

单词 sit up
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTENTION〕Helen was sitting up in bed, engrossed in a novel. 海伦坐在床上全神贯注地看小说。朗文写作活用〔FRONT〕Why don't you sit up front with the driver so you can give him directions? 你就和司机一起坐在前排为他指方向吧,怎么样?朗文写作活用〔SIT〕After a few days, he was finally allowed to sit up in bed. 过了几天,他终于获准在床上坐起来了。朗文写作活用〔SIT〕Marie, don't slouch, sit up straight. 玛丽,别垂头丧气的,坐直吧。朗文写作活用〔SIT〕When I got home, Nigel was sitting up in bed. 我回家的时候,奈杰尔正从床上坐起来。朗文写作活用〔STRAIGHT〕Sit up straight and put a cushion behind your lower back. 坐直身子,在腰后放一个垫子。朗文写作活用〔apathetic〕Even the most apathetic students are beginning to sit up and listen.连最不感兴趣的学生都开始坐直了听讲。柯林斯高阶〔beg〕They have trained their dog to sit up and beg.他们把狗训练得会两腿直立做乞求动作。剑桥高阶〔collapse〕A few days after his collapse he was sitting up in bed.他病倒后没过几天就又能在床上坐起来了。柯林斯高阶〔dizzily〕Her head spins dizzily as soon as she sits up.她一坐起来头就晕。柯林斯高阶〔eye〕She tried to sit up, her eyes fixed on Jean's face.她试图坐起来,目光紧盯着琼的脸。牛津搭配〔fetching〕Sue was sitting up in bed, looking very fetching in a flowered bed jacket.休穿着宽松的印花短睡衣坐在床上, 显得妩媚动人。外研社新世纪〔fetching〕Sue was sitting up in bed, looking very fetching in a flowered bedjacket.休坐在床上,穿着印花宽松短睡衣,显得非常迷人。柯林斯高阶〔grimace〕She started to sit up, grimaced, and sank back weakly against the pillow.她坐了起来,露出痛苦的表情,又有气无力地倒在枕头上。柯林斯高阶〔heathen〕Sit up at the table properly, you little heathens!在桌旁坐好, 你们这些小野人!外研社新世纪〔help〕She helped her sit up in bed so she could hold her baby.她扶她在床上坐起来,这样她就可以抱着宝宝了。柯林斯高阶〔help〕She helped her sit up in bed so she could hold her baby.她扶她在床上坐起来, 让她能够抱起孩子。外研社新世纪〔hindquarter〕The wounded dog tried to sit up on his hindquarters.那条受伤的狗挣扎着想坐起来。英汉大词典〔lean〕I'm being very careful to sit up straight and not lean too far to the right or left.我现在非常注意要坐得笔挺, 不东倒西歪。外研社新世纪〔notice〕His new book made the whole literary world sit up and take notice.他的新书使整个文学界刮目相看。英汉大词典〔notice〕This should make people sit up and take notice.这件事应引起人们的关注。柯林斯高阶〔obdurate〕This has made even the most obdurate of world leaders sit up and listen.这件事已经让最冷酷无情的各国领导人都在端坐倾听了。外研社新世纪〔profundity〕We would sit up all night exchanging profundities.我们会整晚不睡,交谈着深奥的哲理。剑桥高阶〔sink back〕He managed to sit up but soon sank back exhausted.他努力坐直身体, 但一会儿就累瘫了。外研社新世纪〔sit up and take notice〕The news made them sit up and take notice.这条新闻一下子就引起了他们的关注。韦氏高阶〔sit up〕A defeat like that makes you sit up and think.那样的一次失败会令你警觉起来,开始思考。柯林斯高阶〔sit up〕He was slouching in his chair so his father told him to sit up.他父亲看见他懒散地坐在椅子上, 让他坐直。外研社新世纪〔sit up〕Her head spins dizzily as soon as she sits up.她一坐起身来就感到天旋地转。柯林斯高阶〔sit up〕His shock tactics certainly made her sit up and take notice.他的震撼策略当然引起了她的关注。外研社新世纪〔sit up〕How many times do I have to tell you to sit up straight? 我已经告诉你多少次了要坐直?剑桥高阶〔sit up〕I'll be late tonight, so don't sit up for (= wait for) me.今晚我会回来得很晚,所以不要熬夜等我。剑桥高阶〔sit〕Sit up straight—don't slouch.坐直了,别无精打采的。牛津高阶〔sit〕Don't sit up for me if I'm late.我如回家迟,你就先睡,不要等我。英汉大词典〔sit〕He was sitting up in bed, reading his book.他坐在床上看书。朗文当代〔sit〕I'm hoping my speech will make people sit up and take notice.我希望我的讲话能引起人们的关注。麦克米伦高阶〔sit〕If Maria succeeded, then everyone would sit up and take notice.假如玛丽亚成功了,大家马上就会注意起来。朗文当代〔sit〕Just sit up straight and stop slouching.坐直身子,别无精打采的。朗文当代〔slouch〕Sit up straight. Don't slouch.挺起胸坐直,别歪歪斜斜的。牛津高阶〔slouch〕Sit up straight. Please don't slouch.坐直了。别有气无力的。韦氏高阶〔slump〕Sit up straight. Don't slump !坐直了,别垂头丧气的。21世纪英汉〔straight〕Sit up straight! 直起腰来!牛津高阶〔straight〕Sit up straight, don't slouch.坐直了,别歪歪斜斜的。朗文当代〔strain〕Her mother strained to sit up.他妈妈努力坐起来。外研社新世纪〔till〕She was wont to sit up till late.她惯常熬到很晚才睡。英汉大词典〔up〕Sit up. Don't slouch.坐直点儿,不要没精打采的。韦氏高阶〔up〕I found Hattie sitting up in bed.我发现哈蒂坐在床上。麦克米伦高阶〔wide〕He was now wide awake and sitting up in bed.他此时完全醒了,坐在床上。麦克米伦高阶I'll be late tonight, so don't sit up for me.今晚我会很晚,所以不要不睡觉等我。剑桥国际The news made everyone sit up and (= suddenly) take notice.这条消息突然引起了每个人的注意。剑桥国际The news that he was getting married really made her sit up.他要结婚的消息确实使她惊讶。剑桥国际




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