

单词 room with
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DECORATE〕Tom had decorated his room with a series of photos of Naples. 汤姆用一组那不勒斯的风景照装饰他的房间。朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕I paid $40 a week for a tiny room with a lumpy couch and a battered old desk. 我每周付40美元租这间小房间,里面有张布满团块的长沙发和破破烂烂的旧书桌。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕We booked a room with a sea view. 我们订了一间海景房。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕All the captives were kept in a darkened room with their hands tied. 所有俘虏都被绑着双手关押在一间漆黑的房间里。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Dan was delighted to get a room with breathtaking views of the Los Angeles basin. 丹非常高兴,他住的房间能看到洛杉矶内港,景色令人叫绝。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕I couldn't bear to go in the room with its stench of beer and vomit. 房间里有啤酒和呕吐物的秽气,一进去我就受不了。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕Somehow I always end up alone in a room with my talkative aunt. 不知怎么的,最后房间里总剩下我一个人与健谈的姨妈在一起。朗文写作活用〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕It was an ugly room with tasteless decorations and shabby furniture. 这个房间很难看—装潢没有品味,家具也很破旧。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕It was a typical student's room with the inevitable Van Gogh print on the wall. 这是一间典型的学生房间,墙上照例挂了一张梵高的画作复制品。朗文写作活用〔a face like thunder〕He burst into the room with a face like thunder.他黑着脸冲进房间来。韦氏高阶〔balcony〕We asked for a hotel room with a balcony.我们在酒店订了一间带阳台的房间。韦氏高阶〔battle〕She walked into the room with her eyes blazing, ready to do battle.她眼里燃着怒火走进房间,一副随时准备吵架的样子。朗文当代〔bubble〕The coffeepot bubbled, filling the room with fragrance.咖啡煮开了,满屋子都是香味。柯林斯高阶〔cheer〕Cheer up a dull room with fresh flowers.用鲜花把单调的房间装扮得亮堂起来。麦克米伦高阶〔critical〕She looked round the room with a critical eye .她以严谨的眼光环视房间。朗文当代〔deafen〕They deafened the room with heavy curtains.他们用很厚的窗帘使房间隔音。21世纪英汉〔decorate〕They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.他们用花和气球装饰了房间。牛津高阶〔explicitly〕We explicitly asked for a room with a view.我们明确要求要一间观景房。韦氏高阶〔fill〕He seemed to fill the room with his presence.他似乎让整个房间的人都感觉到他的存在。牛津搭配〔freshen〕Freshen up your room with a coat of paint.刷一层漆使你的房间焕然一新。麦克米伦高阶〔gesture〕He left the room with an angry gesture.他打了个生气的手势, 离开了房间。外研社新世纪〔gloomy〕It was a gloomy room with one small window.房间里阴森森的,只有一扇小窗。朗文当代〔hang〕A light-bulb hanging from the ceiling filled the room with a cold yellow light.屋子里天花板上吊着的一个灯泡散发着冷冷的黄光。柯林斯高阶〔have a face like thunder〕She suddenly came into the room with a face like thunder.她突然走进房间,看上去极为愤怒。剑桥高阶〔high〕The apartment had spacious rooms with high ceilings.那间公寓房间宽敞,屋顶很高。朗文当代〔insulate〕Proust lined his room with cork to insulate it against noise.普鲁斯特在他房间墙上衬了一层软木以隔绝噪音。外研社新世纪〔ladylike〕She crossed the room with quick, ladylike steps.她迈着轻快、优雅的步伐穿过房间。外研社新世纪〔laugh〕He left the room with a cynical laugh.他嘲弄地笑着离开了房间。牛津搭配〔monochromatic〕It's a monochromatic room with a blue rug and blue furniture.这是单色房间,地毯和家具都是蓝色的。韦氏高阶〔panel〕We paneled the living room with oak.我们给客厅铺了橡木板。韦氏高阶〔plain〕It was a plain room with no curtains.这是间不带窗帘的简朴房间。韦氏高阶〔plan〕I was wondering who you were planning on rooming with next year.我不知道你打算明年和谁同住一室。英汉大词典〔proportion〕The house, of Spanish colonial design, has rooms with graciousness of proportion and beautiful details.这座西班牙殖民时期设计风格的房子,各房间都有和谐的比例及精美的细微部分。美国传统〔room〕I used to share a room with my sister.我过去和姐姐住在一个房间里。牛津搭配〔room〕She is rooming with us.她和我们同住。英汉大词典〔sense〕He looked around the room with a sense of achievement.他带着一种成就感环顾房间。朗文当代〔share〕Ralph shared a room with his brother.拉尔夫和他哥哥同住一个房间。外研社新世纪〔stark〕It was a stark room with a bed and chair as the only furniture.这个房间很简陋,仅有的家具就是一张床和一把椅子。剑桥高阶〔stride〕She entered the room with a confident stride.她自信地走进房间。韦氏高阶〔view〕I'd like a room with a view.我想要一个可以观看风景的房间。牛津高阶Being shut in a room with Dina all afternoon was like a nightmare--really I wouldn't wish it on anyone/on my worst enemy (= wouldn't want anyone to suffer in that way)! 整个下午都与黛娜关在一个房间里像是一个噩梦----我真的不希望任何人受那样的罪。剑桥国际He jazzed up the room with some bright red curtains. 他用一些鲜红的窗帘将房间装饰得更具生气。译典通He walked into the room with a cheery smile and announced that he had some good news for us.他带着欢乐的微笑走进房间,宣布说他给我们带来了好消息。剑桥国际I want a hotel room with an en suite bathroom.我想要一间带连浴室的旅馆房间。剑桥国际It was one of those rooms with a big bay window and a window seat.这是那些带有一个大凸窗和一个窗位的房间之一。剑桥国际She chose the room with an eastern exposure. 她选了一间朝东的房间。译典通She went out of (= left) the room with a smile on her face.她脸上带着微笑离开了房间。剑桥国际The carpenter will floor this room with oak. 木匠将用橡木铺设这个房间的地板。译典通There is a €100 reduction for a child sharing a room with two adults.小孩和两个大人合住一间房可以享有 100 欧元的折扣。牛津商务We can screen off part of the room (= separate part of the room with a movable wall) and use it as a temporary office.我们可以用隔板把这房间分隔出一部分,作为临时的办公室。剑桥国际




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