这套百科全书分七卷出版,试销价格为100英镑。剑桥国际The epistolary writings between the two brothers were finally compiled into a published book. 两兄弟之间的书信来往最后被结集成书。译典通The findings of a wide-ranging (= including many subjects) survey of young people's attitudes are published today.一项涉及年轻人对许多话题态度的调查结果今天发表了。剑桥国际The government has published a survey of safety conditions in factories.政府公布了一项对工厂安全条件的调查。牛津商务The magazine published a short story written by a high school student. 这家杂志刊登了一个中学生所写的短篇小说。译典通The names of the winners of the competition will be published in June.这次竞赛的优胜者的名字将在6月份公布。剑桥国际The newspaper made a bold move / took a bold step by publishing the names of the men involved.报纸采取大胆的行动,将涉及到的人员名字都公布了出来。剑桥国际The newspapers are involved in a race (= are trying to be the first) to publish the story.各家报纸都争着要首先发表该消息。剑桥国际The report will be published on the Internet.报告将在互联网上公布。牛津商务The text is currently being emended and the second edition will be published as soon as this has been completed.这篇文稿现正在校订,完工后即可出第二版。剑桥国际They publish under several imprints.他们以几个出版商标识出版。牛津商务They published their conclusions in one fat volume of a report. 他们出版了厚厚的一叠报告来公布其结论。译典通They can't publish your name without your consent.未经你的同意,他们不能刊登你的名字。剑桥国际They have published a lot of new books on international issues. 他们已经出版了很多论述国际问题的新书。译典通This is another major publishing house to jump on the e-books bandwagon.这是另一家追潮流加入电子书籍行列的大出版社。牛津商务Today's desktop publishing systems offer a very good emulation of conventional printing methods.今天的桌面出版系统提供很好的传统印刷方法仿真技术。剑桥国际We can't publish the newsletter like this--it's full of misprints.我们不能出版像这样的新闻通讯,到处都是印刷错误。剑桥国际




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