

单词 ratio
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔AMOUNT〕a school where the ratio of students to teachers is about 5:1 学生与老师的比例约为5:1的一所学校朗文写作活用〔allowance〕the ratio allowanced to non-performing loans限定的不良贷款比率外研社新世纪〔colon〕the 1:10 exchange ratio 1 比10的兑换率英汉大词典〔dependency〕the dependency ratio 赡养和受赡养的比率英汉大词典〔isotopic〕isotopic ratio 同位素比英汉大词典〔ratio〕a teacher-student ratio of 1:20(=1 teacher for every 20 students) 老师与学生的比例为1∶20。麦克米伦高阶〔ratio〕the ratio between attackers and defenders 攻方与守方人数之比 英汉大词典〔ratio〕the ratio between profits and incomes 利润和收入之比朗文当代〔ratio〕the ratio between the amount of time spent on the work and the profit produced 该工作所花时间与获益之比牛津搭配〔ratio〕the ratio of house prices to incomes 房价与收入之比牛津搭配〔ratio〕the worsening student / teacher ratio in our schools 我们各学校日趋不合理的师生比例牛津搭配a debt-equity ratio of 3:1 (= for every dollar invested by shareholders, the company borrows another 3 dollars) 债务股本比为 3:1 (股东每投入 1 元,公司另外借入 3 元)牛津商务the ratio of deposits to gross domestic product 存款对国内生产总值的比率牛津商务the debt to EBITDA ratio 债务对息税折旧摊销前利润的比率牛津商务




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