

单词 ravel
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔overcasting〕The act of sewing raw edges of material with long, overlying stitches to prevent raveling.包边缝纫:为防止散线而用长针脚在材料的毛边上缝纫美国传统〔overcast〕Sewn with long, overlying stitches in order to prevent raveling, as the raw edges of fabric.包边缝的,锁边的:为防止织物的毛边、散线而用长针脚在上面缝的美国传统〔pinking shears〕Shears with notched blades, used to finish edges of cloth with a zigzag cut for decoration or to prevent raveling or fraying.齿边布样剪刀:带齿边的剪刀,用来完成布边齿状装饰或防止脱线或松弛美国传统〔ravel out〕If you ravel out one end of the cloth, you can find the little threads of cotton which are woven together to make your frock.如果把布的一边拆散, 你就会看到一条条细小棉线, 就是它们织成了做连衣裙的布。外研社新世纪〔ravel out〕When the hem is worn the whole garment will ravel out.褶边磨损后, 整件衣服都会散掉。外研社新世纪〔ravel〕A raveling.拆开,松开美国传统〔ravel〕Hollywood writers take years to unravel and ravel and unravel and ravel and unravel the story.好莱坞剧本作者们经年累月将故事写得云山雾罩。外研社新世纪〔ravel〕I can not ravel this piece of string,it's all in knots.这条绳子打了好多结,我解不开。21世纪英汉〔ravel〕It can help to select sweaters made out of materials that won’t ravel.它有助于挑选出不打结材质的毛衣。外研社新世纪〔ravel〕It took Daisy a long time to ravel out all the wool.黛西花了很长时间才把所有的毛线解开。剑桥高阶〔ravel〕Our temporary difficulties will soon ravel out.我们的暂时困难将很快得到解决。21世纪英汉〔ravel〕The baby raveled the reel of thread up.婴儿将那团线弄得乱七八糟。21世纪英汉〔ravel〕The difficulty will soon ravel out.困难很快就能得到解决。英汉大词典〔ravel〕The end of the rope has raveled out and can not be reused.这条绳子的一端散开了,不能再用了。21世纪英汉〔ravel〕The fabric will ravel.这种织物会开线的。韦氏高阶〔ravel〕There is no need to ravel your whole project, just unknit the portion beyond the hole.没必要缠所有的东西, 只要解开洞以外的部分即可。外研社新世纪〔ravel〕This kind of carpet will never ravel.这种地毯永远不会开线。21世纪英汉〔ravel〕We have to ravel the matter out.我们必须把事情弄个水落石出。21世纪英汉〔ravel〕You had better ravel a bit of the left-over cloth to mend the tear in your trousers.你最好拆散一小块碎布头来织补你的裤子。21世纪英汉〔rove〕To stretch and twist (fibers) before spinning; ravel out.纺纱前把(纤维)拉直并拧曲;拆开线头美国传统〔selvage〕The edge of a fabric that is woven so that it will not fray or ravel.布边:用来防止磨损或者纤维散开的布料的织边美国传统〔unravel〕To undo or ravel the knitted fabric of.拆散或绕散…的纺织结构美国传统




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