

单词 recommend
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕I strongly recommend that you get your brakes checked before you go on a long drive. 我强烈建议你长途驾驶前要让人检查一下刹车。朗文写作活用〔ADVISE〕The Forsyth Report recommended stricter supervision of the trade in live animals. 福赛思报告建议要加强对活畜交易的监督。朗文写作活用〔CAN/CAN'T〕It is not in her power to increase your salary, but she can recommend it. 她无权给你加薪,但她可以提出建议。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕A polio vaccine is recommended before travelling to high-risk areas. 建议去小儿麻痹症高发地区旅行之前,先要注射小儿麻痹症疫苗。朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕We're not teetotalers, but we recommend sensible drinking limits. 我们虽然算不上滴酒不沾,但我们主张喝酒要有理性的节制。朗文写作活用〔EFFECTIVE/NOT EFFECTIVE〕My doctor recommended several different creams for dry skin, but none of them worked. 医生推荐了几种适合干性皮肤使用的乳霜,但都不管用。朗文写作活用〔EXERCISE〕The doctor recommended a diet and a programme of exercises to help her lose weight. 医生推荐了一个饮食计划和一个运动计划,帮助她减肥。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕Classes in gun handling are recommended as the initial step for those who want to own a handgun. 建议想要拥有手枪的人把去参加枪支使用培训班作为第一步。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕In October, the school board recommended that uniforms become compulsory. 10月,学校委员会建议学生必须穿校服。朗文写作活用〔HARM〕Scientists have recommended that new technology be used to target harmful bacteria. 科学家建议使用新科技对付有害的细菌。朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕Hiking this trail is not recommended for people who are afraid of heights. 建议畏高的人士不要在这条小道上远足。朗文写作活用〔MAN〕I'm sorry sir, we're not serving chicken tonight. Can I recommend the fish? 很抱歉,先生,今晚我们没有鸡肉。我能向您推荐鱼吗?朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The taskforce has recommended some kind of subsidy to help businesses get their Internet start-ups off the ground. 工作组建议提供某种形式的补贴帮助企业的互联网新项目起步。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕NCI recommends that women aged 40 years and over are checked every two years. 全国癌症研究所建议40岁或40岁以上的女性每两年做一次检查。朗文写作活用〔REPAIR〕We recommend an annual service for all central heating boilers. 我们建议对所有中央取暖锅炉进行每年一次的检修。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕The report recommends tighter controls on the advertising of cigarettes. 报告建议对香烟广告实行更严格的管理。朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕Ask friends to recommend babysitters. That's the safest way. 叫朋友推荐个人帮忙看孩子,那是最保险的。朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕Can you recommend a good hotel near here? 你能推荐这儿附近一家好的旅馆吗?朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕Corfu was wonderful - I'd recommend it to anyone. 科孚很棒,我要向每个人推荐。朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕The directors are recommending that shareholders accept Baldwin's offer. 董事建议股东接受鲍德温的提议。朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕The first applicant was recommended by a friend of the boss. 第一位求职者是老板的一位朋友推荐的。朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕The hotel's restaurant comes highly recommended. 这家酒店的餐馆受到人们极力推荐。朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕Who would you recommend for this job, Stuart? 你会推荐谁做这工作呢,斯图尔特?朗文写作活用〔acupuncture〕I was recommended a course of acupuncture.我被建议接受一个疗程的针刺治疗。牛津搭配〔adoption〕The committee recommended the adoption of new safety procedures.委员会建议采用新的安全程序。牛津搭配〔airing〕Regular airing is recommended.建议定期晾晒。文馨英汉〔alarm〕The fire brigade recommends that every house is fitted with a smoke alarm.消防队建议每幢房屋都应装上烟雾报警器。牛津搭配〔allergy〕In severe cases your doctor may recommend allergy shots.如果情况严重,医生会建议打几针抗过敏药。牛津搭配〔alternatively〕You can pay the fee upfront. Alternatively, you could ask the adviser to take commission from any product he recommends.你可以预付费用。或者, 你可以要顾问从他推荐的产品中收取佣金。外研社新世纪〔approval〕The committee is expected to recommend approval of the new drug.委员会有望建议批准这种新药。牛津搭配〔bed and breakfast〕Can you recommend a good bed and breakfast near Brighton? 你能为我推荐一家布赖顿附近提供住宿和早餐的旅馆吗?剑桥高阶〔booking〕Early booking is recommended.请提早订票。牛津高阶〔brain trust〕The president's brain trust recommended the action.总统智囊团建议采取这一行动。韦氏高阶〔btw〕I hope you enjoyed your holiday in Florida - btw, can you recommend a good hotel? 但愿你在佛罗里达过得很愉快。顺便说一句,你能推荐一个好的宾馆吗?剑桥高阶〔building〕The enquiry recommended the building of a tunnel.调查结果建议修建一条隧道。朗文当代〔check〕The Tourist Board inspects all recommended hotels at least once a year.旅游局至少每年视察一次所有举荐的旅馆。牛津高阶〔cleaner〕He recommends using baking soda as a general household cleaner.他建议用小苏打作一般家用去污剂。韦氏高阶〔commend〕To represent as worthy, qualified, or desirable; recommend.推荐:作为可尊敬的、合格的或令人想要的来提出;推荐美国传统〔constitution〕He recommended the constitution of a review committee.他建议设立审查委员会。牛津高阶〔counselling〕Their doctor recommended professional counselling.他们的医生建议他们接受专业咨询。牛津搭配〔dangerous〕It's dangerous to take more than the recommended dose.超剂量服药是很危险的。剑桥高阶〔devote sth to sth/sb〕The report recommends that more resources be devoted to teaching four-year-olds.该报告建议投入更多的资源用于4岁儿童的教育。剑桥高阶〔dish〕I can recommend the dish of the day.我可以推荐今日特色菜。牛津搭配〔disposition〕This movie is not recommended for those of a nervous disposition.这部电影不适合神经质的人观看。牛津搭配〔dosage〕He was recommended a high dosage of morphine.他被建议使用大剂量的吗啡。朗文当代〔dropper〕It is strongly recommended that you use a separate dropper for each oil.强烈建议每种油使用不同的滴管。外研社新世纪〔dry cleaning〕Dry cleaning is recommended.建议干洗。韦氏高阶〔durability〕Airlines recommend hard-sided cases for durability.航空公司推荐经久耐用的硬边箱。外研社新世纪〔enlarged〕The UN secretary-general yesterday recommended an enlarged peacekeeping force.联合国秘书长昨天建议扩充维和部队。柯林斯高阶〔excursion〕We also recommend a full-day optional excursion to the Upper Douro.我们还推荐去杜罗河上游的短途自选一日游。外研社新世纪〔exposure〕The report recommends people to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.报告建议人们应避免晒太阳时间过长。牛津搭配〔federation〕In 1948, he recommended to Attlee's government that Africa be divided into federations.1948年, 他向艾德礼政府建议将非洲划分为联邦制国家。外研社新世纪〔finance〕The report recommends an overhaul of public finances.该报告建议对公共财政进行彻底改革。柯林斯高阶〔flyaway〕This shampoo is recommended for flyaway hair.这种洗发精被推荐适用于飘动的头发。文馨英汉〔friend〕This restaurant was recommended to me by a friend of mine.这家餐馆是我的一个朋友给我推荐的。剑桥高阶〔guided tour〕The guided tour is recommended for those visiting the first time.建议首次到访的游客在导游带领下游览。外研社新世纪〔guideline〕The guidelines recommend that children under 12 avoid these foods.指导方针建议 12 岁以下的儿童应避免吃这些食品。牛津搭配〔handicap〕In cases of severe mental handicap, constant supervision is recommended.对于严重的智障病人,建议进行不间断的监护。剑桥高阶〔heartily〕I heartily recommend the movie.我强烈推荐这部电影。韦氏高阶〔herb〕Ali recommends taking herbs to facilitate recovery.阿里建议服用药草来促进康复。牛津搭配〔hesitate〕I have no hesitation in recommending her for the job.我毫不犹豫地推荐她做这项工作。牛津高阶〔hesitation〕I have no hesitation in recommending Ms Shapur for the job.我非常乐意推荐沙普尔女士承担这项工作。剑桥高阶〔hesitation〕I have no hesitation in recommending him for the job.我毫不犹豫地推荐他做这份工作。牛津搭配〔hesitation〕I would have no hesitation in recommending Philip for the position.我非常愿意推荐菲利普担任这一职务。朗文当代〔honored〕I am honored that you should recommend me.承蒙推荐,我感到光荣。文馨英汉〔inoculate〕An inoculation against cholera is recommended.建议注射预防霍乱的疫苗。柯林斯高阶〔inoculation〕An inoculation against cholera is recommended.建议接种预防霍乱的疫苗。外研社新世纪〔inspect〕Each hotel is inspected and, if it fulfils certain criteria, is recommended.每家酒店都会接受审查, 如果达到一定标准就会受到推荐。外研社新世纪〔insurance〕The travel agent recommended that I take out travel insurance.旅行社建议我办理旅行保险。牛津搭配〔insurance〕We recommend that you take out travel insurance on all holidays.我们建议您为所有假期都购买旅行保险。柯林斯高阶〔insure against〕Doctors recommend exercising to insure against health problems.医生们建议进行锻炼以预防健康问题。韦氏高阶〔intake〕It says on the packet that four slices of this bread contains one half of your recommended daily intake of fibre.包装上写着4片这种面包就包含了建议的每天纤维摄取量的一半。剑桥高阶〔interest〕I'd recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in jazz.我会向所有喜欢爵士乐的人推荐这本书。朗文当代〔into〕You need to be recommended by a member to get into the club.你需要一位会员的推荐才能加入该俱乐部。麦克米伦高阶〔limit〕Heat levels rose beyond the recommended limits.热度超过了建议的限度。牛津搭配〔limit〕The level of radioactivity in the soil was found to be above recommended limits.土壤的辐射水平被发现超过了规定的限度。牛津搭配〔local〕We asked one of the locals to recommend a restaurant.我们请一位当地人推荐一家餐馆。朗文当代〔lustre〕Rosemary is traditionally recommended to bring lustre and depth to dark hair.人们历来首选用迷迭香来使头发更加乌黑亮泽。外研社新世纪〔manufacturer〕Follow the instructions recommended by the manufacturer.参照制造商推荐的使用说明。韦氏高阶〔minimum〕The judge recommended that he should serve a minimum of 12 years.法官提议他至少应服刑 12 年。朗文当代〔moderate〕Her doctor recommended moderate exercise.医生建议她适度运动。韦氏高阶〔novice〕This trail is not recommended for novice bikers.这条小路不适合推荐给自行车新手。朗文当代〔nurse〕Most authorities recommend letting the baby nurse whenever it wants.大部分权威人士建议婴儿想吃奶就随时吃。外研社新世纪〔other〕The journey by road to Wolverhampton is not recommended to anyone other than the most experienced cyclist.除了经验非常丰富的自行车手外,建议其他人不要走去伍尔弗汉普顿的那条路。柯林斯高阶〔position paper〕A detailed policy report that usually explains, justifies, or recommends a particular course of action.意见书,立场声明:通常进行解释、证明或推荐特定行动的详细的策略报告美国传统〔prefer〕Archaic To recommend for advancement or appointment; promote.【古语】 推荐:推荐提升或任职;提升美国传统〔procedure〕This procedure is usually recommended only for children.此程序通常只建议用于儿童。牛津搭配〔propose〕To recommend (a person) for a position, office, or membership; nominate.推荐:推举(某人)到某个位置、职位或成为成员;提名美国传统〔psychoanalysis〕The doctor recommended psychoanalysis.医生建议进行精神分析治疗。韦氏高阶〔qualm〕I have no qualms about recommending this approach.我会毫不犹豫地推荐这一方法。柯林斯高阶〔recommendation〕We chose the hotel on their recommendation(= because they recommended it).我们根据他们的推荐选了这家酒店。牛津高阶〔recommended〕He had little but his enthusiasm to recommend him.他拥有的优势只有他的热情。柯林斯高阶〔recommended〕It is recommended that you should consult your doctor.建议你去咨询医生。柯林斯高阶〔recommended〕Many financial planners now recommend against ever fully paying off your home loan.现在许多理财专家不建议人们把住房贷款全部还清。柯林斯高阶〔recommended〕These qualities recommended him to Olivier.这些品质让他受到奥利维尔的青睐。柯林斯高阶〔recommended〕Though ten years old, this book is highly recommended.尽管是10年前出版的,这本书仍值得大力推荐。柯林斯高阶〔recommended〕We strongly recommend reporting the incident to the police.我们强烈建议报警。柯林斯高阶〔recommend〕Although my sister and her husband have eight children, they do not recommend other couples to have families of this size.尽管我姐姐姐夫有8个孩子,他们并不希望别的夫妇也生这么多子女。英汉大词典〔recommend〕As action movies go, this one has little to recommend it.就动作片而言,这部影片实在乏善可陈。麦克米伦高阶〔recommend〕Can you recommend a good hotel? 你能推荐一家好的旅馆吗?牛津高阶〔recommend〕Can you recommend a good lawyer? 你能介绍一位好律师吗?朗文当代〔recommend〕Can you recommend a good restaurant? 你能推荐一个好的饭店吗?麦克米伦高阶〔recommend〕Food supplements are sometimes recommended for diabetic patients.保健品不时被推荐给糖尿病患者。牛津搭配〔recommend〕He recommended me for the post of headmaster.他举荐我担任校长。英汉大词典〔recommend〕He recommended the child with confidence to her care.他放心地把孩子托付给她。英汉大词典〔recommend〕Here are a few safeguards I recommend to my clients.这是我给客户建议的几条防护措施。牛津搭配〔recommend〕His doctor recommended this therapist.他的医生推荐这位治疗专家。外研社新世纪〔recommend〕Honesty recommends any person.任何一个人都欢迎诚实的品质美国传统〔recommend〕I recommend (that) he see a lawyer.我建议他去找个律师。牛津高阶〔recommend〕I recommend that you buy a more powerful computer.我建议你买一台功能更强大的计算机。麦克米伦高阶〔recommend〕I recommend that you get some professional advice.我建议你咨询专家的意见。朗文当代〔recommend〕I recommend that you resign as soon as possible.我建议你尽快辞职。21世纪英汉〔recommend〕I recommend that you see your doctor.我建议你去看看医生。朗文当代〔recommend〕I recommend the book to all my students.我向我所有的学生都推荐这本书。牛津高阶〔recommend〕I recommend the butter chicken – it's delicious.我推荐黄油焗鸡,非常好吃。朗文当代〔recommend〕I bought this album after a friend recommended it to me.我买这张专辑是一个朋友推荐的。朗文当代〔recommend〕I can recommend this book to anyone interested in food.我愿意把这本书推荐给任何对饮食感兴趣的人。牛津搭配〔recommend〕I definitely recommend this movie.我的确看好这部电影。牛津搭配〔recommend〕I have not any power in the firm except to recommend.我在公司里除了有建议之权外,什么实权也没有。21世纪英汉〔recommend〕I highly recommend you to follow (或 that you follow) your doctor's advice.我力劝你该听从医生的嘱咐。英汉大词典〔recommend〕I'll recommend you for a promotion.我会推荐你晋升。外研社新世纪〔recommend〕If you go to London, we recommend visiting (NOT recommend you visiting) Tate Modern.如果你去伦敦,我们建议你去参观泰特现代美术馆。朗文当代〔recommend〕It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose .超过建议剂量是危险的。朗文当代〔recommend〕It is strongly recommended that you change the oil in your car every 5,000 miles.强烈建议每5000英里就给汽车换一次润滑油。韦氏高阶〔recommend〕It was recommended that he serve 20 years.建议判他服役20年。外研社新世纪〔recommend〕Please recommend us to your friends.请把我们介绍给你的朋友。麦克米伦高阶〔recommend〕She set up an independent review body to recommend changes.她设立了一个独立的审查机构来提出修改建议。外研社新世纪〔recommend〕She was recommended for the post by a colleague.她获得同事推荐到这个岗位。牛津高阶〔recommend〕Sleeping tablets are not recommended in this case.这种情况下不建议使用安眠药。朗文当代〔recommend〕Students are recommended to read the following books.建议学生们读下列几本书。麦克米伦高阶〔recommend〕Take only the recommended dose of cough syrup.仅按照建议剂量服用止咳糖浆。韦氏高阶〔recommend〕The city has much/little to recommend it (= it has many/few pleasant qualities).这座城市可圈可点的地方很多/几乎没有。剑桥高阶〔recommend〕The committee recommended a 1% tax on all imports.委员会建议对所有进口货物征收1%的税。麦克米伦高阶〔recommend〕The critics recommend this film.评论家推荐这齣电影。牛津同义词〔recommend〕The doctor recommended (that) I get more exercise.医生建议我多做运动。剑桥高阶〔recommend〕The doctor recommends a complete rest.医生建议病人要完全休息。牛津同义词〔recommend〕The film is recommended to anyone who liked her earlier movies.这部电影被推荐给了那些喜欢看她早期影片的人。韦氏高阶〔recommend〕The headmistress agreed to recommend the teachers' proposals to the school governors.女校长同意把这位老师的建议提请学校董事们考虑。剑桥高阶〔recommend〕The hotel is highly recommended.强烈推荐这家酒店。朗文当代〔recommend〕They recommended her for a promotion after only two years.仅过了两年,他们就举荐她升职。韦氏高阶〔recommend〕This book is highly recommended by teachers.老师们十分推崇这本书。牛津搭配〔recommend〕This system has much to recommend it.这套系统有很多可取之处。牛津高阶〔recommend〕We recommend booking early, as this is a popular event.我们建议早点预订,因为这是个很受欢迎的活动。麦克米伦高阶〔recommend〕We strongly recommend you insure your luggage when you travel.我们强烈建议你旅行时要确保行李的安全。麦克米伦高阶〔recommend〕What wine do you recommend (NOT recommend us) ? 你推荐哪种葡萄酒?朗文当代〔recommend〕Which type of oil do you recommend for my car? 你建议我的车使用哪种类型的汽油?朗文当代〔recommend〕Who would you recommend for the job? 你会推荐谁来承担这个工作?牛津搭配〔recommend〕You may decide to pursue the matter in court, but I wouldn't recommend it.你也许打算上法庭追究这件事,但是我不建议你这样做。韦氏高阶〔recommend〕Your idea has much to recommend it.你的主意有许多可取之处。牛津搭配〔regimen〕The doctors recommend that he continue his exercise regimen.医生们建议他继续进行有规律的锻炼。麦克米伦高阶〔reservation〕Reservations are recommended, especially during the busy holiday weekends.建议提前预订,尤其是在周末赶上公共假期繁忙时段的时候。牛津搭配〔reservation〕With reservation, I would recommend this film.我可以推荐这部电影, 但是持保留意见。外研社新世纪〔reserve〕I can recommend him to you without reserve.我可以毫无保留地向您推荐他。剑桥高阶〔sanction〕The anti-noise group recommended sanctions against those factories that still offended.反噪声组织建议惩处仍在违犯的工厂。英汉大词典〔scratch〕The hotels they recommended weren't up to scratch.他们推荐的酒店不太令人满意。麦克米伦高阶〔should〕She recommended that I should take some time off.她建议我应该休息一段时间。牛津高阶〔should〕The committee recommended that the chief executive should be dismissed.委员会建议罢免总经理。麦克米伦高阶〔sparing〕Health officials are recommending a more sparing use of antibiotics.卫生官员建议少用抗生素。麦克米伦高阶〔state〕Some weeks ago I recommended to EU member states that we should have discussions with the Americans.几周前,我曾向欧盟成员国提议我们应该和美国人进行磋商。柯林斯高阶〔strongly〕Before taking action you are strongly recommended to consult an accountant.在采取行动之前,强烈建议你去向会计师咨询一下。朗文当代〔strongly〕We recommend strongly that …我们强烈建议…外研社新世纪〔supervision〕Parental supervision is recommended.建议父母应加强看管自己的孩子。韦氏高阶〔therefore〕This is a binding contract. Therefore, we recommend that you review it with a lawyer.这是个有约束力的合同,因此我们建议你找个律师好好商讨一下。麦克米伦高阶〔ticklish〕This massage method is not recommended for anyone who is very ticklish.这种按摩法不推荐给怕痒的人使用。柯林斯高阶〔tooth〕If a tooth feels very loose, your dentist may recommend that it's taken out.如果某颗牙松动得很厉害,牙医会建议把它拔掉。柯林斯高阶〔transfer〕Her boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas.她的老板建议调她常驻海外。牛津搭配〔tyre pressure〕There's a chart over there that shows the recommended tyre pressures for every make of car.那边有一个图表,显示每种品牌车辆的建议轮胎气压。剑桥高阶〔whenever〕I recommend that you avoid processed foods whenever possible.我建议你尽量不要食用加工好的食品。柯林斯高阶Acetaminophen is recommended for people who shouldn't take aspirin.醋氨酚适用于不能服用阿斯匹林的人。剑桥国际Advance reservation of seats for the train is recommended.最好提前预订火车座位。剑桥国际Doctors recommend that this condition should be treated with bed-rest.医生建议说这种情况应该用卧床休息来治疗。剑桥国际For the purposes of economy you may prefer to use half the recommended number of eggs in this recipe.为了节俭起见,你最好使用该食谱中建议鸡蛋用量的一半。剑桥国际He recommended me a classic book on Buddhism. 他向我推荐了一本有关佛教的经典名著。译典通He recommends (that) I take more exercise. [+ (that) clause] 他建议我多些运动。剑桥国际I recommend that you look for the younger, fresher vintages (= wines which have been made recently).我推荐你找找酿造年份更短、更加新鲜的酒。剑桥国际I recommend the chicken in mushroom sauce-- it's the chef's speciality.我推荐蘑菇酱鸡肉----这是厨师特色菜。剑桥国际I recommend you to comply with safety regulations. 我劝你遵守安全规则。译典通I recommended my child to her care. 我把孩子托付给她照顾。译典通I'd recommend that you act immediately.我建议你马上行动。剑桥国际Intimacy between teachers and students is not recommended.不提倡教师和学生之间的亲密关系。剑桥国际It says on the packet that four slices of this bread contains one half of your recommended daily intake of fibre.包装上写着四片这种面包就包含了你每天纤维建议摄取量的一半。剑桥国际She recommended a complete redesign of the company's website.她建议对公司的网站进行一次彻底的改头换面。牛津商务She is a highly recommended architect.她是个深受称赞的建筑师。剑桥国际The area near the station is dirty and run-down and has little to recommend it (= it has very few pleasant qualities).车站附近地区又脏又破破烂烂,没什么好去处。剑桥国际The committee is likely to recommend the axing of the nuclear project.委员会可能提议削减核能工程。剑桥国际The doctor recommended (that) she should stop smoking immediately. [+ (that) clause] 医生建议她马上戒烟。剑桥国际The doctor recommended more fiber in his diet. 医生建议他多吃一些纤维性食物。译典通The doctor recommended that I go for some physio on my shoulder.医生建议我的肩膀去接受理疗。剑桥国际The doctor recommended that she use an ultraviolet lamp to improve her skin.医生建议她利用紫外线灯改善她的皮肤。剑桥国际The new restaurant comes highly recommended (= a lot of people have praised it).这家新餐厅口碑极好。牛津商务The recipe recommends that you use a square cake-tin.这食谱建议你使用个方的蛋糕听。剑桥国际The report recommends that more resources be devoted to (= used for) teaching.该报道建议把更多的财力投入教学。剑桥国际The study recommends arbitration as a cheaper alternative to more traditional forms of dispute resolution.这项研究推荐用比传统方式更为廉价的仲裁作为解决争议的方式。牛津商务The website recommends hot new stocks to investors.这家网站给投资者推荐新的热门股票。牛津商务There's a chart over there which shows the recommended tyre pressures for every make of car.那儿有张图表说明了为所有类型汽车所推荐的轮胎气压。剑桥国际They recommended hydrotherapy treatment for arthritis.他们建议用水疗法治疗关节炎。剑桥国际This price represents a saving of $ 13 off the manufacturer's recommended retail price.该价格比制造商的建议零售价还要低13美元。剑桥国际Union leaders recommended acceptance of the pay offer.工会领袖建议接受所提出的工资待遇。牛津商务Union leaders are advising their members to go slow instead of recommending an all-out strike.工会领袖建议成员们怠工,而不是进行完全罢工。剑桥国际We went to see ‘The Lion King’ yesterday and I highly recommend it.昨天我们去看了《狮子王》,我对它高度称赞。剑桥国际




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