

单词 rhinoceros
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SAVE〕Environmentalists are campaigning to save the white rhinoceros from extinction. 环保主义者正在发起运动,拯救白犀牛免于灭绝。朗文写作活用〔bowl〕The bullet close to the ear bowled the rhinoceros down dead.那颗打中耳旁部位的子弹把犀牛击毙了。英汉大词典〔charge〕Luckily, the rhinoceros didn't charge.幸运的是, 那头犀牛没有冲过来。外研社新世纪〔gore〕Carruthers had been gored by a rhinoceros.卡拉瑟斯被犀牛顶伤了。柯林斯高阶〔gore〕Carruthers had once been gored by a rhinoceros.卡拉瑟斯曾经被犀牛顶伤过。外研社新世纪〔horn〕A hard protuberance, such as an antler or a projection on the head of a giraffe or rhinoceros, that is similar to or suggestive of a horn.鹿茸:一坚硬的突出物,例如一鹿角或长于长颈鹿或犀牛头上的突出物,样子类似于角或可令人联想起角的美国传统〔lumber〕A rhinoceros lumbered towards them.一头犀牛笨重地向他们走来。牛津同义词〔pachyderm〕Any of various large, thick-skinned, hoofed mammals such as the elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus.厚皮动物:任一种体大的、厚皮的、有蹄的哺乳动物,如象、犀牛或河马美国传统〔perissodactyl〕Of or relating to certain hoofed mammals, such as horses and rhinoceroses, of the order Perissodactyla, that have an uneven number of toes.奇蹄哺乳动物:属于或关于某种带蹄哺乳动物的,如马和犀牛,有奇数个脚趾的美国传统〔poacher〕Poachers are responsible for the declining rhinoceros population in this area.偷猎者造成了这一地区犀牛数量减少。韦氏高阶〔rhino〕A rhinoceros.犀牛美国传统〔stun〕This injection stuns the rhinoceros, so we can examine it.这支注射针剂可以把犀牛弄晕,然后我们就可以对它进行检查了。剑桥高阶〔surviving〕The rhinoceros is one of the world's oldest surviving species.犀牛是世界上幸存的最古老的物种之一。剑桥高阶Rhinoceroses are hunted for their horns which are ground into powder and used as a medicine.人们为获取犀牛角而捕杀犀牛,其角可磨成粉末,用作药物。剑桥国际A rhinoceros at the city zoo gored a small child yesterday.昨天市动物园的一头犀牛用角刺伤了一个小孩。剑桥国际Cattle, sheep and goats have a pair of horns, but the Indian rhinoceros only has one.牛、绵羊和山羊都有一对角,但印度犀牛却只有独角。剑桥国际Most rhinoceroses are solitary inhabitants of open grassland, savanna, scrub forest, or marsh in eastern and southern Africa and tropical Asia. 大多数犀牛孤居在宽阔的草原,热带的稀树大草原,灌木林或东南非和亚热带的沼泽里。译典通Soon the only black rhinoceroses left may be those in zoos.很快,仅存的黑犀牛就只有在动物园里的那几头了。剑桥国际The rhinoceros is one of the oldest surviving mammalian species.犀牛是一种现存的最古老的哺乳动物。剑桥国际The rhinoceros is one of the oldest surviving species (= those which continue to exist).犀牛是仍在地球上生存的古老物种之一。剑桥国际There's no more alarming sight than an angry rhinoceros on the rampage.没有比一头犀牛发狂更令人惊心的景象了。剑桥国际This injection stuns the rhinoceros, so we can examine it.这种注射剂能使犀牛昏迷,这样我们可以对它进行检查。剑桥国际




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