

单词 rats
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-infested〕The prison is infested with rats.监狱里老鼠猖獗。柯林斯高阶〔ALIVE〕The ship's crew eventually resorted to eating rats and even sawdust to stay alive. 船员们最后不得不靠吃老鼠乃至锯木屑活命。朗文写作活用〔CAUSE〕About half of the chemicals that were tested caused cancer in rats. 做试验的化学物中约半数使老鼠患上癌症。朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕For 27 years in the jungles of Guam, Yokoi survived on a diet of shrimp, coconuts, snails, frogs and rats. 在关岛的27年丛林生活中,横井靠吃虾、椰子、蜗牛、青蛙和老鼠为生。朗文写作活用〔RUN〕We used to hear rats and mice scrurrying around in the attic at night. 过去我们晚上常常听到大大小小的老鼠在阁楼上到处跑。朗文写作活用〔abound〕The ship abounds with rats.这条船上鼠多。21世纪英汉〔apart〕He lives entirely alone, apart from the rats, bats, and moths.他孑身独处,只有老鼠、蝙蝠和飞蛾同他作伴。英汉大词典〔bait〕We put down some poisoned bait to kill the rats.我们放了一些毒饵灭鼠。剑桥高阶〔bolt〕Terriers were used for bolting rats.㹴犬是用来惊起老鼠的。外研社新世纪〔burn〕We burnt the rats out of the hole.我们烧火把老鼠从洞中赶出。英汉大词典〔burrow〕Rats had burrowed into the bank of the river.老鼠在河岸上打了洞。剑桥高阶〔burrow〕The rats burrowed under the ground in the old cemetery.老鼠在旧公墓的地下打洞。外研社新世纪〔care〕They had many rats to take care of in cleaning up the storehouse.在仓库的大扫除中,有许多老鼠要他们去消灭。英汉大词典〔carry〕Rats carry very nasty diseases.老鼠传播非常严重的疾病。外研社新世纪〔catch〕Early settlers caught rabbits and squirrels and even rats in order to survive.早期移民为了生存,捕捉野兔、松鼠甚至老鼠吃。朗文当代〔chew away〕The rats have chewed away some of the furniture.老鼠啃坏了一些家具。21世纪英汉〔condition〕The rats had been conditioned to ring a bell when they wanted food.这些老鼠已经过训练,想吃食物时就会按铃。牛津高阶〔conjuration〕The fairy godmother changed four rats into four horses by conjuration.仙女教母用魔法把4只老鼠变成4匹马。英汉大词典〔destroy〕This poison can destroy rats.这种毒药可灭鼠。英汉大词典〔dissect〕In biology classes we used to dissect rats.生物课上我们曾经过解剖老鼠。剑桥高阶〔dissertation〕He wrote his Master's dissertation on rats.他的硕士论文写的是关于老鼠的问题。牛津搭配〔eat through〕Rats have eaten through the floor.老鼠把地板给咬穿了。外研社新世纪〔experimentation〕The scientists have experimented on the tiny neck arteries of rats.科学家们已经在老鼠细小的颈动脉上做了实验。柯林斯高阶〔experiment〕The scientists have experimented on the tiny neck arteries of rats.科学家已经在老鼠细小的颈动脉上做了实验。外研社新世纪〔exterminate〕A huge effort was made to exterminate the rats.人们下了很大的力气要消灭老鼠。外研社新世纪〔exterminate〕A huge effort was made to exterminate the rats.灭鼠花了大力气。柯林斯高阶〔exterminator〕One hundred million rats are killed each year by pest exterminators.每年灭鼠人员都会杀死1亿只老鼠。柯林斯高阶〔exterminator〕One hundred million rats are killed each year by pest exterminators.每年灭鼠公司要消灭掉一亿只老鼠。外研社新世纪〔ferret〕They ferreted the rats from under the barn.他们把藏在谷仓底下的老鼠赶了出来。外研社新世纪〔germ〕Rats and flies spread germs.老鼠和苍蝇传播病菌。剑桥高阶〔gestation〕The period of gestation of rats is 21 days.老鼠的妊娠期是21天。剑桥高阶〔gnaw at〕The rats was gnawing at the box.老鼠正在啮箱子。21世纪英汉〔gnaw away〕The rats gnawed away some of her furniture.老鼠咬坏了她的部分家具。21世纪英汉〔gnaw〕Rats gnawed a hole.老鼠咬了一个洞。英汉大词典〔gnaw〕Rats had gnawed through the cable 老鼠把电缆咬断了。牛津高阶〔hypothesis〕Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats.现在将开始在老鼠身上做实验以验证该假设。柯林斯高阶〔hypothesis〕Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats.现在将要开始在老鼠身上做实验以验证这个假说。外研社新世纪〔infested〕The prison is infested with rats.监狱里老鼠猖獗。外研社新世纪〔infest〕The barn was infested with rats.谷仓里到处都是老鼠。剑桥高阶〔injection〕The rats received a daily injection of the drug.这些老鼠每天注射一次这种药。牛津搭配〔keep〕The cats help to keep down the rats.猫有助于控制老鼠的数量。麦克米伦高阶〔kill〕This poison kills rats.这种毒药能灭鼠。韦氏高阶〔lateness〕We realized too late that we were caught like rats in a trap.等我们发觉自己已成瓮中之鳖时已经太晚了。柯林斯高阶〔late〕We realized too late that we were caught like rats in a trap.等我们发觉自己已成瓮中之鳖时已经太晚了。外研社新世纪〔leave〕The rats left the sinking ship.老鼠放弃下沈的船逃走了。牛津同义词〔lethal〕The chemical is lethal to rats but safe for cattle.这化学药品杀鼠,但对牲畜无害。英汉大词典〔mall rat〕Thus, teenagers become mall rats, hanging out but rarely shopping in those megamalls.于是,十几岁的孩子们没事就去逛大商场,在里面到处溜达却很少购物。柯林斯高阶〔mall rat〕Thus, teenagers become mall rats, hanging out but rarely shopping in those megamalls.就这样, 青少年们整天在那些超大型购物中心游逛, 却很少购物。外研社新世纪〔maze〕The rats were trained to find their way through a simple maze.这些老鼠经过训练, 能在简单的迷宫里找到路。外研社新世纪〔mouse〕The house was infested with mice and rats.这所房子大小老鼠成灾。韦氏高阶〔mouse〕The stores were overrun with rats and mice.仓库里到处都是大大小小的老鼠。牛津高阶〔murine〕Of or relating to a member of the rodent family Muridae, including rats and mice.鼠科的:与鼠科中啮齿目动物有关的,包括兔子和老鼠美国传统〔naïve〕He made the test with naïve rats.他用未作过实验对象的鼠进行试验。英汉大词典〔of〕The cats helped rid the barn of rats.养猫有助于消除粮仓鼠患。韦氏高阶〔overrun〕Rats overran the ship.这艘船老鼠肆虐。韦氏高阶〔overrun〕The Hotel has been ordered to close because it is overrun by mice and rats.宾馆因为闹鼠灾已被责令停业。外研社新世纪〔overrun〕The Hotel has been ordered to close because it is overrun by mice and rats.由于老鼠泛滥成灾,该旅馆被勒令关闭。柯林斯高阶〔overrun〕The house was overrun with [by] rats.那栋房子老鼠猖獗为患。文馨英汉〔pestiferous〕Rats are pestiferous.老鼠会传播疫病。英汉大词典〔plague〕The city is suffering a plague of rats.这个城市正在闹鼠灾。牛津搭配〔plague〕The city is under threat from a plague of rats.该市处于鼠患的威胁之下。柯林斯高阶〔plague〕The city is under threat from a plague of rats.这座城市正遭受鼠患威胁。外研社新世纪〔poisoning〕The rats were controlled by poisoning.用毒杀法使老鼠受到控制。牛津高阶〔poison〕We put down some poison to kill the rats.我们放了些毒药杀鼠。英汉大词典〔protection〕These huts offer little protection against rats.这些小屋无法防范鼠害。外研社新世纪〔rabble〕Great rabbles of rats roamed the streets.大群大群的老鼠在街上乱窜。英汉大词典〔rattrap〕A device for trapping rats.捕鼠夹:用来捕捉老鼠的器具美国传统〔ratty〕Infested with rats.鼠害成灾的,老鼠肆虐的美国传统〔ratty〕Of or characteristic of rats.老鼠的:老鼠的,具有老鼠特性的美国传统〔rat〕Rats carry disease.老鼠传播疾病。剑桥高阶〔rat〕Rats had gnawed through the wires.老鼠把电线啃断了。牛津搭配〔rat〕Every night he goes to work out with the other gym rats.他每天晚上都去和其他健身爱好者一起锻炼。韦氏高阶〔rat〕I think we've got rats (= there are rats in our house).我觉得家里有老鼠。剑桥高阶〔rat〕The house was infested with rats.屋内老鼠成灾。麦克米伦高阶〔rat〕There were dead mice and rats all over the room.房间里到处是大大小小的死老鼠。英汉大词典〔rat〕This was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment with rats.在实验室用老鼠进行的实验证明了这一点。柯林斯高阶〔rat〕To hunt for or catch rats, especially with the aid of dogs.捕鼠:寻找或猎捕老鼠,特指用狗猎捕美国传统〔repulsive〕I think rats and snakes are repulsive.我觉得老鼠和蛇很讨厌。剑桥高阶〔reward〕The rats are rewarded with food when they press the lever.老鼠压下杠杆时就会得到食物作为奖励。牛津搭配〔ride〕The rats hitch a free ride on ships.老鼠惯于搭顺风船。牛津搭配〔rid〕Poison will get rid of the rats in the barn.毒药将把谷仓中的老鼠毒死。英汉大词典〔roach〕The apartments were infested with rats and roaches.公寓里面到处都是老鼠和蟑螂。牛津高阶〔runting〕In some litters all rats grew normally and there was no runting.几窝老鼠生长都正常,没有一个发育迟缓。英汉大词典〔scavenge〕Rats scavenged in the trash.老鼠在垃圾堆里找吃的。韦氏高阶〔scurry〕The rats scurry around, searching for scraps of food in the rubbish.老鼠乱窜,在垃圾中寻找残羹剩饭。柯林斯高阶〔scuttle〕They scuttle around like sewer rats.他们像褐家鼠一样四处乱窜。外研社新世纪〔ship〕Rats desert a sinking ship.谚 船沉鼠逃离,树倒猢狲散。英汉大词典〔skin〕He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw two rats.他看到两只老鼠,几乎给吓丢了魂。柯林斯高阶〔skitter〕The rats skittered around them in the drains and under the floorboards.无论是下水道里, 还是地板下面, 都有许多耗子绕着它们蹿来蹿去。外研社新世纪〔skitter〕The rats skittered around them in the drains and under the floorboards.无论是下水道里,还是地板下面,都有许多耗子绕着它们蹿来蹿去。柯林斯高阶〔stink out〕Stink the rats out by burning sulphur.用点燃的硫酸把耗子(从洞中)熏出来。21世纪英汉〔tame〕White rats tame easily.白鼠易驯。英汉大词典〔terror〕She has a terror of rats.她非常害怕老鼠。英汉大词典〔through〕Rats still manage to gnaw through the cables.老鼠还是咬断了电缆。外研社新世纪〔unafraid〕The rats were huge and completely unafraid of human beings.那些老鼠个头巨大而且一点都不怕人。朗文当代〔vermin〕Various small animals or insects, such as rats or cockroaches, that are destructive, annoying, or injurious to health.害虫:具破坏性的、恼人的或有损健康的多种小动物或昆虫,如鼠类或蟑螂美国传统〔village〕Rats are popping out in unprecedented numbers in village halls as well as rubbish dumps.村务大厅里从来没有这么多上蹿下跳的老鼠, 也从没像现在这样垃圾成堆。外研社新世纪Rats carry disease.老鼠传染疾病。剑桥国际Rats carry very nasty diseases. 老鼠传播非常严重的疾病。译典通Rats had burrowed into the bank of the river.老鼠在河岸上打洞。剑桥国际Rats had gnawed ragged (= uneven) holes in the rug.老鼠在毯子上咬出了坑坑洼洼的洞。剑桥国际Rats had gnawed their way into a sack of corn.老鼠咬破了一袋玉米,钻了进去。剑桥国际Rats transmit disease. 老鼠传播疾病。译典通Flies, lice, rats, foxes and cockroaches can all be described as vermin.苍蝇、虱子、耗子、狐狸和蟑螂等都可以称作有害动物或昆虫。剑桥国际Germs can be spread by rats.病菌可由老鼠传播。剑桥国际He was inducted into the Grand Order of Water Rats, the celebrities’charity organization, at the Hilton Hotel.他在希尔顿饭店被吸收为名人慈善组织“麝鼠总会”的会员。剑桥国际I think rats and snakes are repulsive and disgusting.我认为老鼠和蛇既可憎又讨厌。剑桥国际I think we've got rats (= there are rats in our house or other building).我觉得家里有老鼠。剑桥国际I went to the library but I couldn't discover anything about water rats.我去了图书馆,可没能找到任何有关水鼠的材料。剑桥国际If you have pests such as rats, mice or cockroaches in your house, you should contact the City Pest Control Department.如果你房子里有诸如老鼠、蟑螂这样的害虫,你应该和市除害办联系。剑桥国际In biology classes at school we used to dissect rats.过去在学校生物课上,我们常常解剖老鼠。剑桥国际It was Simpson who lighted on the solution, when he was doing some experiments with rats.是辛普森在用老鼠做实验时无意中发现这个解决方案的。剑桥国际It's alright sleeping in the loft--as long as the rats don't nip you! 在阁楼上睡觉还可以----只要老鼠不来咬你!剑桥国际Mice, rats, squirrels and rabbits are all rodents.小鼠、老鼠、松鼠及兔子都是啮齿目动物。剑桥国际Mr Clark, the exterminator (= the person whose job it is to kill unwanted animals), is coming on Friday to destroy the rats in the cellar.灭虫人克拉克先生将在周五来消灭地下室的老鼠。剑桥国际Neither of us had taken an umbrella and we arrived at the party looking like a pair of drowned rats.我们俩人都没带伞,到达晚会的时候看上去像落汤鸡。剑桥国际Psychologists have been studying perception in rats in an attempt to discover more about human mental processes connected with sight.心理学家们为了进一步揭示人类于视觉相联系的心理过程,一直在研究老鼠的知感。剑桥国际Scientists have been conducting an experiment in which mice are mated with rats.科学家正在进行鼷鼠和麝鼠的交配实验。剑桥国际She has a complex about rats. 她对老鼠有病态恐惧。译典通The barns were infested with rats.谷仓里到处都是老鼠。剑桥国际The farmer sets traps to catch rats in his barns.这个农夫在他的谷仓里设下陷阱捉老鼠。剑桥国际The period of gestation of rats is 21 days.鼠的妊娠期为21天。剑桥国际We put down some poisoned bait to kill the rats.我们安放一些毒饵杀鼠。剑桥国际We thought we had rats in the attic, so we put out bowls of rat poison.我们想阁楼里有老鼠,就放了几碗鼠药。剑桥国际




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