

单词 babylonia
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Amorite〕A member of one of several ancient Semitic peoples primarily inhabiting Canaan, where they preceded the Israelites, and Babylonia.亚摩利人:在以色列人和巴比伦人之前原居住在迦南的几个古闪米特族人的成员美国传统〔Babylonian〕A native or inhabitant of Babylon or Babylonia.巴比伦人:巴比伦城或巴比伦王国的居民或本地人美国传统〔Babylonian〕Of or relating to Babylonia or Babylon or their people, culture, or language.巴比伦的:巴比伦王国或巴比伦城、巴比伦人、巴比伦文化、巴比伦语言的或与之相关的美国传统〔Babylonian〕The form of Akkadian used in Babylonia.用于巴比伦王国的阿卡德体制美国传统〔Chaldean〕A member of an ancient Semitic people who ruled in Babylonia.(古)巴比伦人:统治巴比伦的闪族人成员美国传统〔Dagan〕The Babylonian god of the earth.达甘:巴比伦神话中的大地之神美国传统〔Inanna〕The chief Sumerian goddess, associated with fertility, the natural world, and war, and later equated with the Babylonian Ishtar.依南那神:闪族的主要神祇,掌管有关土地的丰饶、自然世界、战争,之后并与巴比伦的伊斯塔(神话中的女神)视为同等美国传统〔Ishtar〕The ancient Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of love, fertility, and war.伊师塔:古代亚述和巴比伦的爱情,生育,和战争女神美国传统〔Marduk〕The chief Babylonian god.马杜克:巴比伦的主要神灵美国传统〔Nippur〕An ancient city of Babylonia on the Euphrates River southeast of Babylon. It was an important religious center in Sumerian times.尼普尔:位于幼发拉底河上巴比伦东南的巴比伦人的古城市,是苏美尔人时期的一个重要宗教中心美国传统〔Pyramus〕A Babylonian youth who committed suicide when he mistakenly thought his lover Thisbe was dead.皮拉摩斯:巴比伦王国的一个年轻人,当他错误地认为他的爱人提斯柏已经死了时而自杀了美国传统〔Sin〕The Babylonian god of the moon.辛:巴比伦的月神美国传统〔Tiamat〕The Babylonian goddess of ocean waters.提雅玛:巴比伦女海神美国传统〔comparison〕This theory cannot bear comparison with the Babylonian arithmetical schemes.这个理论无法与巴比伦算术体系相提并论。外研社新世纪〔oblivion〕Babylonian civilization has long since passed into oblivion.巴比伦文明早已湮没。英汉大词典〔question〕Babylonian sages who questioned the stars in their efforts to measure time 为度量时间而研究星星的巴比伦哲人英汉大词典




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