

单词 rattle
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔clank〕the clank and rattle of human activity.人们活动时叮叮咣咣的声音柯林斯高阶〔clank〕the clank and rattle of human activity人们活动时叮叮咣咣的声音外研社新世纪〔clank〕the clank and rattle of the trams 有轨电车丁零当啷的响声牛津搭配〔dazzling〕a dazzling performance by Sir Simon Rattle and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra由伯明翰市管弦交响乐团和西蒙•拉特尔爵士带来的精彩演出外研社新世纪〔death rattle〕the death rattle of a dying industry 夕阳产业的垂死哀号韦氏高阶〔point〕the rattle of the wheels across the points.驶过道岔的车轮发出的哐啷哐啷声柯林斯高阶〔rattle around〕rattle around the house 在空荡荡的房子里生活韦氏高阶〔rattle〕rattle a speaker with catcalls 用嘘声烦扰演讲人 英汉大词典〔rattle〕rattle in one's throat 在喉间发呼噜声英汉大词典〔rattle〕rattle off four magnificent backhands 噼噼啪啪击出4下漂亮的反手球 英汉大词典〔rattle〕a rattle of milk bottles 牛奶瓶乒乒乓乓的碰击声 英汉大词典〔rattle〕a light rattle of small talk 一阵唧唧喳喳的闲聊声英汉大词典〔rattle〕the rattle of a machine-gun 机枪的哒哒声 英汉大词典〔rattle〕the rattle of chains 锁链的当啷声朗文当代〔rattle〕the rattle of gunfire 轰隆轰隆的炮火声牛津高阶〔rattle〕the rattle of machine guns 机关枪的嗒嗒声韦氏高阶〔rattle〕the faint rattle of distant gunfire 远处隐约的隆隆炮声朗文当代〔sabre〕rattle the (或 a, one's) sabre at a nation 用武力威胁一个国家英汉大词典




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