

单词 purple
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-tinted〕Its large leaves often show a delicate purple tint.它的大叶子往往带点紫色。柯林斯高阶〔COLOUR〕I'm looking for a deeper shade of purple to paint the bedroom. 我在找一种更深的紫色来粉刷卧室。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕The Prince wore majestic robes of a rich purple hue. 王子穿着色彩浓重的华贵紫袍。朗文写作活用〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕Purple seems to be in this year. 紫色似乎是今年的流行色。朗文写作活用〔FAVOURITE〕My favourite colour is purple. 我最喜欢的颜色是紫色。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕The crystals dissolve in water to create a purple liquid. 结晶体在水中溶解,形成一种紫色的液体。朗文写作活用〔MARK〕I banged into the shelf so hard that I got an ugly purple bruise on my hip. 我在搁板上重重地撞了一下,臀部被撞出很大一块乌青块。朗文写作活用〔MARK〕I first noticed the purple blotches on my neck on Thursday. 我最早发觉自己脖上有紫斑是在星期四。朗文写作活用〔Purple Heart〕The wounded man was awarded a Purple Heart.这位伤员被授予了紫心勋章。外研社新世纪〔STICK OUT〕His cheeks bulged, and his face turned purple with rage. 他气得鼓起了脸颊,脸色铁青。朗文写作活用〔SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER〕Pink and purple don't usually go very well together. 粉红色和紫色一般很难配得好。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕Emma was wearing an absolutely hideous purple and orange dress. 埃玛穿着一条极难看的紫色和橙色相间的裙子。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕Jacob lay on the bed with his mouth open. His face was purple and grotesquely swollen. 雅各布张着嘴躺在床上,发紫的脸肿得很难看。朗文写作活用〔amaranth〕A dark red to purple azo dye.苋菜红:深红色到紫色的含氮染料美国传统〔amaranth〕Color A deep reddish purple to dark or grayish, purplish red.【色彩】 紫红色:深红紫色到暗紫红色或灰紫红色美国传统〔amethyst〕A purple or violet form of transparent quartz used as a gemstone.紫水晶:紫色或紫丁香色的透明石英,用作宝石美国传统〔amethyst〕A purple variety of corundum used as a gemstone.紫蓝色宝石:一种紫色刚玉,用作宝石美国传统〔amethyst〕Color A moderate purple to grayish reddish purple.【色彩】 紫色:从淡紫色到灰红紫色美国传统〔arrayed〕She was arrayed in purple velvet.她身着紫色天鹅绒礼服。剑桥高阶〔array〕Arrayed (= standing in a group) before him were 40 schoolchildren in purple and green.40名身穿紫绿两色校服的小学生列队站在他面前。剑桥高阶〔array〕She was arrayed in purple and fine linen.她穿着紫红色的漂亮衬衣。英汉大词典〔assai〕A beverage made from the fleshy purple fruit of one of these palms.巴西椰子饮料:用这些棕榈的一种紫色肉质果实做的饮料美国传统〔band〕Jane's hat was decorated with a band of purple ribbon.简的帽子上饰有一圈紫色缎带。外研社新世纪〔blackberry〕The fruit of these plants, usually black, purple, or deep red.黑莓果:这些植物的实,通常为黑色、紫色或深红色美国传统〔bloom〕The plant's purple blooms attract butterflies.这棵植物的紫色花朵招来了蝴蝶。韦氏高阶〔blotch〕Her face was covered in purple blotches.她的脸上满是紫色的斑点。剑桥高阶〔bruise〕He had a nasty purple bruise over his eye.他的眼睛上方有一块难看的紫色淤伤。麦克米伦高阶〔carnival〕The avenues lined with jacaranda trees burst into a carnival of purple.大街两旁种着蓝花楹, 绽放的花朵汇成一片紫色的海洋。外研社新世纪〔carnival〕The avenues lined with jacaranda trees burst into a carnival of purple.大街的两旁种着蓝花楹,绽放的花朵汇成一片紫色的海洋。柯林斯高阶〔characteristic〕A purple rash is one of the distinguishing characteristics of the disease.紫色皮疹是这种疾病的典型特征。麦克米伦高阶〔clothe〕The King was clothed in a purple gown.国王身穿紫袍。朗文当代〔colour〕I like rich jewel colours, such as purple, blue, and green.我喜欢浓重的宝石色,如紫色、蓝色和绿色。剑桥高阶〔combination〕The colour purple is a combination of red and blue.紫色是红蓝两色混合而产生的一种颜色。英汉大词典〔congestion〕His face went purple with the congestion of lauguage which couldn't get out.他心里有许多话却说不出来,急得满面通红。英汉大词典〔crocus〕Color A grayish to light reddish purple.【色彩】 藏红花色:一种从灰红紫色到淡红紫色的颜色美国传统〔decoration〕Sean had received numerous decorations, including the Purple Heart.肖恩获得过很多奖章,包括紫心勋章。牛津搭配〔different〕What do I think of your purple shoes? Well, they're certainly different.我觉得你那双紫色鞋子怎么样?当然很另类啦。剑桥高阶〔dye over〕A purple may be made by dyeing a blue over a red.红色染上蓝色便可成为紫色。21世纪英汉〔dye〕A purple may be made by dyeing a blue over a red.在红颜色上面染上蓝色就可得到紫色。英汉大词典〔ebullition〕The ebullition ceased, and the compound changed to a dark purple.沸腾停止了,化合物变成了深紫色。剑桥高阶〔ecchymosis〕The passage of blood from ruptured blood vessels into subcutaneous tissue, marked by a purple discoloration of the skin.淤血:血液从破损的血管中流入皮下组织,使皮肤呈现青紫色斑美国传统〔eggplant〕Color A blackish purple.【色彩】 茄紫色,黑紫色美国传统〔empurple〕To make or become purple.使变成或变为紫色美国传统〔fetching〕Beckham wore a fetching outfit in purple and green.贝克汉姆穿了一件抢眼的紫绿两色套装。柯林斯高阶〔fetching〕Clarissa wore a fetching outfit in purple and green.克拉丽莎穿了一套得体抢眼的紫绿两色套装。外研社新世纪〔formation〕Enormous cloud formations formed a purple mass.巨大的云层形成一大片紫色团状物。外研社新世纪〔formation〕Enormous cloud formations formed a purple mass.巨大的云层形成紫色云团。柯林斯高阶〔grape〕Color A dark violet to dark grayish purple.【色彩】 深紫色,深浅灰紫色美国传统〔grape〕The fleshy, smooth-skinned, purple, red, or green berry of a grape, eaten raw or dried as a raisin and widely used in winemaking.葡萄果:葡萄树所结的肉色的、表皮光滑的浆果,呈紫色、红色或绿色,可鲜食或制成果干,并广泛用于制酒美国传统〔have ... on〕She had a purple dress on with a silver-white necklace.她穿着一条紫色的连衣裙配着一条银白色的项链。21世纪英汉〔heather〕Color A grayish purple to purplish red.【色彩】 一种从灰紫到紫红色的颜色美国传统〔heliotrope〕Color A moderate, light, or brilliant violet to moderate or deep reddish purple.【色彩】 淡紫红色:轻淡、适度或明亮的紫罗兰色,适度或深红紫色美国传统〔identify〕His boots and purple beret identify him as commanding the Scottish Paratroops.他的长靴和紫色贝雷帽表明他统领着苏格兰伞兵部队。柯林斯高阶〔in〕Purple is the in colour this spring.紫色是今年春天的流行色。牛津高阶〔jumpsuit〕I was wearing a purple jumpsuit, high heeled shoes, and lots of make-up.我穿着紫色连身裤和高跟鞋, 还化了很浓的妆。外研社新世纪〔jumpsuit〕I was wearing a purple jumpsuit, high heeled shoes, and lots of makeup.我穿着紫色连衫裤和高跟鞋,脸上抹着厚厚的化妆品。柯林斯高阶〔know〕That flower in the garden, you know, the purple one, what is it? 花园里的那种花,你知道的,紫色的那种,它叫什么?朗文当代〔lace〕Thunder boomed and rolled across a purple sky laced with broad strokes of lightning.雷声滚滚, 一道道粗壮的闪电划过紫色的天空。外研社新世纪〔lavender〕Color A pale to light purple to very light or very pale violet.【色彩】 淡紫色:一种从浅白到亮紫再到非常亮或白的紫罗兰色美国传统〔lilac〕All shades of mauve, lilac, lavender and purple were fashionable.所有木槿紫、丁香紫、薰衣草紫和紫罗兰紫的色调都是很时尚的。外研社新世纪〔lilac〕All shades of mauve, lilac, lavender and purple were fashionable.深深浅浅的各种木槿色、丁香色、熏衣草色和紫色都是流行色。柯林斯高阶〔lilac〕Color A pale to light or moderate purple.【色彩】 浅紫色,亮紫色:浅紫色到亮紫色或中度紫色美国传统〔man〕Get the guy in the purple shirt.—All right, my man.抓住那个穿紫色衬衫的男人。——好的, 老兄。外研社新世纪〔mark〕A large purple scar marked his cheek.他的面颊上有一块大紫疤。牛津高阶〔martin〕Any of various swallows, such as the house martin or the purple martin.紫崖燕:如家燕、紫燕等几种燕子美国传统〔mauve〕A moderate grayish violet to moderate reddish purple.紫色:柔和的浅灰紫色到柔和的浅红紫色美国传统〔mention〕He used to go purple in the face at the very mention of my name.他过去一听人提到我的名字总是气得脸色发紫。英汉大词典〔mile〕Gary stood out a mile in his purple hat.加里戴着紫色的帽子非常显眼。麦克米伦高阶〔mix〕You can make purple by mixing the colors red and blue.将红色与蓝色混合就可以调出紫色。韦氏高阶〔moonless〕The dome of the moonless sky was purple, almost black.没有月亮的苍穹是紫色的, 紫得发黑。外研社新世纪〔net〕Her cheeks were netted with little purple veins.她的双颊布满细红的血丝。英汉大词典〔not to be outdone〕Pat was wearing an outrageous purple dress, so, not to be outdone, I put on my new gold suit.帕特穿了件前卫惹火的紫色连衣裙,我不甘示弱,穿上了那套新买的金色套装。剑桥高阶〔orchid〕Color A pale to light purple, from grayish to purplish pink to strong reddish purple.【色彩】 兰花色:由淡紫到深紫色,由略灰的紫色到深粉紫色甚至到红紫色美国传统〔pall〕A cover for a coffin, bier, or tomb, often made of black, purple, or white velvet.棺罩,柩衣,墓布:棺罩,柩衣,墓布,常由黑色、紫色或白色的丝绒制成美国传统〔patch〕The team has hit a purple patch, with nine wins from their last ten games.球队在过去 10 场比赛中赢了 9 场,到达了巅峰期。牛津搭配〔peeps〕Purple and yellow flowers peeped up between rocks.岩石间隐约可见紫色和黄色的花儿。柯林斯高阶〔peep〕Purple and yellow flowers peeped up between rocks.紫色和黄色的花在岩石间半隐半现。外研社新世纪〔perse〕Dark grayish blue or purple.暗蓝色的,暗紫色的:带灰色的暗蓝色或紫色美国传统〔petunia〕Color A moderate to dark purple.【色彩】 深紫红色:中度到深度的紫色美国传统〔pink〕Her room was decorated in bright pinks and purples.她的房间装饰成明亮的粉红色和紫色。朗文当代〔place〕Purple Sunset has been placed several times, though he has yet to win a race.“紫色日落”有好几次跑进前四, 但冠军一次都没拿过。外研社新世纪〔plum〕Color A dark purple to deep reddish purple.【色彩】 暗紫色的,深紫红色的:从暗紫到深色偏红的紫色美国传统〔pop〕He plucked a purple grape from the bunch and popped it in his mouth.他从葡萄串上摘下一颗紫葡萄,往嘴里一塞。柯林斯高阶〔porphyropsin〕A purple pigment similar to rhodopsin, found in the rods of the retinas of freshwater fishes and certain frogs.视紫(质):淡水鱼以及某些蛙类视网膜棒状细胞内的紫色素,与视紫红质相似美国传统〔portray〕The painting portrays the queen in a purple robe.在这幅画中,女王身着紫袍。韦氏高阶〔protect〕A purple headscarf protected her head against the wind.一条紫色头巾为她挡风。外研社新世纪〔protect〕A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind.一件薄薄的羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。柯林斯高阶〔puce〕A deep red to dark grayish purple.紫褐色:深红至暗紫褐色美国传统〔purple heart〕He dealt in purple hearts and amphetamines.他贩卖紫心片和苯丙胺。外研社新世纪〔purple patch〕She's enjoying a purple patch at the moment.此时她打得非常顺。外研社新世纪〔purple patch〕The team enjoyed a purple patch in the first half.球队上半场的运气不错。韦氏高阶〔purple prose〕Her writing was full of purple prose.她写出来的尽是些绚丽矫饰的散文。韦氏高阶〔purple〕Purple is my favourite colour.我最喜欢的颜色是紫色。剑桥高阶〔purple〕Purple was an expensive dye.紫色染料是一种非常贵的染料。外研社新世纪〔purple〕Color Of the color purple.【色彩】 紫红色的美国传统〔purple〕Despite occasional patches of purple prose, the book is mostly clear and incisive.这本书尽管偶尔有几段词藻华丽的文句,但总体来讲文风简洁明了。剑桥高阶〔purple〕He turned purple with rage.他气得脸色发紫。牛津搭配〔purple〕He was dressed in regal purple.他身着王室穿的紫色衣服。外研社新世纪〔purple〕His face turned purple with rage.他气得脸色发紫。朗文当代〔purple〕His face was purple with rage.他气得脸色发紫。牛津高阶〔purple〕His face was purple, and round his neck was a length of flex.他的脸色发紫, 脖子上缠着一段皮线。外研社新世纪〔purple〕In the last 10 minutes Tranmere struck a purple patch which culminated in their goal.最后10分钟,特兰米尔队时来运转,终于收获了进球。柯林斯高阶〔purple〕She was dressed in purple.她穿一身紫色衣裳。牛津高阶〔purple〕She wore purple and green silk.她穿着紫绿相间的绸缎衣服。柯林斯高阶〔purple〕She wore purple and green silk.她身着紫绿相间的丝绸衣服。外研社新世纪〔purple〕Steve's purple patch continued with a second victory on Tuesday.史蒂夫继续一帆风顺,周二获得了第二次胜利。朗文当代〔purple〕The purple had spread over half the sky.紫红色遍染半边天。外研社新世纪〔purple〕The Pope granted him the purple.教皇授予他红衣主教的身份。外研社新世纪〔purple〕The book contains a few purple passages.这本书里有几篇文章辞藻过于华丽。韦氏高阶〔purple〕The evening sky was full of purples and reds.傍晚的天空布满紫色和红色的云彩。剑桥高阶〔purple〕The setting sun purpled the clouds.夕阳把云彩映成紫色。21世纪英汉〔purple〕The sight of Lord Laetho's purple pennant brought tears of relief to his eyes.看到拉埃索勋爵的王室旗帜, 他眼中涌起了欣慰的泪水。外研社新世纪〔purple〕They were invested with the purple.他们被授予贵族头衔。外研社新世纪〔purple〕To make or become purple.(使)变成紫红色美国传统〔purplish〕Somewhat purple.有点发紫的美国传统〔recede〕The deep purple had begun to recede from his cheeks.深紫的血色开始从他双颊退去。英汉大词典〔robe〕The priest wore a purple robe.牧师穿了一件紫色长袍。韦氏高阶〔round〕This vine produces small round purple grapes.这棵葡萄藤结又小又圆的紫葡萄。外研社新世纪〔royal purple〕A moderate or strong violet to deep purple or dark reddish purple.深紫色:中等或深紫罗兰色与深紫或暗红紫色之间的颜色美国传统〔run〕Her red shirt ran and made my blue jeans look purple.她的红衬衫渗色,让我的蓝牛仔裤看上去发紫了。韦氏高阶〔scream〕Her face turned purple and she screamed with laughter.她的脸变成了酱紫色, 她放声大笑起来。外研社新世纪〔shade〕The lamps all had matching purple shades.这些灯都有与之相配的紫色灯罩。剑桥高阶〔sheet〕The bed was sheeted in purple silk.床上铺着紫色丝绸床单。外研社新世纪〔splash〕The walls were splashed with patches of blue and purple.墙壁上随意泼成了大块的蓝色和紫色。牛津高阶〔stain〕The children's fingers were stained purple with juice.孩子们的手指被果汁染成了紫色。牛津搭配〔streak〕The sky was streaked yellow and purple.天空布满黄色和紫色的条纹。朗文当代〔sumptuous〕A white cane sofa is sumptuously upholstered in gold taffeta and purple velvet.白藤沙发上配有金色塔夫绸和紫色天鹅绒制成的沙发垫,显得豪华而精致。柯林斯高阶〔tint〕The evening sky was deep pink, with tints of purple and red in it.傍晚的天空呈深粉红色,夹杂着淡淡的紫色和红色。剑桥高阶〔un-English〕The purple shutters on her house had a decidedly un-English look.她的房屋上面的紫色百叶窗肯定不像英国式的样子美国传统〔unbecoming〕She was wearing an unbecoming shade of purple.她穿着一身不相配的紫色衣服。牛津高阶〔wash〕The moors are washed with purple of the wild cranberries.沼泽地被野酸果染成一片紫色。英汉大词典Although it is colourless, quartz is often tinted by impurities and is found in a variety of colours, such as purple, brown, yellow and pink.尽管石英本身是无色的,但它常常被杂质染上颜色,所以被发现时常带有多种色彩,例如紫色,褐色,黄色和粉色。剑桥国际Angie has re-covered (= put new material on) the purple settee in the front room.安吉在前房中的紫色沙发上重铺了垫子。剑桥国际Arrayed (=Standing in a group) before him were 40 schoolchildren in purple and green.身穿紫绿二色衣服的40名小学生列队站在他面前。剑桥国际At the horizon, the hills shade off into a pale purple.地平线处的群山逐渐变成了淡紫色。剑桥国际Despite occasional patches of purple prose, the book is mostly clear and incisive.这本书尽管偶尔有几段辞藻华丽的文句,但总体来讲文风简洁明了。剑桥国际He used to write purple prose. 他过去常写绚丽矫饰的散文。译典通He was born in the purple. 他生于帝王之家。译典通He went purple in the face trying to lift the heavy weights.他试着举起那些重物时,脸涨得通红。剑桥国际Her face was covered in purple blotches.她脸上布满了紫红色的疹块。剑桥国际His face turned purple with rage. 他气得脸色发紫。译典通His military decorations included the Bronze Star and four awards of the Purple Heart.他的军人勋章包括一个铜星勋章和四个紫心勋章。剑桥国际His speech contained a lot of purple passages/patches.他的演讲中有许多辞藻华丽的段落/部分。剑桥国际I like rich jewel colours, such as purple, blue and green.我喜欢浓艳的宝石色,像紫色、蓝色和绿色。剑桥国际I noticed a dark purple bruise on her throat.我注意到她喉部有深紫色的瘀痕。剑桥国际Maples are particularly beautiful in the autumn when their leaves are red and purple.枫叶在秋季呈红色或紫色,此时的枫树特别漂亮。剑桥国际Pat was wearing an outrageous backless purple dress, so not to be outdone (= trying to be more extreme), I put on my new gold and black trouser suit.帕特穿了件新奇的无背紫红连衣裙,为了不落后,我穿上了新的金色与黑色相间的裤子套装。剑桥国际She was purple with rage.她气得脸色发红。剑桥国际She was dressed in purple. 她穿著紫色的衣服。译典通She wore a dress of dark purple.她穿了一件深紫色的连衣裙。剑桥国际The Grand Canyon is often tinged pink and purple (= made slightly pink and purple) by the early morning sun.清晨的太阳常常把大峡谷染成淡粉红色和淡紫色。剑桥国际The dancers are dressed in soft purples, light blues, and pastel greens.舞蹈演员们身穿淡紫、淡蓝和淡绿色服装。剑桥国际The dress is rather pink than purple.这衣服与其说是紫色的还不如说是粉红的。剑桥国际The early morning sun cast deep purple shadows.清晨的太阳投下了深紫色的影子。剑桥国际The evening sky was deep pink, with tints of purple and red in it.傍晚的天空是带着紫色和红色的深粉红色。剑桥国际The evening sky was full of purples and reds.夜空满是紫色和红色。剑桥国际The lamps all had matching purple shades.这些灯都有与之相配的紫色灯罩。剑桥国际The light was changing colour kaleidoscopically with the different pitch of the musical sounds, bright reds and yellows in the high register, deep purple in the low.灯光随着乐声的高低不同而千变万化,音高时是明亮的红色和黄色,音低时是深紫色。剑桥国际The queen's resplendent purple robes and crown were on display in the museum.女王华丽的紫袍与王冠在博物馆里展出。剑桥国际Their living-room is decorated with lurid purple wallpaper.他们的客厅贴着紫酱色的墙纸。剑桥国际They had painted the kitchen in bold colours--crimson, purple and blue.他们用艳丽的色彩漆刷了厨房----绯红色、紫红色和蓝色。剑桥国际Whatever made him buy that awful purple jacket.他竟然买了那件可怕的紫色茄克衫。剑桥国际When I asked him to pay me what he owed, he went purple with rage. 当我向他讨债时,他愤怒得脸色发紫。译典通




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