

单词 purity
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔crystalline〕water of crystalline purity 清澈纯净的水牛津高阶〔maculate〕maculate the purity of sb.'s nature 玷污某人纯洁的天性英汉大词典〔purity〕purity of language 语言的纯正文馨英汉〔purity〕purity of language 语言的纯正英汉大词典〔purity〕a classical purity of form 外形的古典纯粹牛津搭配〔purity〕air/water purity 空气/水的纯净剑桥高阶〔purity〕moral/religious/sexual purity 道德/宗教/两性关系上的纯洁韦氏高阶〔purity〕sexual purity 性的贞洁文馨英汉〔purity〕spiritual purity 灵魂的纯洁朗文当代〔purity〕spiritual purity 心灵纯洁牛津高阶〔purity〕the purity and innocence of children 孩子们的天真无邪剑桥高阶〔purity〕the purity of drinking water 饮用水的纯净文馨英汉〔purity〕the purity of drinking water 饮用水的纯净英汉大词典〔purity〕the purity of her voice 她嗓音的纯正剑桥高阶〔purity〕the purity of spring water 泉水的纯净麦克米伦高阶〔purity〕the purity of tapwater 自来水的纯净朗文当代〔purity〕the purity of the mountain air山里空气的洁净外研社新世纪〔purity〕the absolute purity of her love 她的爱的绝对纯洁牛津搭配〔purity〕the atrocities carried out in the name of ethnic/racial purity 以种族纯化的名义实施的暴行剑桥高阶〔purity〕the building's unadorned purity of style 建筑物的纯朴风格牛津搭配〔questionable〕milk of questionable purity 不怎么纯的牛奶英汉大词典〔standard〕an official government standard for the purity of silver 白银纯度的政府法定标准朗文当代〔virginal〕virginal purity 处女的纯洁文馨英汉




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