

单词 storage tank
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPLODE〕Investigators still don't know what caused the storage tanks to explode. 调查人员仍然不知道是什么造成这些贮藏箱爆炸的。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Cloudy water from the taps usually means problems with your storage tank. 自来水浑浊一般表示水箱有问题。朗文写作活用〔boiler〕A storage tank for hot water.水箱:盛放热水的储存箱美国传统〔oxygen mask〕A masklike device placed over the mouth and nose and through which oxygen is supplied from an attached storage tank.氧气面具:象面具的一种置于嘴和鼻子上的装置,通过它氧气可以被从与之相连的贮存罐所提供美国传统〔pump〕The new wine is pumped into storage tanks.新酿的酒被抽送到储藏罐里。剑桥高阶〔tank〕Somehow the chemical got from a storage tank into water supplies.不知怎么的,这种化学物从蓄水箱进入了供水系统。朗文当代Oil leaking from the storage tank had reached the beach.从贮油库漏出的油已漫至海滩。剑桥国际The explosion failed to ignite the highly combustible material held in the storage tanks.爆炸未能点燃储藏箱里高度易燃的材料。剑桥国际The new wine is pumped into storage tanks.新酿的酒被压进储藏罐里。剑桥国际




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