

单词 public office
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔back for〕We will back him for public office.我们将支持他担任公职。21世纪英汉〔debar〕He was debarred from holding public office.他被禁止担任公职。牛津高阶〔die on the vine〕Her plan to run for public office died on the vine.她竞选公职的计划夭折了。韦氏高阶〔direct primary〕A preliminary election in which a party's candidates for public office are nominated by direct vote of the people.直接预选:由选民直接投票提名作政府官员的政党候选人的预选美国传统〔dispute〕No one can dispute the fact that men still hold the majority of public offices.没人能质疑这一事实:男人仍占据着大多数公共职位。牛津搭配〔get/take it into your head〕I somehow got it into my head to run for public office.我突发奇想要去竞选公职。韦氏高阶〔hold〕She has never before held public office.她以前从未担任过公职。韦氏高阶〔incompatible〕Business interests are incompatible with public office.公职与商业利益是互不相容的。朗文当代〔insufficiency〕The insufficiency of this person for public office was obvious.此人的不适合担任公职是显然的。英汉大词典〔kingmaker〕One who has the political power to influence the selection of a candidate for high public office.左右政界候选人选举的人:具有影响高级公职候选人选举的政治力量的人美国传统〔malversation〕Misconduct in public office.腐败行为:公职人员的不良行为美国传统〔misprision〕Maladministration of public office.玩忽职守:在公共部门中的管理不善美国传统〔officeholder〕One who holds public office.公务员:一个有公职的人美国传统〔office〕I have no desire to seek public office.官职;公职麦克米伦高阶〔office〕She has held several public offices.她曾担任多个公职。韦氏高阶〔office〕She has never sought public office.她从未谋求过公职。牛津搭配〔party〕An established political group organized to promote and support its principles and candidates for public office.政党,党派:组建起来用以宣传和支持其原则以及帮助候选人竞选政治职务的政治团体美国传统〔plutocracy〕If only the wealthy can afford to run for public office, are we more a plutocracy than a democracy? 如果只有富人才有钱竞选公职,那么我们是否更像是一个财阀统治的国家而非民主国家?韦氏高阶〔post〕A position of employment, especially an appointed public office.职位,尤指任命的公务员职位美国传统〔press〕To shake hands and mingle with many people, especially while campaigning for public office.拥挤:握手并和许多人混在一起,尤指在竞选公职时美国传统〔public office〕People of their religion are barred from holding public office.信奉他们那种宗教的人被禁止担任政府公职。麦克米伦高阶〔public〕He is unlikely to hold public office (= have an important job in national or local government).他不太可能担任政府要职。剑桥高阶〔public〕She was elected to a public office.她当选为公职人员。韦氏高阶〔public〕We do not believe he is fit for public office (=a job in the government) .我们认为他不适合干公职。朗文当代〔spoils system〕The postelection practice of rewarding loyal supporters of the winning candidates and party with appointive public offices.政党分肥制:指将公职委派给获胜党忠实的支持者的制度美国传统〔stand〕Chiefly British To be a candidate for public office.【多用于英国】 充当候选人美国传统〔unfit〕Jenkins is unfit for public office.詹金斯不适合担任公职。朗文当代He is unlikely to hold public office (= have an important job in national or local government).他不可能担任公职。剑桥国际If you have been declared bankrupt you are debarred from holding certain public offices.如果你被宣布破产,你将无权担任公职。剑桥国际She was banned from holding public office.她被禁止担任公职。牛津商务The court case signalled the death of his hopes for public office.那件案子标志着他追求公职的希望破灭了。剑桥国际The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office. 公开他曾坐牢一事断送了他谋求在政府机构任职的机会。译典通




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