

单词 rather than
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔INSTINCT〕using instinct rather than knowledge 使用本能而非知识的朗文写作活用〔JOB〕doing something for a job, rather than for enjoyment 作为一项工作而不是为了取乐而做某事朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕happening or existing outside a building rather than inside 在建筑物的外面发生或存在朗文写作活用〔alternative〕sources of alternative energy (=energy produced by the sun, wind etc rather than by gas, coal etc) 替代能源朗文当代〔bear-hug〕hold sb. at an arm's length rather than in a bear-hug 疏远某人而不是对他表示亲热英汉大词典〔bookish〕took a bookish rather than a pragmatic approach in solving the problem.以书呆子气的而不是务实的态度解决问题美国传统〔breath〕talk in breaths rather than in words 压着嗓门而不是吐字清晰地谈话英汉大词典〔chip〕oven chips (= chips that are baked in an oven rather than fried) 烤薯条剑桥高阶〔choose〕choose to do sth I chose to learn German rather than French.我选择学习德语而不想选法语。朗文当代〔choose〕chose to fly rather than drive.决定乘飞机去而不是开车去美国传统〔commonality〕an ideology that emphasises difference rather than commonality强调差异而非共性的意识形态外研社新世纪〔contract out〕the trend of contracting services out rather than performing them in-house.将服务外包而不是由内部员工来完成的趋势柯林斯高阶〔contract out〕the trend of contracting services out rather than performing them in-house将业务外包而非内部处理的趋势外研社新世纪〔cultural〕a misunderstanding that was cultural rather than intellectual 文化上而非知识上的误解麦克米伦高阶〔doctrinaire〕a strategic rather than a doctrinaire approach一个战略性的方法, 远非不切实际外研社新世纪〔drilling〕stimulation rather than repetitive drilling.激励而不是重复性操练柯林斯高阶〔drilling〕stimulation rather than repetitive drilling对兴趣的激发而不是反复练习外研社新世纪〔enlist〕enlist in the army rather than wait to be called up 宁愿主动从军而不是等待征召英汉大词典〔feeling〕be guided by feeling rather than thought 受感情而非理智所支配英汉大词典〔formal〕knowledge and wisdom gained from experience rather than from formal education 通过经验而非正规教育得来的知识和智慧朗文当代〔gear〕a prison policy which has been geared to punishment rather than rehabilitation旨在对犯人施以惩罚而非使其改过自新的监狱政策外研社新世纪〔guilty〕be guilty of underestimating rather than overestimating 错在过低估计而非过高估计英汉大词典〔handout〕the tendency of politicians to use money on vote-buying handouts rather than on investment in the future.政客把钱用于可以拉选票的福利上而不是用作未来投资的趋势柯林斯高阶〔hand〕a hand drill(= one that is used by turning a handle rather than powered by electricity) 手摇钻牛津高阶〔help〕a quality which will be a help rather than a hindrance to them.会对他们有所助益而非阻碍的一种品质柯林斯高阶〔help〕a quality which will be a help rather than a hindrance to them一种对他们有帮助而不是妨碍的品质外研社新世纪〔hinder〕policies that will hinder rather than help families 对家庭有害无益的政策朗文当代〔in kind〕payment in kind rather than in cash 以实物而非现金方式进行的支付韦氏高阶〔individual〕donations from private individuals(= ordinary people rather than companies, etc.) 私人捐赠牛津高阶〔inspired〕an inspired choice/guess(= one that is right but based on feelings rather than knowledge) 得自灵感的选择╱猜测牛津高阶〔local〕decisions made at local rather than national level 地方性而非全国性的决策牛津高阶〔memorial〕memorial failures rather than perceptual failures记忆力衰退而不是认知力衰退外研社新世纪〔mob〕mob rule(= a situation in which a mob has control, rather than people in authority) 暴民统治牛津高阶〔outward〕a concern with outward beauty rather than with inward reflections.更注重外表美而忽视内在思想品德美国传统〔overemphasis〕an overemphasis on curing illness rather than preventing it 过分强调治病而不事预防牛津高阶〔pagan〕female saints who took vows of virginity rather than submit to an undesired marriage with a pagan.立誓独身也不愿屈服与异教徒结婚的女圣人柯林斯高阶〔presence〕a mysterious winged presence, felt rather than seen 感觉中而非目睹的一种神秘有翼怪物英汉大词典〔press〕pressing for eight planes rather than six竭力要求八架飞机而不是六架21世纪英汉〔prevaricate〕compel sb. to negotiate seriously rather than prevaricate 迫使某人认真谈判而不是一味搪塞英汉大词典〔psychological〕a psychological rather than a physical condition 心理疾病而不是生理疾病韦氏高阶〔reasoning〕rely on reasoning rather than beating in bringing up children 培育儿童过程中靠讲道理而不靠打骂英汉大词典〔rule〕in a country where carpets are the exception rather than the rule在一个甚少使用地毯的国家外研社新世纪〔sledgehammer〕trust in sledgehammer warfare rather than in brains 相信打硬仗而不相信智斗英汉大词典〔style〕young women interested in style rather than comfort 注重款式而非舒适性的年轻女性朗文当代〔team〕a team event(= one played by groups of people rather than individual players) 团体比赛项目牛津高阶〔tertiary〕the tertiary sector(= the area of industry that deals with services rather than materials or goods) 第三产业部门牛津高阶〔true〕the true face of war(= what it is really like rather than what people think it is like) 战争的真实面目牛津高阶〔universalize〕universalize rather than nationalize community 使社会世界化而不是民族化英汉大词典a regional airline/airport (= one that operates within a country rather than between countries) 支线航空公司/机场牛津商务people getting a free ride by viewing news on the Web rather than buying newspapers 不买报纸而搭便车在网页上浏览新闻的人牛津商务




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