

单词 slipping
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DOWN〕The team has been slipping down the league table and really needs some new players if it is to improve. 该队在联赛榜上已经落后了,如果要提高排名,实在需要引进一些新球员。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕Many elderly people injure themselves in their own homes, for example by slipping in the bath. 许多年长者都是在自己家里受伤的,比如在浴室里滑倒。朗文写作活用〔SLIDE〕These glasses keep slipping down my nose. 这副眼镜老是从我鼻梁上滑下来。朗文写作活用〔across〕He began to talk, slipping the words across.他开始讲话,轻声吐着字句。英汉大词典〔anarchy〕The country is slipping into anarchy.该国正逐渐陷入混乱。外研社新世纪〔approval〕The president's approval ratings were slipping.总统的支持率在下滑。牛津搭配〔backwards〕The patient was slipping backwards.患者病情每况愈下。外研社新世纪〔bag〕The camera caught him slipping a CD into his bag.摄像头拍下了他把一张激光唱盘悄悄塞进包里的镜头。牛津搭配〔banana skin〕This government has an unhappy knack of slipping on banana skins .这个政府真有本事,老是出丑。朗文当代〔banana〕The company has acquired an unhappy knack of slipping on banana skins (= being led into making mistakes that make it look stupid).那家公司中了圈套,犯了一个愚蠢的错误。牛津搭配〔bathmat〕A mat used in front of a bathtub or shower, as to absorb water or prevent slipping.浴室防滑垫:放在浴盆或淋浴前面的垫子,用来吸水防止滑倒美国传统〔boot〕What boots it to repeat how time is slipping underneath our feet? 一再重复说时光在我们脚下流逝又有什么用?英汉大词典〔calk〕A pointed extension on the toe or heels of a horseshoe, designed to prevent slipping.马蹄铁刺:马掌后跟或足尖上的尖形加长部分,用于防滑美国传统〔calk〕A spiked plate fixed on the bottom of a shoe to prevent slipping and preserve the sole.鞋钉:固定在鞋底上的带齿的底盘,用于防滑并保护鞋底美国传统〔chase away〕The rise in industrial production helped chase away lingering fears that the economy is slipping into a new recession.工业产出的增长有助于驱除人们对于经济正再次陷入衰退的挥之不去的担忧。柯林斯高阶〔chase away〕The rise in production helped chase away fears that the economy is slipping into a new recession.产量的增长有助于打消人们对经济正陷入新一轮衰退的担忧。外研社新世纪〔chock〕He seized up a great stone, and crowded it chock against the slipping wheel.他搬起一块大石头,用它紧紧地轧住那只打滑的轮子。英汉大词典〔clamper〕One that clamps, especially a spiked plate attached to the sole of a shoe to prevent slipping on ice.防滑钉片:钳制的东西,尤指附在鞋底的防止在冰上打滑的带钉平板美国传统〔clutch〕He felt himself slipping and clutched at a branch.他感觉自己要滑倒,就抓住了一根树枝。牛津搭配〔clutch〕I've booked the car into the garage because the clutch is slipping.我已约好了时间把车送去修,因为离合器松了。剑桥高阶〔concentration〕She needed all her powers of concentration to stop herself from slipping on the icy road.她需要集中全部注意力才不会在结冰的路上滑倒。朗文当代〔crupper〕A leather strap looped under a horse's tail and attached to a harness or saddle to keep it from slipping forward.牵鞍兜带:穿过马尾下面的一皮革圈套,用来扣紧马具或马鞍以防止它向前滑动美国传统〔estimate〕I estimated my chances of slipping out unseen.我判断了一下自己悄悄溜出去的机会有多大。外研社新世纪〔fiddle〕Nautical A guardrail used on a table during rough weather to prevent things from slipping off.【航海】 桌面柜:在遇上恶劣天气时,用来防止食器滚落的、置于桌上的餐具框美国传统〔grasp〕His firm grasp held the rope from slipping.他牢牢抓住绳子不使滑脱。英汉大词典〔grasp〕I felt victory slipping from my grasp.我觉得胜利与我渐行渐远。外研社新世纪〔grasp〕Just when the game seemed to be slipping from their grasp, they scored a vital goal.失去控制麦克米伦高阶〔harness〕High chairs should have a harness to stop the child from slipping under or standing up.高脚椅应该有背带, 防止孩子滑落或站立。外研社新世纪〔hold〕He felt himself slipping and clutched at a branch.他感到自己滑了一下便一把抓住一根树枝。牛津高阶〔illegal〕Illegals are still slipping through in unacceptable numbers.非法移民仍在潜入,数目让人不能接受。朗文当代〔into〕Slipping his hand into his coat pocket, he felt for his keys.他把手滑进外衣口袋中,摸索着找钥匙。麦克米伦高阶〔joint〕His shoulder kept slipping out of joint.他的肩膀总是脱臼。韦氏高阶〔linchpin〕A locking pin inserted in the end of a shaft, as in an axle, to prevent a wheel from slipping off.车辖,制轮:装在辕底部,如车轴上用来预防车轮滑动锁栓美国传统〔mesh〕If the cogs don't mesh correctly, the gears will keep slipping.如果嵌齿不能完好啮合,齿轮就会脱落。牛津高阶〔mousing〕A binding or metal shackle around the point and shank of a hook to prevent it from slipping from an eye.钩口绳:穿缠在钩子的尖端及柄上、用于防止所挂重物滑脱的绳扣或金属套美国传统〔net〕A number of African countries are slipping through the net.一些非洲国家被漏掉了。外研社新世纪〔nub〕The shoes have little nubs on the bottom that prevent you from slipping.这双鞋的鞋底有些凸起的小块以防滑倒。韦氏高阶〔prolapse〕The falling down or slipping out of place of an organ or part, such as the uterus.下垂,脱垂:整个或部分器官,比如子宫,从应在位置滑落或滑出美国传统〔purchase〕A grip applied manually or mechanically to move something or prevent it from slipping.紧抓:用手工或机械装置移动某物或防止其打滑时所使用的牢靠的立足点美国传统〔ridge〕The ridges on the soles of my boots stopped me from slipping.我靴子底上有隆起的纹路,使我没有滑倒。牛津高阶〔roughshod〕Shod with horseshoes having projecting nails or points to prevent slipping.马掌上钉有马蹄铁的:穿有具突出的钉状物或钉子以防滑下的马蹄铁的美国传统〔scotch〕To block (a wheel, for example) with a prop to prevent rolling or slipping.制止转动:用一支撑物阻止(例如轮子)的滚动或者滑动美国传统〔skid〕The act of sliding or slipping over a surface, often sideways.打滑,滑行:从表面,经常是小路上滑过或滑落的动作美国传统〔slide〕Cars were slipping and sliding all over the roads during the snowstorm.由于有暴风雪,车辆一路都在打滑。韦氏高阶〔slip away〕Time was slipping away and she had to make a decision soon.时间过得很快,她必须很快做出决定。剑桥高阶〔slip in〕I cannot resist slipping in a word of advice.我忍不住想插上一句建议。柯林斯高阶〔slip up〕You will see exactly where you are slipping up.你会确切地知道自己哪里出了错。柯林斯高阶〔slippage〕Loss of motion or power because of slipping.动力传动损耗:由于下降造成的运动或动力的损耗美国传统〔slippage〕The act or an instance of slipping, especially movement away from an original or secure place.滑动:滑动的动作或事件,尤指离开原来的或安全的位置的运动美国传统〔slippage〕The amount or extent of slipping.滑动量,滑程:下降的数量或范围美国传统〔slip〕A lot of poor people are slipping through the net because they don't know what they're entitled to.许多穷人没有受到保护是因为他们不清楚自己所拥有的权利。麦克米伦高阶〔slip〕Bad habits are slipping into your speech.你的谈吐正染上不好的习惯。英汉大词典〔slip〕Glyn's calm demeanour seemed to be slipping.格林冷静的外表似乎要被识破。麦克米伦高阶〔slip〕He could feel the rope slipping out of his grasp.他能感觉到绳子正从他手中滑走。剑桥高阶〔slip〕His health was slipping.他的健康每况愈下。英汉大词典〔slip〕His memory is slipping.他的记忆力在衰退。文馨英汉〔slip〕I can't believe he beat me. I must be slipping.不敢相信他居然赢了我。一定是我的状态变差了。韦氏高阶〔slip〕I don't know what went wrong, I must be slipping.我不知道哪里出了问题,我一定是退步了。剑桥高阶〔slip〕Organizers felt support for the project slowly slipping away.组织者感到人们逐渐不再支持这个计划。麦克米伦高阶〔slip〕Overall business activity is slipping.商业活动整体趋于萧条。柯林斯高阶〔slip〕Peter was already at the door slipping on his shoes.彼得已经在门口穿鞋子了。朗文当代〔slip〕She knew that time was slipping away.她知道时间在飞逝。牛津高阶〔slip〕She looked round before pulling out a package and slipping it to the man.她四下里看了看,然后拿出一个包裹,偷偷地塞给了这个男人。柯林斯高阶〔slip〕She was slipping out of consciousness.她正渐渐地失去知觉。韦氏高阶〔slip〕Standards have been slipping over the years.几年来标准一直在下降。麦克米伦高阶〔slip〕Standards in many schools are slipping.许多学校的水准正在下降。文馨英汉〔slip〕Support for the death penalty has been slipping.人们对死刑的支持一直在下降。麦克米伦高阶〔slip〕The act or an instance of slipping or sliding.跌倒:溜或滑的动作或事美国传统〔slip〕The company apologized for slipping up so badly.这家公司为这么严重的疏忽表示歉意。朗文当代〔slip〕The country is slipping into recession.这个国家正走向经济衰退。麦克米伦高阶〔slip〕The dollar is slipping on the money markets.美元在货币市场上滑落。文馨英汉〔slip〕The search for the missing child continued, but time was slipping away.寻找失踪小孩的工作在继续,但时间正飞逝。朗文当代〔slip〕The truck's wheels were slipping and spinning in the mud.卡车的轮子在泥里打滑。麦克米伦高阶〔slip〕Time keeps slipping away.时间不停地流逝。韦氏高阶〔slip〕You're slipping, Doyle! You need a holiday.你退步了,多伊尔!你需要去度个假。朗文当代〔standard〕Their standards are slipping.他们的标准在下降。韦氏高阶〔strongman〕Haitian strongman Duvalier could feel his power slipping away.海地的铁腕人物杜瓦利埃能够感觉到自己的权力在逐渐丧失。剑桥高阶〔support〕To hold in position so as to keep from falling, sinking, or slipping.支撑:扶持以防止摔倒、下沉或滑倒美国传统〔toggle〕A pin, rod, or crosspiece fitted or inserted into a loop in a rope, chain, or strap to prevent slipping, to tighten, or to hold an attached object.连接:一种装入或插入绳子,链子或带子,在上面绕成一个环的钉子、杆或横档用于防止滑动或固定一个连接的物体美国传统A slight improvement in industrial production has helped chase away lingering fears that the economy is slipping into recession.工业生产中的一个小小的改进便消除了人们一直担心经济正在缓慢衰退的余虑。剑桥国际Haitian strongman Duvalier could feel his power slipping away.海地的铁腕人物杜瓦利埃可以感到权力正在逐渐丧失。剑桥国际Standards are slipping in this hotel. 这家旅馆的水准在下降。译典通The clutch in my car is slipping.我车里的离合器打滑了。剑桥国际The manufacturing sector is slipping into recession.制造业正陷入衰退中。牛津商务




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