

单词 resistance
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕Although the nationalists put up heroic resistance, the revolt was crushed in three days. 尽管民族主义者奋勇抵抗,但起义仍在三天内被镇压下去。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕The oil companies face stubborn resistance from environmentalists. 石油公司遭到环保人士的强烈抵制。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕Any policy that creates unemployment is likely to meet with strong resistance. 任何引起失业的政策都可能遭到坚决抵制。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕She became one of the symbols of resistance both at home and abroad. 她成为国内外抵抗运动的象征之一。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕There has been a lot of resistance to tax increases, even those designed to benefit education. 增税遭到普遍反对,甚至包括旨在资助教育的增税。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕He joined the resistance movement in order to free his country from the enemy. 他加入了抵抗运动,决心要把祖国从敌人的统治下解放出来。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕During the war, she gave refuge and arms to local resistance groups. 战争期间,她向当地的抵抗组织提供武器和避难所。朗文写作活用〔R factor〕A genetic factor of bacteria that transmits resistance to antibiotics from one bacterium to another by conjugation.R因子:一种细菌基因因子,通过接合将对抗生素的抵抗性由一个细菌传递给另一个美国传统〔SECRET〕Slowly, the underground resistance movement grew. 地下反抗运动渐渐地发展起来。朗文写作活用〔TYPE〕It may be possible to create varieties of fish that have resistance to common diseases. 培育出对一般疾病具有抵抗力的鱼类也许是可能的。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕In 1942, the Congress Party demanded immediate independence, and threatened massive though non-violent resistance. 1942年,国大党要求立即独立,并以大规模的非暴力抵抗相威胁。朗文写作活用〔abohm〕The centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of resistance, equal to one billionth of an ohm.电磁欧(姆):厘米-克-秒制中电阻的电磁单位,相当于十亿分之一欧姆美国传统〔adhere〕That government adhered to its original plan in spite of the resistance.该国政府不顾阻力坚持按原计划行事。英汉大词典〔anarchism〕Active resistance and terrorism against the state, as used by some anarchists.反政府恐怖活动:一些无政府主义者进行的反政府抵抗或恐怖活动美国传统〔bid〕To refuse to submit; offer resistance to.对抗:拒绝服从;抗拒…美国传统〔career-limiting〕Career-limiting habits you should avoid include unreliability and resistance to change.你需要避免的妨碍事业成功的习惯,包括不可信赖和不愿改变。剑桥高阶〔checkmate〕It was checkmate to years of resistance.多年抵抗就此以失败告终。英汉大词典〔coat〕The fabric has been specially coated to improve its water resistance.这种布料加了特别涂层,所以更能防水。牛津搭配〔come up against〕We came up against a great deal of resistance in dealing with the case.办这个案子的过程中,我们遇到了很多阻力。柯林斯高阶〔come up against〕We came up against a great deal of resistance.我们遇到了很多阻力。外研社新世纪〔contumacy〕Obstinate or contemptuous resistance to authority; stubborn rebelliousness.叛逆性:顽固的或藐视性的反抗权威;顽固的叛逆性美国传统〔cross-tolerance〕Resistance to the effects of a substance as a result of continued exposure to a different substance having a similar pharmacologic action.交叉耐药性:通过接触另一种具有相似药理作用的不同物质而产生的对某一物质有效用的耐性美国传统〔defiance〕The act or an example of defying; bold resistance to an opposing force or authority.违抗,反抗:违抗的行为或事例;公然对敌对力量或敌对政权的反抗美国传统〔disease〕Tobacco lowers the body's resistance to disease.烟草会降低人体对疾病的抵抗能力。牛津搭配〔disincline from〕Her background disinclined her from resistance.她的背景使她无意抵抗。21世纪英汉〔drag〕The degree of resistance involved in dragging or hauling.摩擦力:拖拉中所受阻力的程度美国传统〔draw〕Such a policy would inevitably draw fierce resistance from farmers.这种政策必然会招致农场主的强烈抵制。柯林斯高阶〔electrifying〕The world was electrified by his courage and resistance.世人为他的勇气和反抗精神震惊不已。柯林斯高阶〔element〕Electricity The resistance wire in an electrical appliance such as a heater or an oven.【电学】 电阻线:元件,部件,如加热器或灶具等电气设备中的阻抗电丝美国传统〔encounter〕The army is reported to be encountering considerable resistance.据报道,部队正遭遇到顽强的抵抗。剑桥高阶〔endow〕Her resistance to the Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.她对民族主义者所作的抵抗使她享有盛名。朗文当代〔epitomize〕He was the man who epitomized black resistance to the colonial government.他代表着黑人对殖民政府的反抗。英汉大词典〔evolve〕Bacteria are evolving resistance to antibiotics.细菌正逐渐对抗生素产生耐药性。剑桥高阶〔fan〕Her resistance only fanned his desire.她的反抗反而激起了他的欲望。朗文当代〔flicker〕The flame of resistance never entirely flickered out in the enemy-occupied areas.在敌占区,反抗的火焰从不曾完全被扑灭。英汉大词典〔freedom fighter〕One engaged in armed rebellion or resistance against an oppressive government.自由战士:进行反抗或抵抗实行压迫统治的政府的人美国传统〔futile〕Resistance is futile.抵抗是徒劳的。外研社新世纪〔gene〕We may be able to identify the genes responsible for disease resistance.我们也许能识别出抗病基因。牛津搭配〔group〕Resistance forces grouped in the jungle.抵抗力量在丛林中集结。英汉大词典〔hardness〕Mineralogy The relative resistance of a mineral to scratching, as measured by the Mohs scale.【矿物学】 相对硬度:用莫氏硬度标测量的某种矿物质的相对硬度美国传统〔hardness〕The relative resistance of a metal or other material to denting, scratching, or bending.硬度:某种金属或其他物质相对抗压、抗划或抗折的能力美国传统〔hierarchy〕The church hierarchy faced resistance to some of their/its decisions.教会统治集团面临对他们的/它的某些决定的抵制。韦氏高阶〔high-level〕The virus has shown high-level resistance to penicillin.那种病毒对青霉素产生了高度抗药性。朗文当代〔hobble〕The President was hobbled by congressional resistance.总统因国会的抵制而受掣肘。英汉大词典〔hostile takeover〕An acquisition of a firm despite resistance by the target firm's management and board of directors.恶意并购:不顾被并购公司管理阶层及董事会反抗的一种企业并购美国传统〔immunity〕Immunology Inherited, acquired, or induced resistance to infection by a specific pathogen.【免疫学】 免疫力:遗传的、后天的或诱发的对特定的病原感染的抵抗能力美国传统〔inbuilt〕She has an inbuilt resistance to change.她对变革有一种固有的抵触。韦氏高阶〔infection〕Taking vitamin C builds up your resistance to infection.摄取维生素 C 可以增强对传染病的抵抗力。牛津搭配〔isometric〕Physiology Of or involving muscular contraction against resistance in which the length of the muscle remains the same.【生理学】 等长收缩肌肉的:肌肉的长度在有阻力情况下进行收缩时保持不变的美国传统〔load〕To raise the power demand in (an electrical circuit), as by adding resistance.加载:提高(电路)能量需求,如通过增加阻抗美国传统〔locus〕The area became a locus of resistance to the government.这个地区成了抵制政府的中心地带。韦氏高阶〔loss〕Electricity The power decrease caused by resistance in a circuit, circuit element, or device.【电学】 损耗:由电路、电路元件或电路装置内的电阻造成的电力下降美国传统〔lower〕A poor diet has lowered his resistance to illness.幼食使他对疾病的抵抗力减弱。文馨英汉〔lower〕Alcohol lowers resistance to illness.含酒精饮料会削弱对疾病的抵抗能力。21世纪英汉〔low〕The sick child's resistance is very low.病孩的抵抗力很差。英汉大词典〔manifest〕It was a question of how we should manifest our resistance.这是关于我们应如何表明反对立场的问题。外研社新世纪〔meet with〕The enemy raids met with fierce resistance.敌人的袭击遭到了猛烈的抵抗。外研社新世纪〔meet〕Her proposal met with resistance from the Left.她的建议遭到了左翼的抵制。牛津高阶〔mop up〕The battle has been won. The focus is now on mopping up small pockets of resistance.战斗胜利了,现在的主要任务是肃清小股抵抗势力。韦氏高阶〔mop up〕The infantry divisions mopped up remaining centres of resistance.陆军各师肃清了残余的抵抗据点。柯林斯高阶〔mop up〕They mopped up remaining pockets of resistance.他们把残余的零星抵抗势力彻底肃清了。外研社新世纪〔mop〕The government had hoped to mop up rebel resistance.政府早就希望肃清叛军的抵抗。麦克米伦高阶〔mop〕Troops combed the area to mop up any remaining resistance.部队对这一地区进行了清剿,以扫除一切残余的抵抗势力。牛津高阶〔non-violent〕They began a campaign of non-violent resistance.他们开始了一场非暴力抵抗运动。麦克米伦高阶〔obstinate〕Invading troops met with obstinate resistance by guerrilla forces.侵略军遭到游击队的顽强抵抗。剑桥高阶〔offer〕The puppet soldiers offered no resistance and surrendered.伪军未作抵抗就投降了。英汉大词典〔ohmage〕Electrical resistance expressed in ohms.奥姆数:以奥姆显示的电阻数美国传统〔ohmmeter〕An instrument for direct measurement in ohms of the resistance of a conductor in ohms.欧姆:以欧姆为单位来对导体电阻进行直接测量的仪器美国传统〔option〕Terrorist leaders concluded that armed resistance was no longer a viable option.行得通的选择麦克米伦高阶〔outgun〕They met little resistance from outgunned government troops.已无还手之力的政府军面对他们几乎是束手就擒。柯林斯高阶〔outsource〕The difficulties of outsourcing have been compounded by the increasing resistance of trade unions.工会愈发强烈的抵制使得外包更难进行。柯林斯高阶〔overcome〕She speaks to women in a gentle way that helps overcome resistance.她语气温和地和女性交谈以帮助她们克服抵触情绪。外研社新世纪〔parochialism〕We have been guilty of parochialism, of resistance to change.我们犯了狭隘的错误, 抵制变革。外研社新世纪〔parochialism〕We have been guilty of parochialism, of resistance to change.我们犯了狭隘的错误,抵制变革。柯林斯高阶〔passage〕Every metal has its own resistance to the passage of an electrical current through it.每一种金属在电流通过时都会产生阻力。英汉大词典〔passive resistance〕Resistance by nonviolent methods to a government, an occupying power, or specific laws, as refusing to comply, demonstrating in protest, or fasting.消极抵抗:借助非暴力手段来反抗一个政府、占领势力或特定的法律,如拒绝服从、游行反抗、或绝食美国传统〔passive resistance〕The Mahatma instigated several campaigns of passive resistance against the British government in India.圣雄甘地在印度发起过多次反对英国政府的非暴力抵抗运动。剑桥高阶〔passive resistance〕They tried to achieve their aims by passive resistance.他们试图通过非暴力抵抗达到目的。朗文当代〔permanent press〕A chemical process in which fabrics are permanently shaped and treated for wrinkle resistance.耐久熨压:纤维制品永久性地被定形而且经过抗皱处理的一个化学过程美国传统〔pesticide〕Some weeds have developed resistance to agricultural pesticides.一些杂草已对农用杀虫剂产生了抗药性。牛津搭配〔pin sb down〕Government forces were pinned down by resistance fighters 30 miles north of the capital.政府军被抵抗组织战士钳制在首都以北30英里处。剑桥高阶〔pocket〕Among the staff there are some pockets of resistance to the planned changes (= some small groups of them are opposed).员工中有部分人抵制计划中的变革。剑桥高阶〔pocket〕Government forces are mopping up the last pockets of resistance.政府军正在肃清最后的零星抵抗。牛津搭配〔pocket〕Military forces have encountered a few pockets of resistance.军队遭遇了小范围抵抗。韦氏高阶〔pocket〕The army controls the city apart from a few pockets of resistance.除了一些零星的抵抗外,部队已控制了城市。柯林斯高阶〔pocket〕The government controls most of the city apart from a few pockets of resistance.除了几小片区域还在抵抗之外, 政府控制了该市的大部分地区。外研社新世纪〔pocket〕There are still a few isolated pockets of resistance to the new regime.现在仍有零星个别的势力反对新政权。牛津高阶〔pocket〕There are still pockets of resistance to the government forces.还有几小片地区在对抗政府军。麦克米伦高阶〔precipitancy〕The president effected the changes in taxes with a precipitancy that stirred up resistance.总统贸然实行税制改革,引起了人们的抵制。英汉大词典〔put ... up〕Very little resistance was put up by the surrounded men.被围困者基本上没有进行反抗。21世纪英汉〔put up sth〕The villagers were unable to put up any resistance to the invading troops.村民没有能力对侵略军进行任何抵抗。剑桥高阶〔put up〕They are likely to put up stiff resistance to any new proposals.他们可能会坚决抵制任何新的提案。韦氏高阶〔reactance〕Opposition to the flow of alternating current caused by the inductance and capacitance in a circuit rather than by resistance.电抗:交流电路中由电感和电容造成的阻抗部分,不是由电阻引起的美国传统〔rebellion〕Open, armed, and organized resistance to a constituted government.造反:对某个宪制政府公开、武装及有组织的反抗美国传统〔redoubt〕From these redoubts, the army carried on vigorous resistance against the aggressors.从这些棱堡,军队对侵略者进行了强有力的抵抗。英汉大词典〔rename〕He was renamed “Liu Shui” during the War of Resistance Against Japan.他在抗日战争期间改名“刘水”。21世纪英汉〔resistance〕Resistance to change has nearly destroyed the industry.对变革的抵制几乎毁了这个行业。牛津高阶〔resistance〕AIDS lowers the body's resistance to infection.艾滋病会降低身体对感染的抵抗力。牛津搭配〔resistance〕AIDS lowers the body's resistance to infection.艾滋病降低了身体的抗感染能力。牛津高阶〔resistance〕As with all new ideas it met with resistance.和所有的新观念一样,它受到了抵制。牛津高阶〔resistance〕Copper has (a) low resistance.铜的电阻很小。剑桥高阶〔resistance〕Copper has less resistance to electricity than lead has.铜比铅的电阻要小。英汉大词典〔resistance〕Government troops offered no resistance (to the rebels).政府军没有(对叛军)作出任何抵抗。剑桥高阶〔resistance〕I have a born resistance to innovation.我有一种抵制革新的天性。英汉大词典〔resistance〕Kirk always just takes the line of least resistance .柯克总是怎么方便怎么来。朗文当代〔resistance〕Many people don't make changes because they're following the path of least resistance .许多人因为图省事不愿意改变现状。朗文当代〔resistance〕Often Resistance An underground organization engaged in a struggle for national liberation in a country under military or totalitarian occupation. 常作 Resistance 抵抗组织:在军事或极权主义占领下的某个国家中为民族解放而斗争的地下组织美国传统〔resistance〕Over time the patient/infection could develop a resistance to the drug.病人/感染会逐渐产生抗药性。韦氏高阶〔resistance〕Police in riot gear cleared the noisy demonstrators, who offered no resistance.身穿防暴服的警察驱散了喧闹的游行者,没有遇到抵抗。柯林斯高阶〔resistance〕She sensed resistance from some of the staff regarding the changes in policy.她察觉到一些员工对政策改革有抵制。韦氏高阶〔resistance〕She tends to follow the path of least resistance instead of going after what she really wants.她倾向于选择最省力的途径,而不是追求自己真正想要的。韦氏高阶〔resistance〕The advancing army met with little resistance.向前推进的军队没遇到什么抵抗。牛津搭配〔resistance〕The army put up a stiff (或 strong) resistance to the enemy.部队对敌军进行了顽强的抵抗。英汉大词典〔resistance〕The bank clerk made (或 offered) no resistance to the robbers.银行职员对抢匪未作抵抗。英汉大词典〔resistance〕The car's speed was reduced by air/wind resistance.汽车速度因为空气/风的阻力而下降。剑桥高阶〔resistance〕The defenders put up a strong resistance.保衞者顽强地抵抗。牛津高阶〔resistance〕The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police.示威者几乎没有对警察作任何反抗。牛津高阶〔resistance〕The design of the bicycle has managed to reduce the effects of wind resistance and drag.这种自行车的设计成功地减少了风的阻力和摩擦力。柯林斯高阶〔resistance〕The government had taken elaborate precautions to crush any resistance.政府采取了周密的预防措施来镇压任何抵抗。麦克米伦高阶〔resistance〕The no-smoking policy was introduced with little resistance from staff.禁烟政策的推行几乎没有员工反对。朗文当代〔resistance〕The plan has met fierce resistance in the Congress.这项计划在国会中受到激烈抵制。英汉大词典〔resistance〕The reduction in white blood-cell counts lowers resistance to disease.白细胞计数减少会降低对疾病的抵抗力。英汉大词典〔resistance〕The troops are encountering stiff resistance.军队遭遇了顽强抵抗。柯林斯高阶〔resistance〕The troops met heavy/stiff resistance as they approached the city.军队逼近该城时遭到了顽强抵抗。韦氏高阶〔resistance〕There has been a lot of resistance to this new law.这项新的法规已经遇到很多的抵制。牛津高阶〔resistance〕There was a lot of resistance to the plan when it was first suggested.这项方案一经提出,就遭到诸多抵制。韦氏高阶〔resistance〕There will be fierce resistance to these proposals.这些提案将遭到激烈反对。外研社新世纪〔resistance〕There's a lot of resistance (= opposition) to the idea of a united Europe.很多人反对欧洲大一统的想法。剑桥高阶〔resistance〕They have shown a stubborn resistance to change.他们表现出对变革的坚决抵制。韦氏高阶〔resistance〕They managed to escape after being arrested by the resistance.他们被抵抗组织抓住后又设法逃脱了。柯林斯高阶〔resistance〕They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal.他们对此项提议发起了坚决的抵制。牛津搭配〔resistance〕This disease is surprisingly difficult to catch as most people have a natural resistance to it.由于多数人对这种病具有天然免疫力,所以发病率低得出奇。柯林斯高阶〔resistance〕This proposal is meeting some resistance at the UN's headquarters.这项提议在联合国总部遭到了一些人的反对。麦克米伦高阶〔resistance〕Tumour cells can develop a resistance to certain drugs.肿瘤细胞能对某些药物产生抗药性。麦克米伦高阶〔resistance〕Vitamin A helps build resistance to infection.维他命A有助于增强机体的抗感染能力。麦克米伦高阶〔resistance〕We took the path of least resistance and bought him the car he wanted.我们采取了最简便的办法,给他买了他想要的汽车。麦克米伦高阶〔resistance〕You need to build up your resistance to colds.你需要增强对感冒的抵抗力。牛津搭配〔resistivity〕Electricity The resistance per unit length of a substance with uniform cross section.【电学】 电阻系数:有均质截面的某一物质单位长度上的电阻美国传统〔resistor〕A device used to control current in an electric circuit by providing resistance.电阻器:在电路中通过提供电阻控制电流的仪器美国传统〔serosa〕The oesophagus has no serosa, thus reducing the resistance against local spread of invasive cancer cells.食道没有绒毛膜,因此抵御进攻性癌细胞局部扩散的能力较低。剑桥高阶〔shelter〕Local people risked their own lives to shelter resistance fighters from the army.当地的人们冒着生命危险,为抵抗组织的战士提供避难所,使其免遭军队逮捕。剑桥高阶〔slog〕To make (one's way) with a slow, heavy pace against resistance.缓慢而吃力的走:用缓慢、沉重的步子克服阻碍向前走美国传统〔snuff out〕Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out.一旦有抵抗的苗头出现时,政府总是迅速地加以消灭。柯林斯高阶〔soften〕To undermine or reduce the strength, morale, or resistance of.使软弱:破坏或削弱…的力量、士气或抵抗美国传统〔stall〕The enemy's resistance has stalled by force.敌方的抵抗被迫放弃了。21世纪英汉〔stiffen〕The army stiffened their resistance.这支部队抵抗得更加顽强了。麦克米伦高阶〔stiff〕The government forces met with stiff resistance in the north.政府军在北部遭遇了顽强的抵抗。麦克米伦高阶〔stiff〕The troops encountered stiff resistance.这支部队遭遇了顽强的抵抗。韦氏高阶〔stimulate〕The body is stimulated to build up resistance.刺激身体以增强抵抗力。柯林斯高阶〔stoutly〕The invasion was held up by unexpectedly stout resistance.入侵行动因遭遇到了出乎意料的顽强抵抗而受阻。柯林斯高阶〔stout〕The invasion was held up by unexpectedly stout resistance.侵略行动因遭遇了意想不到的顽强抵抗而受阻。外研社新世纪〔streamlined〕Designed or arranged to offer the least resistance to fluid flow.流线型的:以提供流体最小阻力而设计或安排的美国传统〔streamline〕A contour of a body constructed so as to offer minimum resistance to a fluid flow.流线型:为液体流动提供最小阻力而建造的形体的轮廓美国传统〔streamline〕To construct or design in a form that offers the least resistance to fluid flow.使成流线型:对提供液体流动最小阻力的形式构造或设计美国传统〔stubborn〕He was famed for his stubborn resistance and his refusal to accept defeat.他以顽强抵抗、不甘失败著称。剑桥高阶〔tensile strength〕The resistance of a material to a force tending to tear it apart, measured as the maximum tension the material can withstand without tearing.抗张强度:物质对撕裂它的力的抗拒程度,以物质所能承受的最大张力为测量单位美国传统〔terror〕The resistance movement started a campaign of terror .抵抗运动引发了恐怖活动。朗文当代〔thermistor〕A resistor made of semiconductors having resistance that varies rapidly and predictably with temperature.热敏电阻:半导体制成的电阻,随温度可迅速变化,并可预测美国传统〔token〕The troops in front of us either surrendered or offered only token (= not much) resistance.我们前面的军队要么投降,要么只作了象征性的抵抗。剑桥高阶〔tolerance〕There is lowered pain tolerance, lowered resistance to infection.对疼痛的忍耐力降低了,对感染的抵抗力也减弱了。柯林斯高阶〔tolerance〕There is lowered pain tolerance, lowered resistance to infection.疼痛忍耐力有所降低, 抗感染力也下降了。外研社新世纪〔underground〕He had been a member of an underground resistance movement.他曾经是地下抵抗运动的一名成员。麦克米伦高阶〔upper airway resistance syndrome〕Sleeping on one's side with the head raised may help those affected with upper airway resistance syndrome.侧睡并将头部抬高对那些患有上呼吸道阻力综合征的人有所帮助。剑桥高阶〔uprising〕Following a determined resistance in the east, there was eventually a popular uprising in the capital.在东部发生坚决的抵抗运动后,最终在首都爆发了人民起义。剑桥高阶〔viscous〕Having relatively high resistance to flow.粘滞性的:对流动有较高抵抗力的美国传统〔wear down〕They hoped the waiting and the uncertainty would wear down my resistance.他们希望拖延搁置会瓦解我的抵抗。柯林斯高阶〔wear〕To break down or exhaust by relentless pressure or resistance.磨损,用坏:以不断的压力或阻力使磨损或坏掉美国传统〔widowhood〕The shock of widowhood weakens resistance to illness.丧夫的打击会削弱对疾病的抵抗力。英汉大词典Resistance stiffened even further last week. 上星期抵抗进一步加强了。译典通Resistance to change has nearly destroyed the industry.对变革的抵制几乎摧毁了这个行业。牛津商务Resistance to the proposals has been stiffening (= becoming stronger).对提议的反对越来越强。剑桥国际A good diet helps the body to build up (a) resistance to disease.良好的日常饮食可增强身体的抗病能力。剑桥国际Air attacks will severely weaken the enemy, but hand-to-hand combat will be necessary to clear up the last pockets of resistance.空袭会严重削弱敌人,但肉搏战对清除敌方残余力量来说是必要的。剑桥国际Although the resistance groups do not show great military prowess they frequently penetrate deep into the interior.尽管抵抗组织并没有显示出很强的军事能力,他们却频繁地深入内地。剑桥国际Among the staff there are some pockets of resistance (= some small groups of them are opposed) to the planned changes.对于计划中的变革在员工中有部分抵制。剑桥国际As a table-tennis player, he was famed for his stubborn resistance and his refusal to accept defeat.作为一名乒乓球运动员,他以顽强战斗和不甘失败而著称。剑桥国际Bacteria are evolving resistance to antibiotics faster than new chemicals are being invented.细菌形成对抗生素的抵抗力的速度比新化学药品发明的速度还要快。剑桥国际But any expansion plans will face fierce opposition / resistance (=that showing strong feeling) from environmentalists.但任何扩建计划都会遭到环境生态学家的激烈反对/抵制。剑桥国际Copper has (a) low resistance.铜的电阻小。剑桥国际Following a determined resistance in the east, there was eventually a popular uprising in the capital.在东部一次坚决的反抗后, 人民起义最终在首都举行了。剑桥国际Government troops offered no resistance (to the rebels).政府军队(对反叛者)没有抵抗。剑桥国际Graham's best remembered for his work on disease resistance.格雷厄姆以其为防治疾病所做的贡献而为世人铭记。剑桥国际In a blitzkrieg, the attack is concentrated on the enemy's rear, rather than its front where there is more resistance.闪电战中攻击集中于敌人的后方而不是抵抗力较强的前部。剑桥国际In the early years of satellite television there was a lot of sales resistance amongst the public.在卫星电视初产阶段,公众中存在不少不愿购买的情绪。剑桥国际Intellectuals and economists played an important role in the resistance movement while the country was under martial law.当国家处于军事管制时,知识分子和经济学家在抵抗运动中起了重要作用。剑桥国际Invading troops met with obstinate resistance by guerilla forces.侵略军遇到了游击武装力量的顽强抵抗。剑桥国际Local people risked their own lives to shelter resistance fighters from the army (= to give them secret hiding places so the army would not catch them).当地的人们冒着生命危险,为抵抗组织的战士提供避难所,使免遭军队俘获。剑桥国际Nickel is useful because of its high corrosion resistance.由于具有很好的抗腐蚀性,镍是很有用的。剑桥国际Sales resistance is a direct result of a salesperson's behaviour.销售抵制是推销员的不当行为所引起的直接后果。牛津商务She crossed the enemy lines, disguised as a civilian, to bring medical succour to the Resistance fighters.她扮成一个平民穿过敌防线将医药救济品带给抵抗军。剑桥国际She had to overcome strong resistance from within her own political party.她不得不克服来自她自己政党内部的强烈抵抗。剑桥国际She made a stouter resistance than the thief had anticipated. 她的抵抗比强盗预料的要强。译典通The Mahatma instigated several campaigns of passive resistance against the British government in India.圣雄甘地在印度发动了几次反对英国政府的非暴力抵抗运动。剑桥国际The car's speed was reduced by air/wind resistance.车速由于空气/风的阻力而减慢。剑桥国际The defenders put up a stubborn resistance. 防守将士进行了顽强的抵抗。译典通The forces in front of us either surrendered or offered token resistance.我们面前的军队要么投降要么作象征性的抵抗。剑桥国际The proposal has met with resistance.这项提议遭到了抵制。牛津商务The show trials demonstrated the government's resistance to political reform and resulted in the imprisonment of 19 people.装模作样的公审证明了政府阻挠政治改革,并致使19人入狱。剑桥国际There's a lot of resistance (= opposition) to the idea of a united Europe.对欧洲统一的想法有许多反对意见。剑桥国际When he was caught he put up a determined/stiff resistance.被抓住时,他进行了顽强的抵抗。剑桥国际




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