

单词 be taken by
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕Decisions of this magnitude should not be taken by one person alone. 这么重大的决定不应该由一个人来作出。朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕Mrs Hedges is unwell today, so her class will be taken by Mr Collier. 赫奇斯太太今天不舒服,因此她的课由科利尔先生代上。朗文写作活用〔TEMPORARY〕For the time being, Mrs Gilman's classes will be taken by other teachers. 吉尔曼太太教的班级暂时由其他老师接手。朗文写作活用〔adoption〕She was homeless and had to put her child up for adoption (= ask for the child to be taken by someone else as their own).她无家可归,只好让别人收养她的孩子。剑桥高阶〔ambulance〕Mike had to be taken by ambulance to hospital.不得不用救护车把迈克送往医院。朗文当代〔deposit〕The bikes can be taken by paying a two-euro returnable deposit from coin-operated stands.往投币机里投两欧元的押金后便可取用自行车。外研社新世纪〔elitism〕That she wrote in French has been taken by some as a sign of her elitism.有人认为她用法语写作说明她有一种高高在上的优越感。外研社新世纪〔ferocity〕The armed forces seem to have been taken by surprise by the ferocity of the attack.进攻非常猛烈,武装部队似乎被打了个措手不及。柯林斯高阶〔finder〕Every stray dog has to be taken by its finder to the police.发现走失的狗后都应将它带到警察局。柯林斯高阶〔finder〕Every stray dog has to be taken by its finder to the police.流浪狗应该由捡到的人交给警察局。外研社新世纪〔light-fingered〕He discovered his wallet had been taken by some light-fingered thief.他发现自己的钱包被某个老道的窃贼偷走了。韦氏高阶〔sounding〕Often soundings Water shallow enough for depth measurements to be taken by a hand line. 常作 soundings 探测深度:测深绳所能达到的浅水水域美国传统〔spot〕Certain decisions had to be taken by the man on the spot.某些决定必须由现场人员作出。英汉大词典〔take〕Their land had been taken by force.他们的土地被强行霸占了。韦氏高阶Most of the posts would be taken by the short-term unemployed, the group that is actively seeking jobs.大多数工作岗位被短期失业者所获得,他们找工作很积极。剑桥国际Photographs of the meteor shower can be taken by using a fast film and leaving the shutter open for several minutes.拍摄流星雨照片时可以使用快速感光胶片,并让快门打开数分钟。剑桥国际She was homeless and had to put her child up for adoption (=asked for the child to be taken by another adult or family as their own).她没有家,不得不请别人收养自己的孩子。剑桥国际The airport had been taken by daybreak. 天亮前机场就被攻占了。译典通




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