

单词 sea of japan
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Honshu〕The largest island of Japan, in the central part of the country between the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean.本州岛:日本最大的岛,位于日本海与太平洋之间国土的中央部分美国传统〔Korea Strait〕A channel between southeast South Korea and southwest Japan. It connects the East China Sea with the Sea of Japan.朝鲜海峡:位于韩国东南部和日本西南部之间的一条海峡,它连接着东中国海和日本海美国传统〔La Pérouse Strait〕A channel of the western Pacific Ocean between Sakhalin Island and northern Hokkaido, Japan, connecting the Sea of Okhotsk with the Sea of Japan.拉佩鲁兹海峡:太平洋西部一海峡,位于库页岛与日本北海道北端之间,连接鄂霍次克海与日本海美国传统〔Okhotsk〕An arm of the northwest Pacific Ocean west of the Kamchatka Peninsula and Kuril Islands. It is connected with the Sea of Japan by narrow straits.鄂霍次克海:太平洋西北部的一个边缘海,在堪察加半岛和千岛群岛的西面,有窄小的海峡与日本海相通美国传统




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