

单词 reddish-brown
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abyssinian cat〕A slender, short-haired cat of a breed developed from Near Eastern stocks, having a reddish-brown coat tipped with small black markings.阿比西尼亚猫:繁育自近东动物类型的一种细长、毛短的猫,有夹杂小黑点的红褐色皮毛美国传统〔Belgian hare〕A large reddish-brown rabbit of a domestic breed developed in England from Belgian stock.比利时兔:由比利时引入英国培育的红棕色大型家养兔美国传统〔Belgian〕Any of a breed of characteristically large, reddish-brown or chestnut-colored draft horses.役马,拖车马:一种以红棕色或栗色为特征的大型载重马美国传统〔Bosc〕A variety of pear having a long neck, greenish-yellow skin overlaid with reddish-brown color, and juicy sweet flesh.波士克梨:一种长颈、皮色黄绿、肉质棕黄色和多汁香甜的梨美国传统〔Irish setter〕Any of a breed of setters having a silky reddish-brown coat.爱尔兰谍犬:谍犬中的任何一种,有光滑的红褐色毛皮美国传统〔Irish terrier〕Any of a breed of terriers having a wiry reddish-brown coat.爱尔兰㹴:一种有硬直的红褐色皮毛的㹴犬美国传统〔Pre-Raphaelite〕She was a woman of Pre-Raphaelite beauty (= had pale skin and long wavy reddish-brown hair, like the women often painted by the Pre-Raphaelites).她长得像拉斐尔前派画家笔下的美人。剑桥高阶〔Rhode Island Red〕Any of an American breed of domestic fowls having dark reddish-brown feathers.红毛罗得鸡:具有暗红棕色羽毛的任一美国家禽种美国传统〔Seckel pear〕A variety of pear having small, sweet, reddish-brown fruit.喜可梨:一种梨树,结小而甜的红棕色果实美国传统〔adrenal medulla〕The inner, reddish-brown portion of the adrenal glands that synthesizes, stores, and releases epinephrine and norepinephrine.肾上腺髓质:肾上腺内部红棕色的部分,其合成、储存及分泌肾上腺素和降肾上腺素美国传统〔basenji〕A dog of a breed originally from Africa, having a short, smooth, reddish-brown coat and characterized by the absence of a bark.猴面犬,巴辛吉狗:一种非洲种狗,有一层栗棕色,短而光滑的毛皮,特点是很少吠叫美国传统〔bay〕A reddish-brown animal, especially a horse having a black mane and tail.红棕:红棕色动物,尤指具有黑色的鬃和尾的马美国传统〔black cherry〕The close-grained, reddish-brown wood of this tree, used especially for furniture, cabinets, and musical instruments.黑樱桃木:该种树的纹理细密、红褐色木材,尤其用于制家具、橱柜和乐器美国传统〔boehmite〕A white to dark reddish-brown orthorhombic mineral, AlO(OH), present in bauxite.勃姆石:白色至深红褐色斜方晶矿物,AlO(OH),存在铝土岩中美国传统〔bole〕Any of various soft, fine clays, especially a reddish-brown variety used as a pigment.红玄武土:颗粒微小的松软土,尤指用作颜料的一种红棕色粘土美国传统〔burnt sienna〕A reddish-brown pigment prepared by calcining raw sienna.红褐色颜料,锻赭土:一种经过锻烧生赭土而得到的红褐色颜料美国传统〔carnelian〕A pale to deep red or reddish-brown variety of clear chalcedony, used in jewelry.光玉髓,红玉髓:明净的玉髓的一种浅色至深红或红棕色的变体,用于制珠宝美国传统〔chestnut〕A reddish-brown horse.红棕色的马美国传统〔colour〕Her hair is a reddish-brown colour.她的头发是棕红色的。牛津高阶〔colour〕The walls were a lovely reddish-brown color.墙是漂亮的红棕色。朗文当代〔eyra〕The reddish-brown color phase of the jaguarundi.懒猫:一种红褐色的细腰猫美国传统〔ferruginous〕Having the color of iron rust; reddish-brown.铁锈色的;赤褐色的美国传统〔flea-bitten〕Having a pale coat with reddish-brown flecks. Used of horses.有红棕色斑点的:长有带红褐色斑点的浅色毛的。用来指马美国传统〔foxy〕Having a reddish-brown color.狐色的:有红棕色的美国传统〔lupus vulgaris〕A cutaneous form of tuberculosis characterized by reddish-brown ulcerating nodules, usually appearing on the face, that heal slowly and produce deep scars.寻常狼疮:肺结核引起的皮肤呈现的一种症状,通常在脸上出现红褐色的溃烂小斑块,治愈很慢并会留下深疤美国传统〔mallard〕The male mallard has a green head and reddish-brown chest.雄性绿头鸭的头部呈绿色,胸部呈棕红色。剑桥高阶〔reddish〕She has reddish-brown hair.她长着棕红色的头发。韦氏高阶〔rubiginous〕Rust-colored; reddish-brown.锈色的;赤褐色的美国传统〔russet〕A coarse reddish-brown to brown homespun cloth.黄褐色土布:一种粗糙的手工纺织的布,介于红褐色和褐色之间美国传统〔russet〕A winter apple with a rough reddish-brown skin.冬季粗皮苹果:果皮粗糙且呈红褐色的冬季苹果美国传统〔testaceous〕Color Having the reddish-brown or brownish-yellow hue of bricks.【色彩】 褐黄色的:有一种象砖一样红褐色或黄褐色的美国传统Nicki's got reddish-brown hair.尼基长着棕色微红的头发。剑桥国际She was a woman of Pre-Raphaelite beauty (= had pale skin and long wavy reddish-brown hair, like the women painted by the Pre-Raphaelites).她长得像拉裴尔前派画家笔下的美人。剑桥国际The male mallard has a green head and reddish-brown chest.雄性绿头鸭头呈绿色,胸部呈棕红色。剑桥国际




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