

单词 rating
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔G〕A movie rating that allows admission to persons of all ages.G级:各种年龄段的观众都可观看的电影美国传统〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Hollywood pundits predicted the movie would grab the top spot in the ratings, but they were wrong. 好莱坞的专家预测这部电影能够荣登榜首,可是他们判断错了。朗文写作活用〔LEAST〕Ratings for the once-popular game show seem to have reached an all-time low. 曾经风靡一时的游戏节目收视率好像已跌到最低点。朗文写作活用〔LEND〕Failure to repay a student loan can ruin that person's credit rating. 不偿还学生贷款会损害本人的信用等级。朗文写作活用〔LEND〕The bank wouldn't give me a loan because they said I had a bad credit rating. 银行不愿意贷款给我,因为他们说我信用等级差。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕The rating a film gets reflects the opinions of our reviewers. 一部电影的评级反映了我们影评员的观点。朗文写作活用〔PG〕A movie rating that allows admission of persons of all ages but suggests parental guidance in the case of children.父母指导观看影片:允许所有年龄人观看的影片,但建议父母指导孩子们观看美国传统〔Tory〕The Tories (= the Tory party) have dropped in the opinion poll ratings.英国保守党在民意测验中的支持率下降了。剑桥高阶〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Television producers should not take low ratings to mean failure. 电视制作人不应该把收视率低看作是失败。朗文写作活用〔UP〕The new detective series quickly shot up the TV ratings. 这部新的侦探连续剧使电视的收视率飙升。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕TV ratings figures are often inaccurate. 电视收视率常常是不精确的。朗文写作活用〔X-rated〕The NC-17 rating is the last step before X-rated soft porn.17岁以下孩童不宜评级的下一级就是X级软性色情片。外研社新世纪〔accolade〕Four restaurants have been awarded the highest accolade of a three-star rating.4 家餐馆被授予三星级餐馆的最高荣誉称号。牛津搭配〔approval〕By July, the Prime Minister's approval rating had risen to over 60 per cent.某人的支持率麦克米伦高阶〔approval〕The president's approval rating had risen.总统的支持率上升了。柯林斯高阶〔approval〕The president's approval ratings were slipping.总统的支持率在下滑。牛津搭配〔bar graph〕The ratings are shown by way of a bar graph.评级结果以一幅条形图表示。外研社新世纪〔category〕Most of his ratings were in the highest category.对他的评价大多为最高类别。牛津搭配〔cellar〕That broadcasting station was in the ratings cellar.那家电台的收听率处于最低档。英汉大词典〔codify〕A rating exercise codifies and formalises these often nebulous perceptions.进行评分可以把这些常常含糊不清的看法正式确定下来。外研社新世纪〔creditworthy〕Having an acceptable credit rating.信用好的:有令人满意的信用等级的美国传统〔credit〕He has a bad credit rating (= seems unlikely to pay the money back).他的还款信用很差。牛津搭配〔disapproval〕The President's disapproval rating has hit 55%.总统的反对率达到了 55%。牛津搭配〔disastrously〕His poll ratings were disastrously low.他在民意调查中的排名低得吓人。外研社新世纪〔downgrade〕A credit rating downgrade would raise their cost of borrowing.信誉等级的降低会导致借贷费用的上涨。剑桥高阶〔figure〕The show was very popular, had superb ratings, so they took it off. Go figure, eh?演出非常受欢迎, 好评如潮, 结果他们停演了。这就怪了, 是吧?外研社新世纪〔gone south〕The TV show's ratings have been heading south.这个电视节目的收视率一直在下滑。韦氏高阶〔grade〕Indonesia's local currency rating was raised by two grades.印度尼西亚的本国货币评级提高了两个等级。外研社新世纪〔hammering〕The comedy show has inched its way up the ratings despite the hammerings of reviewers.那出喜剧尽管受到评论家们的猛烈抨击还是渐渐地演红了。英汉大词典〔history〕History shows that high approval ratings are no guarantee of re-election.历史记录表明,高支持率并不能保证再次当选。牛津搭配〔insignia〕White stripes on the cuff are the seamen's insignia of rating.袖口上的白色条纹是水兵的军阶识别符号。英汉大词典〔marksman〕A classification in the U.S. Army and Marine Corps for the lowest of three ratings of rifle proficiency.二等射手:美国陆军和海军陆战队中地步枪射击合格标准的最低三个级别的分类美国传统〔marksman〕One who holds this rating.列入这种等级的人美国传统〔merit〕Movies are given a rating of one to five stars according to merit.影片根据优劣按一到五星评级。牛津搭配〔network〕The show is getting good ratings for the network.这档节目为这家电视网赢得良好的收视率。韦氏高阶〔overplay〕The network news overplayed the story just to get good ratings.网络新闻为了收视率夸大了这篇报道的重要性。韦氏高阶〔plummet〕The TV show has plummeted in the ratings.这个电视节目的收视率大幅下跌。韦氏高阶〔plunge〕The President's approval rating has plunged to 20 percent.总统的支持率猛跌到20%。韦氏高阶〔point〕A single unit, as in counting, rating, or measuring.单位:一种单位,如计数、测试或测量中所用的单位美国传统〔power〕The power rating of my amplifier is 40 watts per channel.我的扬声器的功率(级别)是每声道40瓦。剑桥高阶〔priority〕An authoritative rating that establishes such precedence.建立这种居先地位的有权威的分级美国传统〔pull down〕The show has pulled down high ratings.这个节目获得了高收视率。韦氏高阶〔rater〕One that rates, especially one that establishes a rating.估定人:价估价值的人,特别是确定汇率的人美国传统〔rating agency〕Rating agencies are important players in the financial markets.评级机构是金融市场的重要角色。剑桥高阶〔ratings〕The show was beaten in the ratings by its old rival.这个节目的收视率被其老对手超过。外研社新世纪〔rating〕A ‘U' rating means the film is suitable for anyone.U级别表示该电影适合所有人观看。麦克米伦高阶〔rating〕Advertisers are interested in ratings.广告商们对收视率感兴趣。剑桥高阶〔rating〕At this stage the series was getting good ratings.现阶段这部连续剧收视率很高。牛津搭配〔rating〕Australian soap operas were top of the ratings that year.那年澳大利亚肥皂剧位居收视排行榜前列。麦克米伦高阶〔rating〕Banks, among 26 basic U.S. professions, deserve the highest rating for honesty, dependability and ability to get things done.在美国26个关系国计民生的行业中,银行在诚实、信用以及效率方面应得最高评分。英汉大词典〔rating〕Bringing her on the show was a cynical attempt to boost the ratings.让她上节目纯粹就是想提高收视率。牛津搭配〔rating〕By the end of the year the Prime Minister's approval rating (=how many people agreed with his policies) had fallen as low as 12 percent.到年底前,首相的支持率跌到了 12% 的低点。朗文当代〔rating〕CBS will end the series if it continues to drop in the ratings.这部电视连续剧如果收视率排名继续下降,哥伦比亚广播公司就会停播该剧。朗文当代〔rating〕CBS's ratings again showed huge improvement over the previous year.与前一年相比,哥伦比亚广播公司的收视率再次大幅提高。柯林斯高阶〔rating〕Education has been given a high-priority rating by the new administration.新一届政府将教育放在了高度优先的地位。牛津高阶〔rating〕Eurocops was beaten in the ratings on Channel 4 by Kate and Allie, Hill Street Blues and St Elsewhere.在第4频道的收视率调查中《欧洲警察》被《凯特和阿莉》、《希尔街的布鲁斯》和《何方神圣》打败。柯林斯高阶〔rating〕Harold's rating of his brother's creations wasn't very flattering.哈罗德对他兄弟创作品的评价不怎么地。英汉大词典〔rating〕He has the highest opinion-poll rating of any president this century.在民意调查中,他的受欢迎程度在本世纪的总统中是最高的。牛津搭配〔rating〕He's currently enjoying a favourable / favorable rating with more than 50% of the electorate.他目前以赢得过半数选民的选票而居优势。牛津搭配〔rating〕Her new series had high ratings right from the start.她的新闻系列节目一开播就有很高的收视率。麦克米伦高阶〔rating〕Her performance would get a high rating from me.我会给她的演出予以高度评价。牛津同义词〔rating〕His rating has fallen sharply.他的支持率猛降。文馨英汉〔rating〕His new sitcom was a ratings success.从收视率看,他的新情景喜剧很成功。牛津搭配〔rating〕His popularity rating is at an all-time low.他的支持率创下新低。外研社新世纪〔rating〕It has been ousted from top spot in the TV ratings.它已不再位居电视排行榜首位了。牛津搭配〔rating〕Labour's popularity rating fell for the first time since the election.自大选以来,工党的支持率首次下降。麦克米伦高阶〔rating〕Most countries try to preserve their international credit rating in order to secure necessary loans.大多数国家都努力维护国际信用等级以确保得到必要的贷款。牛津搭配〔rating〕NBC executives are waiting to see how the show fares in the ratings.(美国)全国广播公司的经理们正在等着瞧这档节目会得到怎样的收视率。英汉大词典〔rating〕New public opinion polls show the president's approval rating at its lowest point since he took office.新发起的民意调查显示, 总统支持率为就职以来最低。外研社新世纪〔rating〕New public opinion polls show the president's approval rating at its lowest point since he took office.新的民意调查显示总统的支持率跌到了他就职以来的最低点。柯林斯高阶〔rating〕Regional news programmes need to improve their ratings.地方台新闻节目的收视率还有待提高。麦克米伦高阶〔rating〕Standard & Poor's lowered its credit rating for the company from A to BBB.标准普尔将该公司的信用等级从 A 级降至 BBB 级。牛津搭配〔rating〕TV networks determined to win the ratings war 决意要赢得收视率大战的各大电视台英汉大词典〔rating〕The ratings went shooting up overnight.收视率一夜之间飙升。牛津搭配〔rating〕The Gallup poll gave the Senator an 83 per cent approval rating.盖洛普民意测验结果表明这位参议员享有83%的支持率。英汉大词典〔rating〕The article compares the fuel-economy ratings of various cars.这篇文章将各类汽车的节油程度进行了比较。韦氏高阶〔rating〕The car has a horsepower rating of 500.这辆车的额定功率为500马力。韦氏高阶〔rating〕The film got an R rating.这部电影被定为限制级。外研社新世纪〔rating〕The film was given a 15 rating by British censors.英国审查员将这部电影定为 15 岁以上级。牛津高阶〔rating〕The government's approval/popularity rating sank to an all-time low.政府的民众支持率降到了历史最低点。剑桥高阶〔rating〕The guide gives restaurants a rating out of 10.该指南按10级制对饭店进行了划分。麦克米伦高阶〔rating〕The hotel achieved a four-star rating.该宾馆达到了 4 星级。牛津搭配〔rating〕The judges gave her the maximum rating on style.裁判们给她的风度打了最高分。牛津搭配〔rating〕The movie carries an R rating.这部电影带有限制级 R 的标志。牛津高阶〔rating〕The network's prime-time ratings are up 150%.该电视网的黄金时间收视率上升了 150%。牛津搭配〔rating〕The opinion polls gave the Prime Minister a high rating.民意调查给予总理很高的支持率。文馨英汉〔rating〕The overall performance rating puts the new model well ahead of its main rivals.这个新型号的总体性能评定远远高于其主要竞争产品。牛津搭配〔rating〕The poll gave a popular approval rating of 39% for the President.民意调查表明民众对总统的支持率为 39%。牛津高阶〔rating〕The president's ratings have suddenly rocketed.总统的支持率飚升。牛津搭配〔rating〕The resort got a low rating for children's facilities.这个旅游点的儿童设施等级不高。牛津搭配〔rating〕The school has an above-average academic rating.这所学校的学术评级在中等以上。韦氏高阶〔rating〕The school has got a good academic rating.这所学校学术地位高。英汉大词典〔rating〕The show continues to garner high ratings.该节目持续拥有很高的收视率。牛津搭配〔rating〕The show has fallen in the ratings this week.本周,这部电视连续剧的收视率下降了。剑桥高阶〔rating〕The show has gone up in the ratings.这个节目的收视率上升了。牛津高阶〔rating〕The show's ratings have dipped sharply.这个节目的收视率锐减。牛津搭配〔rating〕The university consistently receives a high rating for the quality of its research.这所大学一直由于其高水平的研究而受到很高的评价。麦克米伦高阶〔rating〕The university scored a top rating among students.这所大学在学生中最受欢迎。牛津搭配〔rating〕This program is high in the ratings.这个节目收听[视]率很高。文馨英汉〔rock bottom〕The president's approval ratings have hit rock bottom.总统的支持率已跌至最低点。剑桥高阶〔scale〕Patients were asked to state their level of anxiety on a 10-point rating scale.患者被要求用十分制打分标准给出各自焦虑程度的分值。牛津搭配〔secret weapon〕The show could be the BBC's secret weapon in the ratings war this autumn.这个节目是英国广播公司今秋收视率大战中的秘密武器。麦克米伦高阶〔snapshot〕Credit rating agencies provide a snapshot of the risks an investment poses at any one time.信用评分机构提供的是某一时刻投资风险的简要情况。剑桥高阶〔star〕What star rating does this restaurant have? 这家餐馆是几星级的?牛津高阶〔striker〕An enlisted person in usually intensive training for a naval technical rating.通常强烈培养为海军技术员的服役士兵美国传统〔strike〕To strive diligently for a specific technical rating in the U.S. Navy.努力:美国海岸中为特定的技术分级而努力美国传统〔subjective〕The ratings were based on the subjective judgement of one person.这些级别是基于个人的主观判断而定的。朗文当代〔sweep〕The national survey of local stations that is conducted to determine these ratings.用于制定收视率而进行的全国性地方台调查美国传统〔take on〕Democrats were reluctant to take on a president whose popularity ratings were historically high.民主党人不愿与一位有史以来民众支持率最高的总统较量。柯林斯高阶〔variable〕The data was analysed according to neighbourhoods, but other key variables like credit rating and marital status were ignored altogether.对这些数据按照所在街区进行了分析,但像信用等级、婚姻状况等其他关键变量则一概忽略不计。剑桥高阶〔verge〕The show was on the verge of being canceled due to low ratings.因为收视率太低,这档节目就要被取消。朗文当代〔write〕Ratings fell when the star was written out of the show.那个明星的角色被从这部电视剧中取消后,其收视率下降了。麦克米伦高阶〔yardstick〕Ratings are the yardstick by which TV shows are evaluated by networks.收视率是广播电视网衡量电视节目的标准。韦氏高阶〔zoom〕Network executives are hoping to see the ratings zoom up overnight.有线电视网的高管希望看到收视率一夜之间迅速攀升。韦氏高阶Ratings are based on the quality and location of hotels.评级是基于酒店的品质和位置基础上的。牛津商务A triple-A bond rating guarantees a safe investment.三 A 级债券评级保证投资的安全性。牛津商务Advertisers are interested in ratings.做广告者对节目收视率感兴趣。剑桥国际Do you know anything about tog ratings, Guy -- I want to buy a duvet.伙计,你知道些关于托格等级的情况吗----我要买一条羽绒被。剑桥国际Employees receive a merit rating every six months.员工每六个月接受一次业绩评定。牛津商务J.P. Morgan upgraded the company's investment rating to ‘overweight’ from ‘neutral’.JP 摩根将这家公司的投资评级由“中性”提升为“增持”。牛津商务Merrill Lynch has raised its rating on the stock to ‘buy’ from ‘neutral’.美林证券将其对这支股票的评级从“中性”调高到“买入”。牛津商务Moody's dropped its rating on the firm to one grade above ‘junk’ status.穆迪将这公司的信用评级降到“垃圾级”的上一级。牛津商务Most analysts have a hold rating on the shares.大多数分析家主张持有这股票。牛津商务Of all universities in Taiwan, National Taiwan University enjoys the highest ratings from day one. 在台湾所有的大学中,台湾大学的评分一直最高。译典通Our analyst has put a sell rating on the stock .我们的分析员认为应当卖出这支股票。牛津商务Our analyst has put a strong buy rating on the stock.我们的分析员对这股票给予了强势买入评级。牛津商务People with no credit rating can find it difficult to take out a loan.没经过信用评级的人很难取得贷款。牛津商务She has a high salary and a good credit rating.她薪水高,信用等级也高。剑桥国际Some Taiwanese TV stations aired historical drama series made in China to ratchet up their viewership ratings. 有些台湾的电视台为了冲高收视率引进大陆拍的历史剧。译典通Stations often broadcast their most popular shows during the sweeps in order to boost their ratings.电视台为提高收视率常在调查时间内播放观众最喜爱的节目。剑桥国际That TV station was in the ratings cellar. 那家电视台的收视率最低。译典通The ratings agencies say the AAA ratings of the insurance company are not likely to be downgraded.信用评级机构表示这家保险公司的 AAA 级不可能被降级。牛津商务The Bank has upgraded its rating on the stock to ‘buy’.英格兰银行将这支股票的评级上调至“买入”。牛津商务The Tories (= the Tory party) have dropped in the opinion poll ratings.英国保守党在民意测验中的得分率下降了。剑桥国际The World Cup final had a record television rating of 48.3%.世界杯决赛的电视收视率达到了创纪录的 48.3%。牛津商务The average audience rating for the show was only 6%.这场表演的平均收视率只有 6%。牛津商务The company lost its triple-A credit rating following its financial problems.这家公司出现财务困难之后失去了 AAA 信用评级。牛津商务The company's credit rating has been downgraded to ‘junk’ status.公司的信用评级已降至“垃圾”级。牛津商务The company's credit rating has been upgraded (= they are now considered to be more likely to pay their debts).这家公司的信用评级被调高了。牛津商务The company's debt rating has been downgraded to ‘junk’ status.这公司的债务评级已降至“垃圾”级。牛津商务The country has raised its credit rating to a gilt-edged AAA.这个国家将其信用等级提高到了最高资信等级 ──AAA 级。牛津商务The credit rating agency has now lowered the company's credit rating.信贷评级机构现已调低了该公司的信用评级。牛津商务The credit rating agency revised its outlook on the bank from ‘stable’ to ‘negative’.信用评级机构对这家银行的评级由“稳定”修改为“负面”。牛津商务The data was analysed according to neighbourhoods, but other key variables like credit rating, job history, savings and marital status were ignored altogether.这数据是根据邻里关系来分析的,但是其他关键因素,像信誉等级、工作经历、存款数额和婚姻状况等,都被忽略了。剑桥国际The directors were told how their skills were rated and how it compared to the average rating of all the other directors.已告知各位董事如何评定其技能的方法,以及如何与其他所有董事的平均评分比较。牛津商务The government's rating (= people's judgment of its quality) in the opinion polls sank to an all-time low.在民意测验中,人们对政府的评价降到了有史以来最低点。剑桥国际The prime minister's opinion poll ratings have hit rock bottom.首相的民意测验信誉评分已到达了最低点。剑桥国际The product got a good rating from a team of independent assessors.产品获得独立评核小组给予良好评级。牛津商务The programme was cancelled following low Nielsen ratings.因尼尔森收视率低,这个节目被取消了。牛津商务The publishers claim that the new magazine had an approval rating of 85% of all readers questioned.出版商声称新杂志在所有被访读者中的认同率为 85%。牛津商务The securities are triple-A rated, the highest form of security rating.这些证券公司获评为 AAA 级,这是证券评级体系中最高的一级。牛津商务The serial has fallen in the ratings this week.本周该连续剧的收视率下跌。剑桥国际The show has gone up in the ratings.这个节目的收视率上升了。牛津商务The show scored a Nielsen rating of 2.9.这个节目的尼尔森收视率为 2.9。牛津商务The station is trying to improve ratings and increase advertising sales.广播电台正努力提高收听率并增加广告销售。牛津商务The strength of a television schedule is measured in terms of Gross Rating Points (GRPs).电视节目表的实力是根据总收视点来衡量的。牛津商务Their credit rating has been downgraded to ‘junk’ status.他们的信用评级已经被降为“垃圾”级。牛津商务They have now downgraded the group's credit rating (= the group is now less likely to pay its debts).他们现在已经降低了这个集团的信用评级。牛津商务This rating will apply until your next birthday.这一保险费率将适用至你下一个生日。牛津商务This printer received a top rating of five stars from ‘Your PC’ magazine.这款打印机得到了《你的个人电脑》杂志五星级的最高评级。牛津商务Vendor rating can help to raise the level of quality procedures throughout industry.供应商评级有助于提高整个行业的质量程序水平。牛津商务We were keen to get the highest vendor rating possible.我们渴望获得最高的供应商评级。牛津商务What's your rating (= judgment) of our chances of winning.你对我们获胜的机会估计如何?剑桥国际




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