

单词 ritual
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ablutions〕special sinks in which devout Muslims can perform their ritual ablutions虔诚的穆斯林用以行净礼的特殊浴盆外研社新世纪〔ablution〕ritual ablutions before prayers 祈祷仪式之前的例行净身韦氏高阶〔arcane〕an arcane ritual 神秘的仪式韦氏高阶〔demon〕an ancient ritual to exorcize demons 古老的驱魔仪式牛津搭配〔dress〕an ancient ritual in modern dress.以现代风貌包装的古代仪式美国传统〔flagellate〕ritual flagellation 宗教鞭笞仪式韦氏高阶〔giver〕a complex social ritual that says a lot about both the giver and the receiver.关于捐赠者与受援者的复杂的社会礼仪柯林斯高阶〔giver〕a complex social ritual that says a lot about both the giver and the receiver传达了关于捐赠者和受援者双方众多信息的复杂的社会仪式外研社新世纪〔incantation〕ritual prayers and incantations 仪式活动中的祷告和咒语韦氏高阶〔kowtow〕perform ritual kowtows towards sb.向某人叩头行礼英汉大词典〔mating〕a mating ritual 交配仪式麦克米伦高阶〔mystical〕a mystic ritual 通灵仪式朗文当代〔prayer〕the five daily ritual prayers of Islam 伊斯兰教每天五次的祷告牛津搭配〔ritually〕an act of ritual suicide.仪式性的自杀行为柯林斯高阶〔ritually〕fastings and ritual dancing.斋戒和传统舞蹈柯林斯高阶〔ritual〕ritual chanting 礼仪上的圣咏演唱牛津高阶〔ritual〕ritual dances 仪式舞蹈朗文当代〔ritual〕ritual expressions of sympathy 例行公事地表示同情牛津高阶〔ritual〕ritual laws 仪规英汉大词典〔ritual〕a ritual call 礼节性的访问 英汉大词典〔ritual〕a ritual dance (宗教等)仪式上的舞蹈 英汉大词典〔ritual〕a ritual dance 仪式上的舞蹈韦氏高阶〔ritual〕a ritual dance 仪式上的舞蹈麦克米伦高阶〔ritual〕a ritual greeting/gesture 礼节性的问候/姿态韦氏高阶〔ritual〕a religious ritual 宗教仪式韦氏高阶〔ritual〕an ancient fertility ritual 古代的丰产仪式韦氏高阶〔ritual〕go through a ritual 举行一次仪式 英汉大词典〔ritual〕go to the ritual bath 去受洗礼英汉大词典〔ritual〕make a ritual of one's household duties 把家务作为自己每天的例行公事 英汉大词典〔ritual〕perform a ritual purification 举行净化仪式韦氏高阶〔ritual〕say the routine ritual words of good-bye 说例行的告别客套话英汉大词典〔ritual〕the ritual exchange of presents at Christmas time 圣诞节时交换礼物的惯例麦克米伦高阶〔ritual〕the ritual of an inauguration.就职典礼美国传统〔ritual〕the ritual of the Roman Catholic church 天主教仪式英汉大词典〔ritual〕the ritual of the law 法律程序 英汉大词典〔ritual〕the bird's mating ritual 鸟类的交配惯例韦氏高阶〔ritual〕the daily ritual of mealtimes 每天固定不变的进餐时间朗文当代〔ritual〕the daily ritual of preparing breakfast 每天准备早餐的例行程序韦氏高阶〔ritual〕the importance of religion and ritual in our lives 我们生活中宗教和宗教仪式的重要性朗文当代〔solemn〕a solemn ritual 隆重的仪式牛津高阶〔suicide〕the ritual suicide of a widow on her husband's funeral pyre 寡妇在丈夫的火葬柴堆上进行的仪式性自杀牛津搭配〔vessel〕ancient bronze ritual vessels 古代的青铜礼器牛津搭配




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