

单词 remove from
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNTRY〕Ecevit campaigned in May 1991 to have foreign troops removed from Turkish territory. 1991年5月,埃杰维特发起运动要求外国军队撤出土耳其领土。朗文写作活用〔LAW〕I was told that this clause would be removed from the contract. 我得知这一条款将从合同中删去。朗文写作活用〔artificially〕Removed from the artificial atmosphere of the fashion show, high-fashion clothes often look cheap and silly.脱离了时装表演营造的氛围,非常时尚的时装看上去常常显得既廉价又可笑。柯林斯高阶〔before〕He must be convicted before he can be removed from office.必须先证明他有罪才能将他撤职。韦氏高阶〔buttermilk〕The sour liquid that remains after the butterfat has been removed from whole milk or cream by churning.酪乳:将乳脂从牛奶或一次提制的奶油中除去之后剩下的酸味液体美国传统〔bypass〕Small veins are removed from the leg and used to bypass the blocked up stretch of coronary arteries.从腿部取出一些细小血管,用来对堵塞的冠状动脉进行分流。柯林斯高阶〔clarification〕During clarification, impurities were removed from the cane juice.在净化过程中, 甘蔗汁中的杂质被去除了。外研社新世纪〔clear〕If you press this key, the computer screen will clear (= the text and pictures will be removed from it).按这个键可以清除电脑屏幕上的文档和图片。剑桥高阶〔core〕A cylindrical mass drilled vertically into the earth and removed from it to determine composition or presence of oil or gas.钻心:圆柱形物质,用于垂直地钻入地下然后取出以测定石油或天然气的组成或存在美国传统〔cutting〕A part, such as a stem, leaf, or root, removed from a plant to propagate a new plant, as through rooting or grafting.插条:从某一植物上切除一部分并用来繁殖出一棵新植物,如茎、叶或根,通过扎根或嫁接美国传统〔cyst〕He had a cyst removed from near his eye.他的眼部附近切除了一个囊肿。剑桥高阶〔dele〕A sign indicating that something is to be removed from typeset matter.删去符号:表示要从排好字的印刷品上删去某物的符号美国传统〔depose〕To remove from office or power.免职,罢官:从职位或权力上转移美国传统〔dilation and extraction〕A surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated and the early products of conception are removed from the uterus.扩张抽取术:扩张子宫颈并从子宫移除早期妊娠物的手术程序美国传统〔disaffiliate〕To remove from association.使退出,使脱离:使从合作中脱离出来美国传统〔disentomb〕To remove from or as if from a tomb.发掘:从或好象从坟墓中掘出美国传统〔dismount〕To remove from a support, setting, or mounting.从支撑物、底板、底座取下,卸下美国传统〔endgame〕The final stage of a chess game after most of the pieces have been removed from the board.残局:指双方棋盘上所剩棋子很少的最后阶段美国传统〔farthest〕Of all the paintings, this one is the farthest removed from reality.在所有的绘画作品中,这一幅最脱离现实。韦氏高阶〔forcibly〕The children were forcibly removed from their mothers.那些儿童被强制脱离他们的母亲。文馨英汉〔furthest〕Of all his paintings, this one is the furthest removed from reality.他所有的绘画作品中,这一幅最脱离现实。韦氏高阶〔grain〕Used on grains, fruit, and cotton, three of the 19 chemicals have already been removed from use in Australia.19种用于谷类作物、水果和棉花的化学制品中, 有3种在澳大利亚已经被禁用。外研社新世纪〔heat〕Bring to the boil slowly, then remove from the heat.慢慢煮开锅,然后从炉火上端走。牛津搭配〔mushy〕When the fruit is mushy and cooked, remove from the heat.当水果变软煮好后,就从火上端下来。柯林斯高阶〔once〕Remove from the heat, add the parsley, toss and serve at once.端离炉子,加上欧芹,颠起翻面后就立刻上桌。柯林斯高阶〔reduction〕A reaction in which oxygen is removed from a compound.还原反应:把氧从化合物中分离的反应美国传统〔removed〕The city remained relatively removed from the worst of the conflict.这个城市相对远离冲突最激烈的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔removed〕We're looking for an apartment somewhat removed from the noise of downtown.我们在寻找离喧哗的市中心稍微远些的公寓。韦氏高阶〔remove〕At least three bullets were removed from his wounds.从他的伤口中取出了至少3颗子弹。外研社新世纪〔remove〕Many of these books are far removed from the reality of the children's lives.很多这样的书都远远地脱离了孩子们的现实生活。牛津高阶〔remove〕Officials who were involved in the scandal were removed from office.卷入丑闻的官员都被罢免了职务。麦克米伦高阶〔remove〕Smiles of joy have removed from her face.她的脸上再见不到笑容。21世纪英汉〔remove〕The chief of police was removed from office for failing to do his duty.警察局长因渎职而被撤职。英汉大词典〔remove〕The events in the newspaper article were far removed from reality.报纸上报道的这些事件和事实大相径庭。朗文当代〔remove〕The madman was removed from the theatre.那个疯子被撵出剧场。21世纪英汉〔remove〕The president could only be removed from power once free elections were organised.总统只有在开始自由选举时才能被免职。柯林斯高阶〔restitution〕They are demanding the restitution of ancient treasures that were removed from the country in the 16th century.他们现在正在要求归还16世纪从他们国家运走的古代珍贵文物。剑桥高阶〔unshell〕To remove from a shell.把…从一个壳中取走美国传统〔web〕A woven fabric, especially one on a loom or just removed from it.编织物:织物,尤指机上正在织的或刚下机的美国传统After the overthrow of the monarchy (= after it was removed from power) in 1649, Britain was for a time ruled by Parliament.1649 年君主制度被推翻后,英国曾一度被议会统治。剑桥国际After the poisoning scare, the product was taken off the shelves/the market (= removed from sale).那次中毒恐慌事件发生后,该产品退出了市场。剑桥国际All the women in the band had shaven heads (= those with hair removed from them).这支乐队里所有的女性都是光头。剑桥国际He was removed from office (=dismissed from an official position)following the scandal.丑闻之后,他被撤职剑桥国际I asked to be removed from their mailing list.我要求把我的名字从他们的邮寄名单中画掉。牛津商务In a purge of the army, at least eight colonels and a major have been removed from their posts.在军队的一次清洗中,至少8 个上校和一个少校被撤了职。剑桥国际Native Americans used to trade skins (= the skins of animals that have been removed from the body, with or without the hair).过去土著的美洲人常做兽皮买卖。剑桥国际The CEO received a compensation package worth over $2 million when he was removed from his job.行政总裁离职时收到了价值超过 200 万元的一揽子补偿。牛津商务The Office de la Langue Franaise was created in 1961 in Quebec to preserve the French language and purify it (= remove from it the harmful influence) of English words.法语办事处于1961年在魁北克成立,其目的是保存和净化法语,从中剔除英语词汇。剑桥国际The corrupt official was removed from office. 这个贪官被罢了职。译典通Those pictures will have to come down (=be removed from the wall).那些画必须从墙上拿下来。剑桥国际




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