

单词 replacement
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-walled〕Their threat to hire replacement workers has the union with its back to the wall.他们威胁说要雇用替工,这使工会陷入了困境。柯林斯高阶〔ACCEPT〕Meyer acceded to the President's request that he continue as education secretary until a replacement could be found. 迈耶答应了总统的请求,继续留任教育部长,直至找到接替的人。朗文写作活用〔CHOOSE〕The board has unanimously chosen Cole as Gray's temporary replacement. 董事会一致推选科尔来临时替代格雷。朗文写作活用〔DEAL WITH〕As for replacement fuels, many people do not like to contemplate the nuclear option. 说到替代燃料,许多人都不愿意考虑把核燃料作为选择方案。朗文写作活用〔PART〕All our replacement parts are guaranteed, if you have your car serviced with us each year. 如果你的车每年在我们这里检修,所有的替换部件都有保证。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕Jiang was groomed as Deng's replacement 安德森被培养成他的接班人。朗文写作活用〔REPLACE〕I'm just a temporary replacement for the receptionist. 我只是暂时接替一下当接待员而已。朗文写作活用〔REPLACE〕Mrs Hamilton has been appointed acting head of the school until a permanent replacement can be found. 汉密尔顿夫人被任命为代校长,直至找到正式的接替者。朗文写作活用〔REPLACE〕Steve just announced he was leaving, but the coach has already started looking around for a replacement. 史蒂夫刚宣布他要走,教练就已经开始到处找接替他的人了。朗文写作活用〔REPLACE〕They asked Barbara to stay on until they could find a suitable replacement for her. 他们叫芭芭拉在找到合适的接替者之前继续留任。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕Coach Bob Dwyer is playing it cagey over his choice of a replacement skipper. 鲍勃·德怀尔教练对接替队长的人选讳莫如深。朗文写作活用〔SOS〕The team sent out an SOS for a replacement player.球队紧急请求换人。韦氏高阶〔acetabulum〕Prosthetic replacement has been used successfully when the acetabulum has sustained damage.人工假体置换术已经成功应用于髋臼受损的情况。剑桥高阶〔ask around〕Our babysitter's just moved away, so we're asking around for a replacement.我们的临时保姆刚刚搬走,我们正在到处打听想另找一个。剑桥高阶〔bandy〕Many names have been bandied about in the press as the manager's replacement.报上传着许多人的名字,说是要接替主教练的位置。朗文当代〔be〕The hardest part will be to find a replacement.最困难的就是找代替者。剑桥高阶〔breach〕Benjamin Rosen will step into the breach until a replacement is found.在找到接替者之前将由本杰明•罗森代理工作。外研社新世纪〔bridge〕A fixed or removable replacement for one or several but not all of the natural teeth, usually anchored at each end to a natural tooth.牙桥:固定的或可移动的假牙,是真牙的替代物,通常两端都与真牙缚住美国传统〔cancel〕A replacement for deleted matter.替代被注销内容的东西美国传统〔choice〕If the product doesn't work, you are given the choice of a refund or a replacement.如果产品不能使用,可选择退款或换货。剑桥高阶〔claim〕If the shop won't give me a replacement TV, I'll claim my money back.如果商店不给我换台电视,我就要求退钱。剑桥高阶〔consciously〕Sophie was not consciously seeking a replacement after her father died.父亲去世后, 索菲并没有刻意去寻找一个替代者。外研社新世纪〔consciously〕Sophie was not consciously seeking a replacement after her father died.父亲去世后,索菲并没有刻意地寻找替代他的人。柯林斯高阶〔consequence〕His death was totally unexpected and, in consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement.他的死亡完全出人意料, 因此, 根本没有安排替补人选。外研社新世纪〔consequence〕His death was totally unexpected and, in consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement.他的死完全出乎意料,所以,根本没有安排替补人选。柯林斯高阶〔continue〕She will continue in her present job until a replacement can be found.在找到替换人员以前,她将继续做她目前的工作。牛津高阶〔cost〕What is the current replacement cost of these assets? 现在更换这些资产的成本是多少?牛津搭配〔crash〕The company undertook a crash programme of machine replacement.公司采取了更换机器的应急方案。剑桥高阶〔dollarization〕The replacement of a country's system of currency with U.S. dollars.美元化:以美元来代替国家原有的货币系统美国传统〔draft into〕The manager will make a special plea to draft the player into his squad as a replacement.主教练会特别请求把这名选手招入他的球队做替补球员。外研社新世纪〔draft〕The manager will make a special plea to draft the player into his squad as a replacement.主教练将特别要求抽调这位运动员到他的队里做替补。柯林斯高阶〔entitle〕If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund.如果保修有限制, 根据条款你也许可以要求退换或退款。外研社新世纪〔entitle〕If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund.如果保修有限制,根据条款你也许可以要求退换或者退款。柯林斯高阶〔estrogen replacement therapy〕The administration of estrogen, especially in postmenopausal women, to relieve menopausal symptoms and to protect against osteoporosis and heart disease.雌激素替代疗法:服用雌激素,尤其是指更年期妇女的服用,其作用在于缓和更年期的各种症状并预防骨质疏松及心脏疾病美国传统〔excavate〕A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.雇了一个承包商把水库抽干, 挖掉一处的泥土, 然后再用黏土填充。外研社新世纪〔excavate〕A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.雇了一个承包商抽干水库的水,挖掉一个区域的泥土后再用黏土填上。柯林斯高阶〔expeditiously〕The replacement will be found as expeditiously as possible.我们会尽快找到接替者。外研社新世纪〔follow〕We're looking for a replacement for Sue, but she's going to be a hard act to follow.我们正在找人接替休,然而她是别人难比的。朗文当代〔hard〕It was very hard to find a replacement for her.很难找到人顶替她。韦氏高阶〔hip replacement〕She's had a hip replacement.她已经进行了髋关节置换。外研社新世纪〔hip〕My grandmother's having a hip replacement.我祖母要装一个人工髋骨。牛津搭配〔hormone replacement therapy〕She has been on hormone replacement therapy for four years and looks fantastic.她接受激素替代治疗已经4年了,看起来容光焕发。柯林斯高阶〔hormone replacement therapy〕The administration of estrogen and progestin to women to relieve the symptoms of menopause, prevent osteoporosis, and reduce the risk of heart disease.贺尔蒙替代疗法:对女性雌激素及黄体素的调整以减缓停经期症状、预防骨质疏松症、并减低心脏病发生的危险美国传统〔hydrosulfide〕A chemical compound derived from hydrogen sulfide by replacement of one of the hydrogen atoms with a basic radical or base.氢硫化物:一种化学合物,通过用一个原子团或碱来替换硫酸的一个氢原子美国传统〔indent〕We indented for eight replacements of parts and they sent us one.我们申请了8套替换零件,而他们只送来1套。英汉大词典〔injury〕He was an injury replacement for another player.他是另一名队员的伤病替补。牛津搭配〔insert〕The program will automatically insert the replacement text.程序将自动插入替代文本。牛津搭配〔institute〕Hormone replacement therapy is very important and should be instituted early.激素替代治疗非常重要,应该及早开始。柯林斯高阶〔location〕Location of replacement parts is very difficult.要定位需替换的零件非常困难。麦克米伦高阶〔logistics〕The branch of military operations that deals with the procurement, distribution, maintenance, and replacement of materiel and personnel.军事后勤学:军事行动的分支,负责物资和人员的获得、分配、维护和补充美国传统〔love〕Replacement parts couldn't be found for love nor money.无论如何也找不到替换零件了。外研社新世纪〔love〕Replacement parts couldn't be found for love or money.替换零件怎么都找不到。柯林斯高阶〔medullization〕Replacement of bone tissue by marrow, as in inflammatory bone disease.髓质化:骨骼组织被骨髓所取代,如在骨骼炎症中美国传统〔metasomatism〕The process by which the chemical composition of a rock is changed by interaction with fluids; replacement of one mineral by another without melting.交代变化,换质(作用):岩石的化学成分通过与液体相互作用而发生变化的过程;一种矿物不经熔化被另一种矿物替代美国传统〔midseason〕The game show was a midseason replacement for a show that was canceled.有一档节目在播出季中期被取消,由这档电视有奖竞赛节目替代。韦氏高阶〔more trouble than it's worth〕It's more trouble than it's worth to take it back to the shop and ask for a replacement.把它拿回商店重换不值,太麻烦了。剑桥高阶〔no-questions-asked〕The customer has only to bring the goods in to any branch and an immediate, no-questions-asked refund or replacement will be provided.顾客只要把所购之物带至任何一家分店,无须任何说明,就能立即得到退款或换货。剑桥高阶〔nominate〕Next year Mr Jenks will retire and Mr Broadbent will be nominated as his replacement.明年詹克斯先生退休,布罗德本特先生将获任命接替他的职位。朗文当代〔nomination〕On the death of Leo there were two main candidates for nomination as his replacement.利奥去世后,有两个主要候选人被指定来接替他。柯林斯高阶〔notice〕Finding a replacement could prove difficult at short notice.一经告知便要马上找到一个代替者可能会很困难。麦克米伦高阶〔one-man〕It's an easy one-man job to fit a replacement tank.换水箱这种工作很简单, 一个人就够了。外研社新世纪〔overcommit〕To allocate or apportion (money, goods, or resources) in amounts incapable of replacement.调拨过度:以不能被替换的量分配(钱、食物或资源)美国传统〔pencil in〕He was penciled in as the director's replacement.他暂时接替主任的职位。韦氏高阶〔pencil〕Pickford has been pencilled in as Robson's replacement.皮克福德被暂定为罗布森的接替者。朗文当代〔primary〕Relating to the replacement of one of several atoms or radicals in a compound by another atom or radical.连上一个碳原子的:用另外一个原子或原子团来替代混合物中某一原子或原子团的过程的或与此有关的美国传统〔prosthesis〕Replacement of a missing body part with such a device.修复:用这种器物代替身体失去的部分美国传统〔prosthodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with the replacement of missing teeth and related mouth or jaw structures by bridges, dentures, or other artificial devices.补牙学:牙科医学的分类,研究用齿床、假牙或其他人工器具替代缺牙和相关的嘴或下额的结构的学科美国传统〔rage〕He raged at (= spoke angrily to) us for forgetting to order a replacement.我们忘了订购替换件,他对我们大发雷霆。剑桥高阶〔recommend〕In the 1990s, doctors routinely recommended hormone replacement therapy.20 世纪 90 年代,医生们通常都推荐激素替代疗法。牛津搭配〔recruit〕To obtain replacements for or new supplies of something lost, wasted, or needed.得到补充,得到补偿:获得已失去的东西、已浪费掉的东西或需要的东西的替代品或新的供应美国传统〔replacement value〕With conventional insurance policies it is difficult to work out accurately the replacement value of your possessions.在传统的保险条款下,很难准确计算财产的重置价值。柯林斯高阶〔replacement〕Combat attrition was taking a steep toll, and to send green replacements into the skies was fruitless.战斗消耗使伤亡激增,把没有经验的新兵飞行员送上天空又完全于事无补。英汉大词典〔replacement〕Complete replacement of the roof tiles would be very costly.屋顶的瓦片如果全部替换的话会非常昂贵。牛津搭配〔replacement〕Do you know where I can get the replacement part? 你知道我从哪儿能买到替换零件吗?牛津搭配〔replacement〕He came on as a replacement for the injured player.他接替受伤的选手上场。牛津搭配〔replacement〕He is the most likely replacement for the captain.他最有可能成为队长的接班人。牛津搭配〔replacement〕He wasted little time in finding a replacement for me.他立即着手寻找接替我的人。麦克米伦高阶〔replacement〕His replacement came in at eight sharp.接替他的人8点正来上班了。英汉大词典〔replacement〕I'm training my replacement.我正在培养我的接班人。韦氏高阶〔replacement〕It was difficult to find a replacement for Ted.很难找到人来接替特德。朗文当代〔replacement〕Our old car is badly in need of replacement.我们的旧车急需更换。朗文当代〔replacement〕Rare instruments are usually insured for their full replacement value.珍贵的仪器通常都有全额更换保险。牛津搭配〔replacement〕She had a hip replacement six years ago.她 6 年前做了髋关节置换手术。牛津搭配〔replacement〕She served as a last-minute replacement for the woman originally selected.她在最后时刻替代了最初当选的那名妇女。牛津搭配〔replacement〕She was named as a possible replacement for the head of sales.她被指定为销售部经理的可能接班人。牛津搭配〔replacement〕She's sick and we don't have a replacement.她病了, 可是我们没有人接替她。外研社新世纪〔replacement〕Taylor has nominated Adams as his replacement.泰勒提名亚当斯接替他。柯林斯高阶〔replacement〕The replacement of this rare vase will take some time.照原样赔还这只罕见的花瓶需费一些时间。英汉大词典〔replacement〕The 18-year-old made his debut last week as a replacement for the injured Gordon Durie.这个18岁选手作为受伤的戈登·迪里的替补在上周首次出场。柯林斯高阶〔replacement〕The agency sent a replacement for the secretary who resigned.代理行派来了一个人接替辞职的秘书。剑桥高阶〔replacement〕The computers are out-of-date and require replacement.这些计算机过时了,需要更换。麦克米伦高阶〔replacement〕The electric car was not a replacement for conventional vehicles.那时电动汽车还无法替代传统汽车。外研社新世纪〔replacement〕The original furnishings are now in need of replacement.原来的家具陈设需要更换了。牛津搭配〔replacement〕The series III gearbox is a direct replacement for a series II.第三代变速箱可以直接取代第二代。牛津搭配〔replacement〕Trams are now often preferred as replacements for buses.现在人们经常乘有轨电车代替公共汽车。牛津搭配〔replacement〕We need a replacement for our old vacuum cleaner.我们的旧吸尘器需要更换了。韦氏高阶〔replacement〕We need a replacement for the officer who was shot.我们需要一名军官以接替中弹阵亡的军官。英汉大词典〔replacement〕We need to find a replacement for Jan when she goes on maternity leave.简休产假的时候我们需要找个人接替她。牛津搭配〔replacement〕We need to find a replacement for Sue.我们需要找一个替代苏的人。牛津高阶〔replacement〕We'll have to see how bad the injury is before deciding whether to bring in a replacement.我们得看看伤势有多严重再决定是否需要换人。牛津搭配〔replacement〕Where can we get replacement parts for the tractor? 我们在哪儿可以给这台拖拉机找到更换的零件?韦氏高阶〔replacement〕You will have to pay for a replacement.你将不得不买新的来替换。外研社新世纪〔replacement〕Your worn-out tyres need replacement.你那磨损的车胎需更换了。英汉大词典〔search〕I spent the next three hours in a fruitless search for a replacement.接下来的三小时我一直在找东西替代,但劳而无功。朗文当代〔secondary〕Chemistry Characterized or formed by replacement of two atoms or radicals within a molecule. Used of a compound.【化学】 转化而成的:由一个分子内两个原子或电极替代所形成的,或有此特点的。用于化合物美国传统〔send (off/away) for/to sth〕We had to send off to Ireland for a replacement part.我们只得写信到爱尔兰索要替换零件。剑桥高阶〔sign〕The team needs to sign several replacement players.该球队需要签约引进几位替补球员。麦克米伦高阶〔spare tire〕An additional tire carried in a vehicle as a replacement for one that goes flat.备胎:置于车辆上的额外轮胎,轮胎破掉时得以替换美国传统〔spare〕A replacement, especially a tire, reserved for future need.备用品:储存以备将来所用的物品,尤指备用轮胎美国传统〔step aside/down〕She'll step aside after her replacement is appointed.新人任命后她将让位。韦氏高阶〔strike〕They had to play three games with replacement players after the NFL Players Association called a strike.在全国棒球联盟球员协会号召球员罢工之后,他们在三场比赛中不得不派替补球员上场。剑桥高阶〔struggle on〕When Bobbie leaves, we'll have to struggle on by ourselves until we find a replacement.鲍比离开后,我们得努力坚持下去,直到找到接替他的人为止。剑桥高阶〔substitution〕One that is substituted; a replacement.被取代者,取代者美国传统〔suitable〕We need to find someone suitable to send as Corbett's replacement.我们需要找到某个合适的人去接替科比特。麦克米伦高阶〔supersedure〕Replacement of a queen bee that has grown old or weak by one that is younger or more vigorous.取代:年轻而更有活力的新蜂王取代年老而衰弱的老蜂王美国传统〔surgery〕A surgical operation or procedure, especially one involving the removal or replacement of a diseased organ or tissue.手术:外科手术或过程,特别是指割治、替换患病器官或组织的外科手术或过程美国传统〔surrogate〕To appoint (another) as a replacement for oneself.指定(另一人)来代替自己美国传统〔tall〕Finding a replacement is going to be a tall order.想找个替代的人很难。朗文当代〔transformation〕Replacement of the variables in an algebraic expression by their values in terms of another set of variables.变换:以另一套变量置换为一个代数表达式中变量的值美国传统〔uneconomic〕Sending a replacement jet would have been uneconomic.当时派一架喷气式飞机去替换的话, 代价太大了。外研社新世纪〔uneconomic〕Sending a replacement jet would have been uneconomic.当时派一架喷气式飞机去替换的话,代价太大了。柯林斯高阶〔unreasonable〕I told him that I wouldn't pay unless he sent me a replacement. Am I being unreasonable? 我告诉他如果他不给我换货我就不付款。我这是不讲道理吗?韦氏高阶〔ventilation〕The replacement of stale or noxious air with fresh air.通风处:用新鲜空气替代污浊或有害的空气美国传统〔wall〕Their threat to hire replacement workers has the union with its back to the wall.他们威胁说要雇用替工, 这使得工会陷入了困境。外研社新世纪〔winkle out〕It will not be easy to winkle out the old guard and train younger replacements.解雇老警卫、再训练年轻警卫取而代之并不是件容易的事。外研社新世纪〔winkle out〕It will not be easy to winkle out the old guard and train younger replacements.解雇老警卫、再训练年轻警卫取而代之并不是件容易的事。柯林斯高阶〔yet〕The group has yet to find a replacement for the director who left in September.这个小组还没找到人替换9月份离开的那位主任。麦克米伦高阶A replacement would be very expensive, but it would cost a relatively small amount of money to repair it.替换它将非常贵,但如果进行修理将花费得少一些。剑桥国际Aluminium is becoming popular as a replacement for steel in cars.铝作为汽车用钢的替代品越来越普遍。牛津商务He raged at (= spoke angrily to) us for forgetting to order a replacement.他因为我们忘了订购替换品而大发雷霆。剑桥国际Her replacement has already been named, making her a lame duck until she steps down.已提名了她的继任者,她在下台之前已成为“跛脚鸭”。牛津商务Hormone Replacement Therapy has been developed to counteract the effects of the menopause.已经研制出激素替代疗法来抑制更年期的反应。剑桥国际If Bobbie leaves, we'll have to struggle on (= continue despite difficulties) until we find a replacement.如果鲍比离开,我们得艰苦一段时日直到找到接替他的人为止。剑桥国际If the product doesn't work, you are given the choice of a refund or a replacement.如果产品不管用,你能选择退款或掉换。剑桥国际If you are not happy with any item, return it for a replacement or refund.任何一件商品,只要不满意,都可以退换或退款。牛津商务It won't be easy to find a replacement for Louisa.找一位替代路易莎的人可不容易。牛津商务It's more trouble than it's worth (= It's not worth making the effort) to take it back to the shop and ask for a replacement.它根本不值得带回商店重换。剑桥国际Many elderly people in need of a hip replacement operation have to suffer in pain because there are not sufficient resources.很多需要做更换髋骨手术的老人因为髋骨资源不足只能忍受痛苦。剑桥国际Our PCs are due for replacement.我们的个人电脑应该更换了。牛津商务Our baby-sitter's just moved away, so we're asking around for (=asking a lot of people to suggest) a replacement.我们家管孩子的小保姆刚搬走,所以我们正在物色一个新的来顶替。剑桥国际She believes that older institutions should make way for improved replacements.她认为旧的机构应该让位给改良后的机构。剑桥国际She will take over the job until a permanent replacement is found.她将接手这项工作直到找到一个固定人员来接替她。牛津商务The replacement parts had to be flown in specially.替换的零件不得不特地空运过来。牛津商务The agency sent a replacement for the secretary who resigned.机构里派人来接替辞职的秘书。剑桥国际The company undertook a crash program of machine replacement.公司采取了更新机器的应急方案。剑桥国际The cost of maintaining our computer systems is now higher than the replacement cost.维修计算机系统的费用现在高于重置成本。牛津商务The hardest part will be to find a replacement.最难的问题在于找谁当替身。剑桥国际They are engaged in the supply of small parts for replacement. 他们从事提供备用小零件的工作。译典通We had to send (off) to (= send a request to) Ireland to get a replacement.我们得寄信到爱尔兰才能得到替换品。剑桥国际We have been forced to use replacement workers during the strike.我们在罢工期间一直被迫使用替代工人。牛津商务We need a replacement for the secretary who left. 我们需要一个人代替已离职的秘书。译典通




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