

单词 resisted
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCUSE〕The police officer said the defendant had resisted arrest. 警察说被告拒捕。朗文写作活用〔ATTRACT/ATTRACTION〕She thought of taking a day off work, but resisted the temptation. 她想休息一天不上班,但还是抵制了这个诱惑。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕The unions have resisted attempts to change the pay structure. 工会抵制了改变工资结构的企图。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕I knew that if I resisted, he would get even angrier. 我知道如果我反对的话,他会更加愤怒的。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Sheena resisted the urge to get in her car and go home. 希娜按捺住自己没有跳上车回家。朗文写作活用〔agonist〕Physiology A contracting muscle that is resisted or counteracted by another muscle, the antagonist.【生理学】 主动肌;主缩肌:被抵抗肌抵制或阻碍的收缩肌美国传统〔amorous〕She resisted his amorous advances .她拒绝了他的挑逗。朗文当代〔besiege〕The town had been besieged for two months but still resisted the aggressors.该城虽已被围困了两个月,但仍然把侵略者拒之城外。剑桥高阶〔blandishments〕At first Lewis resisted their blandishments.起初, 刘易斯并没有受他们花言巧语的诱惑。外研社新世纪〔blandishments〕At first Lewis resisted their blandishments.起初,刘易斯并没有听信他们的甜言蜜语。柯林斯高阶〔break〕They tried to break his will (= make him lose his control) but he resisted.他们企图使他失去自控,但他顶住了。剑桥高阶〔but〕They should have resisted but that they lacked courage.他们要是有勇气原本应该抵抗。英汉大词典〔call〕The government has resisted the calls of the international community.政府拒绝了国际社会的要求。牛津搭配〔confinement〕She strongly resisted confinement to the domestic sphere.她强烈反对被局限在家庭圈子里。英汉大词典〔cut-off〕The United States resisted an arms cut-off.美国拒绝切断武器供应。外研社新世纪〔cut-off〕The United States resisted an arms cutoff.美国拒绝停止武器供应。柯林斯高阶〔cutting〕I resisted a cutting retort and simply shook my head.我忍住了没有挖苦反驳, 只是摇了摇头。外研社新世纪〔dig〕I resisted the temptation to get in a sly dig at Fred .我忍住了没有转弯抹角地挖苦弗雷德。牛津搭配〔dilute〕Any dilution of standards must be resisted.任何降低标准的行为都必须加以抵制。朗文当代〔effort〕The wound resisted all my efforts to stop it from bleeding.我怎么都止不住伤口流血。牛津搭配〔effort〕With an effort of will he resisted the temptation.他凭自己的意志顶住了这一诱惑。牛津高阶〔encroach〕Any attempt to encroach upon presidential prerogatives in this domain was firmly resisted.任何试图挑战总统在这个领域特权的举动都被坚决制止。外研社新世纪〔encroach〕Any attempt to encroach upon presidential prerogatives in this domain was quickly and firmly resisted.任何试图挑战总统在这个领域的特权的举动都遭到了迅速而坚定的制止。柯林斯高阶〔entice〕She resisted attempts to entice her into politics.有人试图诱使她从政, 她不肯。外研社新世纪〔entreaty〕The FA has resisted all entreaties to pledge its support to the campaign.足协拒绝了一切希望它能承诺支持这次运动的请求。柯林斯高阶〔exchange〕Some resisted fiercely, others fled after a token exchange.有些人拼命抵抗,有些人则象征性地打了几枪就逃跑了。英汉大词典〔feel up to〕The more she was encouraged to make progress the more she resisted, saying that she did not feel 'up to it'.大家越鼓励她进步, 她越抵制, 说感觉自己“担当不起”。外研社新世纪〔impulse〕I resisted the impulse to laugh.我强忍着没有笑出来。牛津高阶〔impulse〕Wade resisted an impulse to smile.韦德强忍住想笑的冲动。柯林斯高阶〔integrate〕They have resisted efforts to integrate women into the military.他们已对致力于使女性参军的种种努力进行了抵制。韦氏高阶〔monadnock〕A mountain or rocky mass that has resisted erosion and stands isolated in an essentially level area.残丘:在基本水平地区单独存在的能抗腐蚀的山地或岩石美国传统〔organizabilities〕The capitalists resisted all efforts to organize.资方想尽一切办法阻止成立工会。21世纪英汉〔performance-related〕Teachers have resisted the idea of performance-related pay.教师们抗拒收入与成绩挂钩这一理念。剑桥高阶〔profession〕The legal profession has/have always resisted change.法律界向来抗拒变革。牛津高阶〔proud〕He was a fiercely proud man who resisted his friends' offers of help.他是个极度自尊的人,拒不接受朋友们提供的帮助。英汉大词典〔pull〕She resisted the pull to abandon her principles to make more money.她抵住了放弃原则来多挣钱的诱惑。韦氏高阶〔remold〕She resisted the efforts to remold her image.她试图抵制重塑她个人形象的种种努力。韦氏高阶〔resist〕At first they resisted the call for reform.起初,他们对改革的号召加以抵制。21世纪英汉〔resist〕Demonstrators violently resisted attempts to remove them from the building.企图把示威者赶出大楼,但遭到了顽强的抵抗。朗文当代〔resist〕For months the company has resisted changing its accounts system.几个月了,公司一直拒绝改变其会计制度。朗文当代〔resist〕He resisted pressure to resign.他顶住了要他辞职的压力。朗文当代〔resist〕He resisted the idea of quitting.他按捺下退出的想法。英汉大词典〔resist〕He has so far resisted pressure to resign.他到目前为止顶住了辞职的压力。牛津搭配〔resist〕He took hold of the shoe on the dead woman's foot. It resisted and came off with difficulty.他抓着女尸脚上的鞋子,可那鞋死紧死紧的,好不容易才被脱下。英汉大词典〔resist〕He tried to pin me down, but I resisted.他试图制伏我,但我奋力反抗。牛津高阶〔resist〕She resisted an urge to scream.她强忍着才没出声尖叫。英汉大词典〔resist〕She resisted the temptation to laugh.她忍住没有笑出声来。朗文当代〔resist〕The ANC had previously resisted calls for such a meeting.非洲人国民大会以前就反对召开这样一个会议。麦克米伦高阶〔resist〕The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.银行强烈反对降低利率。牛津高阶〔resist〕The judge resisted pressure to lengthen the sentence.法官顶住压力拒绝延长刑期。麦克米伦高阶〔resist〕The party leader resisted demands for his resignation.该党领导人拒不答应他辞职的要求。剑桥高阶〔resist〕The proposal was strongly resisted by the police.这个建议遭到警方的强烈反对。朗文当代〔resist〕The soldiers resisted (the enemy attacks) for two days.(面对敌人的进攻)士兵们抵抗了两天。剑桥高阶〔resist〕The window resisted all efforts to open it.这窗子怎么用劲也打不开。英汉大词典〔resist〕They resisted desperately and won the battle.他们拼命抵抗,终于打了胜仗。21世纪英汉〔resist〕They resisted our attempts to modernize the distribution of books.他们反对我们采用现代化方式发行图书。外研社新世纪〔resist〕They resisted our attempts to modernize the distribution of books.他们反对我们采用现代化方式发行图书。柯林斯高阶〔resist〕They successfully resisted pressure from their competitors to increase prices.他们成功地顶住了竞争对手提高价格的压力。牛津搭配〔resist〕When she had attempted to cut his nails he resisted.她试图给他剪指甲, 他不让。外研社新世纪〔resist〕When she had attempted to cut his nails he resisted.她试图给他剪指甲,他不让。柯林斯高阶〔same〕At first many schools resisted the reforms, but those same schools are now seeing the most improvement.起初许多学校抵制改革,但还是那些学校现在取得了最大的改进。麦克米伦高阶〔seduce〕The country had resisted the seductions of mass tourism.该国抵挡住了大兴旅游业的诱惑。柯林斯高阶〔solidity〕Their house, which was solidly built, resisted the main shock.他们的房子盖得十分坚固,经受住了主震。柯林斯高阶〔supplication〕The Labour government has to date resisted all supplications.到目前为止工党政府回绝了所有的请愿求情。柯林斯高阶〔supplication〕The Labour government has to date resisted all supplications.迄今为止, 工党政府回绝了所有的请求。外研社新世纪〔temptation〕As a young actress, she resisted the temptation to move to Hollywood.作为一名年轻的女演员,她抵制住了前往好莱坞的诱惑。剑桥高阶〔temptation〕I resisted the temptation to buy the shoes.我抵制住了诱惑,没有去买那双鞋。韦氏高阶〔urge〕She resisted the urge to kiss him.她强忍着想吻他的冲动。牛津搭配〔vocally〕Both these proposals were resisted by the developed countries, most vocally by the United States.这两项提议都遭到了发达国家的抵制,其中美国的意见最为强烈。柯林斯高阶〔wholesale〕McLeish has resisted public pressure wholesale.麦克利什完全抵制了公众的压力。麦克米伦高阶〔will〕With a great effort of will he resisted her pleas.他拼命忍住才没答应她的请求。牛津搭配Centralism is a political policy which would be unpopular and would be resisted at the local level.中央集权制将是一种不受欢迎的政策,而且还会遭到地方上的反对。剑桥国际He was a modest man, and strongly resisted any glorification of his many achievements.他是个谦逊的人,非常反感有人对他取得的诸多成就进行任何的吹捧。剑桥国际I resisted the urge to call my broker and instruct him to sell all my stocks.我忍住不去打电话给我的经纪人让他买掉我所有的股票。剑桥国际The Bank has resisted calls for a cut in interest rates. 英格兰银行未理会减息呼吁。牛津商务The couple resisted the media's blandishments to reveal their wedding date.这对新人抵制住了媒介的花言巧语,没有透露他们的结婚日期。剑桥国际The legal profession has/have always resisted change.法律界总是抵制变革。牛津商务The party leader resisted demands for his resignation.党派领导人拒绝了要他辞职的要求。剑桥国际The soldiers resisted (the enemy attacks) for two days.战士们抵抗了两天(敌人的进攻)。剑桥国际The town had been besieged for two months but still resisted the aggressors.该城虽已被围困了两个月,但仍抵抗着侵略者的攻击。剑桥国际They have strenuously resisted all attempts to investigate their financial affairs.他们强烈反对所有调查他们财务情况的企图。剑桥国际They tried to break his will (= make him lose his control) but he resisted.他们力图使他失去自控,但他顶住了。剑桥国际




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