

单词 purchase
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕So that settles it. We'll pay you half the purchase price now, and the rest over two years. 那就这么定了,我们现在付给你售价的一半,其余的两年内付清。朗文写作活用〔BUY〕If this product does not give complete satisfaction, please return it to the manufacturer stating when and where it was purchased. 如果这件产品不能令您完全满意,请将其退还给制造商,并说明产品的购买日期和地点。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕Your Free Gift From Cachet. A perfume atomiser with every 50ml Eau de Toilette purchase. “威望”有免费赠品,购买50毫升的香露一瓶可获赠香水喷雾器一个。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕If approved by the Senate, the bill would make it harder to purchase handguns. 这个议案如果得到参议院通过,购买手枪就会更加困难。朗文写作活用〔LEGAL〕By law, the purchase must be completed within a month after the contracts are signed. 法律规定,购买程序必须在合同签署后一个月内完成。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕At the time of the purchase, the extent of Alaska and its resources must have seemed unlimited. 在购买阿拉斯加的时候,阿拉斯加肯定显得面积奇大,资源无穷。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕To make it easier to return any unwanted purchases, save the original packaging, especially for electronics and household appliances. 购买商品以后,为便于把不要的商品退回,请把原包装保存好,尤其是电子产品和家电产品的原包装。朗文写作活用〔OFFICIAL〕We will send round one of our authorized representatives to discuss the purchase with you. 我们会委派一名有我们授权的代表和你洽谈购货事宜。朗文写作活用〔VALUE〕Rogers had purchased a valuable Hebrew manuscript from a dealer in Jerusalem. 罗杰斯从耶路撒冷的一位商人那里购得了贵重的希伯来文手稿。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕I always check the prices of different brands before I make a major purchase. 我在大批购买之前总会比较不同品牌的价格。朗文写作活用〔acknowledge〕He acknowledged that the purchase had been a mistake.他承认购买那东西是个错误之举。美国传统〔anonymous〕An anonymous buyer purchased the painting.一位匿名买家买下了这幅画。韦氏高阶〔automatically〕Join now and you will automatically receive 50% off your first purchase.现在加入,首次购物自动享受五折优惠。朗文当代〔available〕The DVDs are available for purchase.这些 DVD 可以买到。牛津搭配〔bait and switch〕A sales tactic in which a bargain-priced item is used to attract customers who are then encouraged to purchase a more expensive similar item.诱饵销售法:一种用廉价商品来吸引顾客,然后煽动他们购买更昂贵的类似产品的销售策略美国传统〔benefit〕A benefit of museum membership is that purchases are discounted.成为博物馆会员的好处是购物可以打折。韦氏高阶〔blood〕I wish to purchase two blood horses, a fine saddle and harness.我想买两匹纯种马、一副好鞍和挽具。外研社新世纪〔book〕That left little for book purchases or anything else.那样一来,花在买书或其他用途的钱就很少了。英汉大词典〔box top〕The top surface, as a flap or strip, of a box containing a commercial product, typically bearing identification and used to prove the date or fact of purchase.盒顶盖:装有商品的盒子的顶部表面部分,如盖口或长条。如带有识别标记并可用来以此证明购买的日期或事实美国传统〔broker〕One that acts as an agent for others, as in negotiating contracts, purchases, or sales in return for a fee or commission.经纪人:他人的代理,如在谈判签约、购买或为收佣金而出售时的代理人美国传统〔bull〕A person who buys commodities or securities in anticipation of a rise in prices or who tries by speculative purchases to effect such a rise.屯积居奇的人:在预测物价要上涨前购进商品或证券的人或试图通过投机买卖来影响物价上涨的人美国传统〔buttery〕You could purchase food and drinks at the buttery.你可以在简易餐厅购买食物和饮料。文馨英汉〔buy〕To purchase all that is available of.全部买进:买下提供的所有东西美国传统〔buy〕To purchase the entire stock, business rights, or interests of.买尽:买下全部货物、产权或利润美国传统〔charge〕Please charge these purchases to my account.请把购买这些东西的钱记在我的账上。21世纪英汉〔charge〕The purchase was a charge.这宗货是赊购的。英汉大词典〔claim〕You can claim back the tax on your purchases.你可以要求退回购物时缴纳的税款。牛津高阶〔clerk〕Take your purchases to the clerk, and he will wrap them for you.把你买的东西交给售货员,他会帮你包好。剑桥高阶〔collector〕The painting was purchased by a private collector.这幅画被一位私人收藏家购得。韦氏高阶〔complete〕Her latest purchase completes her collection.加上最新购进的,她已集齐整套收藏。韦氏高阶〔connection〕A purchase of illegal drugs.购买禁药美国传统〔cost price〕Copies of the CD can be purchased at cost price.这光盘可按成本价购买。牛津高阶〔coupon〕The coupon entitles you to 10 cents off your next purchase.这张优惠券可以让你在下次购物时节省10分钱。朗文当代〔cover〕To purchase (stock that one has shorted).购得:购得(已经抛空的证券)美国传统〔deal〕The company structured a deal to purchase the competitor out of bankruptcy.公司安排了一个交易计划,收购破产的竞争对手。牛津搭配〔decide〕It was decided (that) the school should purchase new software.已经决定学校要购买新软件。牛津高阶〔demand〕The desire to possess a commodity or make use of a service, combined with the ability to purchase it.需求,请求,要求:拥有一种商品或使用一种服务的要求,与购买力密切相关美国传统〔deposit toward〕They deposited a large amount of money toward the purchase of the car.他们预付了一大笔钱作为购买那辆汽车的定金。21世纪英汉〔detail〕The receipt shows details of the item purchased.收据列出所购物品的详细清单。牛津搭配〔discount〕To purchase or sell (a bill, note, or other commercial paper) at a reduction equal to the amount of interest that will accumulate before it matures.以折扣价买卖:打折买或卖(期票、钞票或其它商业票据)所减的价相等于在其到期前所积的利息数美国传统〔dockominium〕A dockside community of privately owned boats moored in slips that are purchased for year-round living.私船泊处:系泊于码头间的水域的私有船只集结处,这些水域被买来常年私用美国传统〔documentation〕Keep your receipts as documentation of your purchases.保管好发票,作为购买凭证。韦氏高阶〔done〕When her deal is done, the client emerges with her purchase.交易完成后, 委托人会带着她购买的东西出现。外研社新世纪〔down payment〕A partial payment made at the time of purchase, with the balance to be paid later.定金,头期款:购买时的部分付款,余额后付美国传统〔dummy〕Shopping mall developers often hire dummy buyers to purchase land without revealing the true purpose of the acquisition.大型购物中心的开发商经常雇挂名买家来买地, 以掩饰其收购的真正目的。外研社新世纪〔duty〕The house buyer has to pay duty at 1% of the purchase price.购房者得交纳金额为房价的1%的税。麦克米伦高阶〔economize〕The weavers economized their spending for the purchase of looms.织工们为了买织机节衣缩食。外研社新世纪〔enterprise〕When he purchased the company it was a thriving commercial enterprise.他收购这家公司时,公司正处于蓬勃发展阶段。韦氏高阶〔envy〕They looked with envy at her latest purchase.他们羡慕地看着她最近买到的东西。牛津高阶〔equal〕Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property's purchase price.投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。外研社新世纪〔equal〕Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property's purchase price.投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。柯林斯高阶〔event〕You may use the website to purchase products from third parties. In that event, your contract for such products may be with the third party.你可以使用该网站从第三方购买产品。如果那样的话, 你可能会与第三方签订合同。外研社新世纪〔fishmonger〕Purchase your oysters from a reputable fishmonger.牡蛎要从信誉好的鱼店买。外研社新世纪〔following〕Write down the following information: name of product, type, date purchased and price.请写明如下信息:产品名称、类型、购买日期和价格。柯林斯高阶〔gain/get a purchase〕The ice made it impossible for the car's wheels to gain/get a purchase on the road.路面上的冰使得车轮无法稳住。韦氏高阶〔gift〕Enjoy a free gift with any purchase of $20 or more.购物满 20 美元可获赠礼品一份。朗文当代〔go〕Brown asked his friend to go in with him on the purchase of a ship.布朗要求他的朋友和他合伙购买一条船。英汉大词典〔greenmail〕An antitakeover maneuver in which the target firm purchases the raider's stock at a price above that available to other stockholders.绿票讹诈:一种反收购策略,目标公司以其它股票持有者愿意的更高的价格来收购猛烈抛售者的股票美国传统〔guarantee〕We guarantee to refund your money if you are not delighted with your purchase.若您对所购商品不满意,我们保证退款。柯林斯高阶〔hedonic〕Many purchases are related to hedonic impulses.许多购物行为和享乐冲动有关。剑桥高阶〔hire purchase〕Purchase of a commodity on an installment plan.分期付款的购买方式:以分期付款形式购买一件商品美国传统〔homebuyer〕One who purchases or expects to purchase a home.置家者:购买或准备购买住房的人美国传统〔identity〕His identity was stolen and used to purchase goods from a catalogue.有人盗用他的身份从商品目录中购买物品。牛津搭配〔indent〕Chiefly British An official requisition or purchase order for goods.【多用于英国】 购买委托书,订单:购货的官方通知单或订货单美国传统〔interest〕He purchased a third interest in a schooner.他买下了一条帆船的⅓的股权。英汉大词典〔intervene〕The bank intervened with large dollar purchases.那家银行大量购进美元来进行干预。英汉大词典〔jump in〕The Government had to jump in and purchase millions of dollars worth of supplies.政府不得不匆忙购进价值数百万美元的补给品。外研社新世纪〔jump in〕The Government had to jump in and purchase millions of dollars worth of supplies.政府不得不匆忙购进价值数百万美元的补给品。柯林斯高阶〔lagniappe〕A small gift presented by a storeowner to a customer with the customer's purchase.小赠品:顾客购物后商店老板送给顾客的小礼物美国传统〔layaway plan〕The store offers a layaway plan for large purchases.这家商店为大宗购物提供预付定金购货服务。韦氏高阶〔lock in sth〕People are jumping to purchase homes and lock in affordable mortgage rates before they increase.人们踊跃购房,希望在按揭利率上升前确保得到支付得起的低利息。剑桥高阶〔lumber〕He was going to have to purchase all his lumber at full retail price.他将不得不把所有木材按零售价分文不少地买下来。柯林斯高阶〔lunchroom〕A room in a facility, such as a school, in which lunches may be purchased or those brought from home may be eaten.饭堂,饭厅:一个机构里的一间屋子(比如学校里的),在这屋子可买午餐,或从家里带来的午餐可在这儿吃美国传统〔mail order〕You can purchase the books by mail order.你可以邮购这些图书。韦氏高阶〔merchant〕One whose occupation is the wholesale purchase and retail sale of goods for profit.商人:通过成批购买并零售货物而获取利润的从业者美国传统〔minute〕I've just received a minute from Clark authorizing the purchase of six more computers.我刚从克拉克那里接到一份正式通告,批准再买6台电脑。剑桥高阶〔notch〕New-car purchases this year will be only a notch below the 2003 record.今年的新车购买数将仅次于2003年的纪录。英汉大词典〔occupy〕The building was purchased and occupied by its new owners last year.这幢大楼去年被新房主买下并入住了。朗文当代〔overnight〕On March 7, we flew to Chicago, overnighted and made our purchases the following day.3 月 7 日我们乘飞机到芝加哥,过了一夜,第二天上街买了东西。英汉大词典〔parcel〕These small parcels of land were purchased for the most part by local people.这些小块土地大多数是当地人买下的。柯林斯高阶〔parcel〕These small parcels of land were purchased for the most part by local people.这些小块土地大部分是当地人买下的。外研社新世纪〔payable〕Purchase tax was not payable on goods for export.出口商品不需要交购买税。柯林斯高阶〔preapproved〕Participants in the program can purchase certain preapproved medications at a discounted price.这个活动的参与者可以折扣价购买一些提前审批的药品。韦氏高阶〔presell〕To condition (a potential customer) in advance for later purchase of a product.(潜在顾客)在购买产品之前提出条件美国传统〔present〕The present owners purchased the farm in 1976.现在的主人于1976年购得该农场。麦克米伦高阶〔price〕You need to pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price of the property.你需要支付房产买价一成的定金。牛津搭配〔proof〕Proof of purchase must be provided before a refund can be made.退款前必须提供购买凭证。牛津搭配〔purchasable〕Expert flattery may purchase an honest man.老练的阿谀奉承可以买动一个老实人。21世纪英汉〔purchasable〕They purchased life at the expense of honour.他们以牺牲名誉为代价换得了生命。21世纪英汉〔purchaser〕He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck.他买了一张票,然后上到顶层甲板。柯林斯高阶〔purchaser〕I couldn't get any purchase with the screwdriver on the damn screws.我用螺丝刀拧那些该死的螺丝钉时一点也使不上劲儿。柯林斯高阶〔purchaser〕Some of the receipts had been for the purchase of cars.其中一些收据是购买汽车时开的。柯林斯高阶〔purchase〕At $5.00 apiece, it's a good purchase.每个售价5美元,这东西便宜。英汉大词典〔purchase〕Companies are moving away from outright purchase of company cars to leasing.各公司完全不用再购买公司用车,转为租赁汽车。牛津搭配〔purchase〕Consumers make a lot of impulse purchases.消费者常常冲动购物。牛津搭配〔purchase〕Dancers use a special powder on their shoes to help them get a better purchase on the floor.舞蹈演员用一种特制的鞋粉来加大鞋子与地面的摩擦力。剑桥高阶〔purchase〕He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck.他买了一张票, 然后上到上层车厢。外研社新世纪〔purchase〕He displayed his recent purchases with pride.他得意地炫耀着最近购置的物品。韦氏高阶〔purchase〕He entered a hire purchase agreement with a car dealer.他与一家汽车经销商签订了一项分期付款购买汽车的协议。牛津搭配〔purchase〕Her latest purchase was a long black coat.她最新购买的东西是一件黑色的长大衣。麦克米伦高阶〔purchase〕His new behaviour offered no purchase for extending acquaintance.他最近的行为使他无法结识更多的人。英汉大词典〔purchase〕His outstretched fingers twitched as if clawing the air for purchase.他伸出的手指抽动着, 好像要把空气抓在手里。外研社新世纪〔purchase〕I purchased a large centrally-heated house for£8000.我用8000英镑购置了一幢有中央供暖设备的大宅。英汉大词典〔purchase〕I got a purchase on the rope and pulled.我紧紧抓住绳子, 然后拉了过来。外研社新世纪〔purchase〕If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will give you a full refund.所购之物若不合意,我们将全额退款。牛津高阶〔purchase〕Most of those shares were purchased from brokers.那些股票大多数是从经纪人那里买的。外研社新世纪〔purchase〕New restrictions have been placed on the purchase of guns.枪支的购买有了新的限制。剑桥高阶〔purchase〕No purchase is necessary for you to enter this competition.你参加这项竞赛没必要买什么东西。剑桥高阶〔purchase〕One dollar purchases a subscription.1美元可订购一份。英汉大词典〔purchase〕Parents donated money for the purchase of new computer equipment.家长们捐钱购买新的电脑设备。麦克米伦高阶〔purchase〕She purchased her first house with the money.她用这笔钱买了她的第一栋房子。剑桥高阶〔purchase〕She purchased shares in the company.她在公司里购买了一些股票。麦克米伦高阶〔purchase〕She tried to get a purchase on the slippery rock.她设法抓牢光滑的岩石。牛津高阶〔purchase〕Souvenirs can be purchased at the gift shop. = You can purchase souvenirs at the gift shop.在那家礼品店里可以买到纪念品。韦氏高阶〔purchase〕The children helped to carry their mother's purchases from the shops.孩子们帮母亲搬运从商店里购买的东西。英汉大词典〔purchase〕The company has just announced its £27 million purchase of Park Hotel.这家公司刚刚宣布以 2 700 万英镑买下了帕克酒店。牛津高阶〔purchase〕The company uses software to analyze consumer purchases.公司用软件分析消费者购买情况。牛津搭配〔purchase〕The council applied for a compulsory purchase order on the tennis courts.政务会申请对网球场发出强制购买令。牛津搭配〔purchase〕The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier.这种设备可从您当地的供应商购买。牛津高阶〔purchase〕The statement lists all the purchases made with your card.这张结算表单列出了你用卡采购的所有物品。麦克米伦高阶〔purchase〕The strong ropes gave us good purchase for getting up the side of the cliff.牢固的绳索为我们攀登悬崖提供了可靠的把手。英汉大词典〔purchase〕The surface was so slick that the wheels couldn't gain purchase.地面太滑,轮子无法稳住。韦氏高阶〔purchase〕Their currency purchases less each year.他们的货币每年贬值。英汉大词典〔purchase〕They purchased the anchor.他们拉起了锚。外研社新世纪〔purchase〕They purchased the land for $1 million.他们以 100 万元买下了这块土地。牛津高阶〔purchase〕They have purchased 30 per cent of the shares of the company.他们购买了该公司30%的股份。英汉大词典〔purchase〕We are pleased with our purchase.我们对我们购买的东西很满意。英汉大词典〔purchase〕We have a purchase by which we can move people to our viewpoint.我们有办法让人们同意我们的观点。外研社新世纪〔qualify〕Membership qualifies you for a discount on purchases.会员购买可以享受优惠。朗文当代〔refund〕Return your purchase within 14 days for a full refund .14 天之内退货可以全额退款。朗文当代〔refund〕Take the goods back to your retailer who will refund you the purchase price.把商品退还给你的零售商,他们会按原价退款的。柯林斯高阶〔return〕The store does not accept returns more than 30 days after purchase.在这家店购买超过30天的商品不予退货。韦氏高阶〔ring up〕The cashier rang up our purchases.收银员把我们购买的商品记入收款机。韦氏高阶〔ring〕She rang up our purchases quickly and we left.她很快地把我们所购物品的钱款收入出纳机,然后我们走了。麦克米伦高阶〔risk arbitrage〕The simultaneous purchase and sale of assets that are potentially but not necessarily equivalent.风险套购:可能但不一定相等的同时买卖的资产美国传统〔roll〕Roll up the purchases in a sheet of paper.用一张纸把所买的东西包起来。英汉大词典〔route〕When a customer buys, the purchase order is routed via the internet to each supplier's personal Web page.当一名顾客购买时,订单会通过互联网发到每一个供应商自己的网页上。剑桥高阶〔run〕Electricity generating companies are running down stocks and cutting purchases.发电公司正在缩减备用物资,减少采购。朗文当代〔sales check〕A slip of paper given by a store to serve as a record or receipt of a purchase or sale.发票:商店给予的收条,作为购买或销售的记录或收据美国传统〔saturation〕The flooding of a market with all of a commodity that consumers can purchase.市场饱和:市场上满足消费者所能购买的全部商品的状态美国传统〔seat〕Membership in an organization, such as a legislative body or stock exchange, that is obtained by appointment, election, or purchase.会员资格:一个组织如立法团体或证券交易所的会员资格,这种资格是通过任命、选举或购买而获得的美国传统〔shave〕To purchase (a note) at a reduction greater than the legal or customary rate.杀价买进:在比法定或传统的比例大得多的降价中购买(纸币)美国传统〔shopping list〕A list of items to be purchased.购物清单美国传统〔simple〕I cut my purchases dramatically by the simple expedient of destroying my credit cards.通过销毁信用卡这一简单的权宜之计, 我大幅削减了自己的购物支出。外研社新世纪〔simple〕I cut my purchases dramatically by the simple expedient of destroying my credit cards.通过销毁信用卡这一简单的权宜之计,我大幅削减了自己的购物支出。柯林斯高阶〔stock option〕He made a huge profit from the sale of shares purchased in January under the company's stock option program.他出手了自己1月份根据公司的优先认股方案购买的股票,赚了一大笔钱。柯林斯高阶〔strike price〕The fixed price at which the owner of an option can purchase, in the case of a call, or sell, in the case of a put, the underlying security or commodity.协议价:拥有选择权者以固定价格在(若有购买权时)购买或(若有出售权时)出售优先证券或商品美国传统〔subscription〕A purchase made by signed order, as for a periodical for a specified period of time or for a series of performances.订阅:通过签订购单来买东西,如在某一段时期订阅一期刊,或者订购一系列演出之戏票美国传统〔supersaver〕An airline ticket, purchased typically well ahead of the departure date, that affords the purchaser considerable savings over regular fare.特廉(国内)飞机票价:在动身日期很早以前购买的、比常规票价廉得多的飞机票美国传统〔supply〕Economics The amount of a commodity available for meeting a demand or for purchase at a given price.【经济学】 商品供应量:能够满足需求或在一定价格下的商品供应量美国传统〔tax-exempt〕The poorest families pay no tax on food because their food stamp purchases are tax-exempt.最贫困的家庭不用在食品上缴税,因为他们用食品卷购买是免税的。剑桥高阶〔this〕Of this amount, $250 million is for military purchases.这笔钱中有2.5亿美元是用于军事采购的。外研社新世纪〔trade-in〕Merchandise accepted as partial payment for a new purchase.折价物:只需部分付款的商品美国传统〔turn〕A transaction on the stock market involving both a sale and a purchase.股票交易:股票交易市场上的一次交易,涉及买和卖美国传统〔under〕The purchase is listed under “debits.” 这笔购物款列在“借方”之下。韦氏高阶〔village〕The village purchased land for a new school.该村为新建学校购买了一块土地。英汉大词典〔way〕You can pay for your purchase in one/either of two ways: by cash or by credit card.购物付款可用两种支付方式之一:现金或信用卡。韦氏高阶Because the fee is calculated on a percentage basis, card holders pay more on costly items than they do on small purchases.由于这种费用是按百分比来计算的,因此持卡人买奢侈品时要比买小件商品时支付得多。剑桥国际Buyer and seller strike a bargain with each individual purchase.买卖双方就每一笔交易都达成了协议。牛津商务Consumers have cut purchases of pricier perfumes and make-up.消费者已减少高档香水和化妆品的购买。牛津商务Customers fax us their purchase orders and we send them the goods and an invoice.顾客传真给我们订货单,我们给他们发货并随付发票。牛津商务Except under clearly defined circumstances, it is illegal in Britain for a company to purchase its own shares.在英国除非是在明确规定的情况下,否则一个公司购买自己的股票是违法的。剑桥国际Exporters can now claim duty drawback on locally purchased raw materials.出口商现在可对当地采购的原材料申请退税。牛津商务Free gifts given away with purchases are just another sales gimmick.购买商品可得到免费赠品只不过是销售上的又一个花招。剑桥国际He filled the car with his purchases. 他把买的东西装满车子。译典通He got a purchase on a branch until we came to his rescue. 他紧紧抓住一根树枝直到我们把他救下来。译典通He was prepared to commit $1 billion in equity to a purchase.他准备拨出相当于10亿美元的股票来购买。剑桥国际If you want to extend payments over time, you can put your purchase on a layaway plan.如果你想延长付款时间,你可以采用预付订金的办法购买。牛津商务Keep your receipt as proof of purchase.将作为购货凭证的收据要保存好。牛津商务My collection was formed partly by inheritance and partly through my own purchases.我的收藏品一部分是继承的,一部分是我自己购买的。剑桥国际NBC had agreed to be an equity partner in the purchase of the movie studio.全国广播公司已同意成为购买电影制片厂的股票合伙人。剑桥国际Offering cash back on a purchase is one of the oldest come-ons in the world.购买时提供现金回扣是世界上最古老的促销手段之一。剑桥国际She has now purchased an aggregate of 16% of the company's shares.她总共购买了这公司 16% 的股票。牛津商务The purchase had a minimal effect on our earnings.这项采购对我们的收益影响极小。牛津商务The purchase of spare parts to keep an engine going can add up to more than the engine cost originally.购买使引擎运行的备用零件将会增加原始开支。剑桥国际The purchase price was higher than early estimates of the value of the business.收购价高于对这家企业的先期预估值。牛津商务The Council obtained a compulsory purchase order on the land (= legal permission to buy it).议会获得了土地的强制购买令。牛津商务The climber gained a purchase on the rock and hauled himself up.登山者抓住了一块岩石,将自己拉了上去。剑桥国际The company has just announced its €50 million purchase of the hotel.这家公司刚刚宣布以 5 000 万欧元买下这家酒店。牛津商务The cooperative has benefited from the insourcing of products previously purchased from outside suppliers.这家合作社的产品过去从外部供应商那儿购买,而今受益于产品的内包。牛津商务The delivery van was purchased for €40 000, and after five years will have a salvage value of approximately €5 000.这辆送货车以 4 万欧元的价格购得,五年后的残值约为 5 000 欧元。牛津商务The house is a recent purchase. 这房子是最近买的。译典通The key to good marketing is not to bring the customer to the point of sale, but to put the point of purchase where it suits the customer.良好营销的关键并不是把顾客带到销售点,而是要将购买点放在适合顾客的地方。牛津商务The museum is trying to raise enough money to purchase a painting by Van Gogh.这个博物馆准备筹足资金买一幅凡·高的画。剑桥国际The program reads the purchase price and the amount tendered and calculates the change.这个程序可以读出成交价以及支付的金额,并计算找零。牛津商务The rights give holders the opportunity to purchase additional equity interests in the company at a big discount under certain conditions.这些权利使股东有机会在特定情况下大折价购进公司的多余股票值利息。剑桥国际The scheme offers a range of securities priced to be purchased at par.这项计划允许以票面价值购买一系列证券。牛津商务These tyres are so worn that they don't provide much purchase on the road.这些轮胎磨损得太厉害了,在路面上会打滑。剑桥国际They purchased an aggregate of 3000 shares in the company.他们总计购买了这家公司的3000股股票。剑桥国际They bought it on hire purchase.他们采用分期付款方式购买了它。牛津商务They have just exchanged contracts on the purchase of a new warehouse.他们刚刚互换了购买新仓库的契约。牛津商务This discount voucher entitles you to 10% off your next purchase.下次购物时用这张折扣券可打九折。牛津商务This product may be frozen. If required, freeze on day of purchase.本产品可以冰冻。如果需要的话,可以在购买当天冰冻。剑桥国际We purchase our books from jobbers, usually at a substantial discount.我们从批发商购书通常享受很大的折扣。牛津商务We contracted with a Japanese firm for the purchase of electronic instruments. 我们与一家日本公司签约购买电子仪器。译典通We offer you six months' interest-free credit (= without an extra charge for interest) on purchases over €800.凡购买额超过 800 欧元,我们提供六个月的免息赊账。牛津商务We saved money by making a bulk purchase of 50 PCs.我们通过批量采购 50 台个人电脑而节省了金钱。牛津商务We treasure this dearly purchased victory. 我们珍惜这次以惨重的代价换来的胜利。译典通When you pay a supplier's bill, the payment is noted in the purchase ledger.付账给供货商时,款项记录在购货分类账中。牛津商务You can purchase a floater to cover movable property such as tools and equipment.你可以买一份保工具和设备等动产的流动财产保险。牛津商务




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