

单词 retention
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔recruitment〕recruitment and retention of workers with essential skills 招聘并留住掌握关键技能的工人牛津搭配〔retention〕retention of corporal punishment 体罚的保留 英汉大词典〔retention〕retention of faeces 大便停滞 英汉大词典〔retention〕retention of urine 闭尿(症)文馨英汉〔retention〕an experimental test of retention 记忆力的实验性测试 英汉大词典〔retention〕colour retention 颜色保持力 英汉大词典〔retention〕pills to offset water retention 用于消除体内水潴留的药丸韦氏高阶〔retention〕suffer from retention of urine 患尿潴留英汉大词典〔retention〕the retention of Mr. Johnson as adviser 约翰逊先生之续聘为顾问英汉大词典〔retention〕the retention of fluid 体液潴留韦氏高阶〔retention〕the retention of profits from all sales 所有销售利润的留存韦氏高阶〔retention〕the retention of things learned in school 对在校所学知识的记忆韦氏高阶〔retention〕the recruitment and retention of good employees 优秀雇员的招聘与留用韦氏高阶〔retention〕water/heat retention 水分保持/热量滞留剑桥高阶〔retention〕with the aid of flood retention work 藉拦洪工程之助 英汉大词典




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