

单词 purchase
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔adequate〕an amount adequate to purchase another house足够再买一套房子的金额外研社新世纪〔advantageous〕an opportunity to purchase a set of tools at very advantageous prices.以非常优惠的价格购买一套工具的机会柯林斯高阶〔agreement〕a hire purchase agreement 分期付款协议朗文当代〔art〕purchase antiques and art 购买古玩和艺术品英汉大词典〔authorizable〕to authorize an employee to sign purchase orders授权雇员签订货单21世纪英汉〔authorize〕commissioned the real-estate agent to purchase the house for us; 委托不动产代理机构为我们购买房屋;美国传统〔blind〕a blind purchase 未预看样品(或实物)而作的购买(或买下的东西)英汉大词典〔compulsory purchase〕a compulsory purchase order 强制征购令牛津高阶〔compulsory〕compulsory purchase (政府对土地等的)强制征购英汉大词典〔costly〕a costly purchase 花大价钱买来的东西剑桥高阶〔debit against〕to debit a purchase against someone's account把一笔购置费记入某人账户的借方21世纪英汉〔dither〕dither on making a purchase 对买不买一件东西犹豫不决英汉大词典〔extravagant〕an extravagant purchase 花费巨大的购买项目韦氏高阶〔finance〕finance the purchase of new equipment 为购置新设备提供资金英汉大词典〔fixture〕a detailed list of what fixtures and fittings are included in the purchase price.房屋购买价中包括的固定装置及设备的详细清单柯林斯高阶〔generic〕purchase low-cost generics 购买低价的非专利药英汉大词典〔hire purchase〕a hire purchase agreement 分期付款协议牛津高阶〔hire purchase〕the serious problem of hire purchase and credit card debts.分期付款和信用卡欠账的严重问题柯林斯高阶〔instal(l)ment〕instal(l)ment purchase (或buying) 分期付款购货英汉大词典〔in〕fabric that fell in luxuriant folds; arranged to purchase the car in equal payments.富有华丽褶皱的面料;安排分期付相同款额来买车美国传统〔irregularity〕irregularities in the purchase of electronic equipment 购买电子设备过程中的违法行为英汉大词典〔justify〕the many issues that make it easy to justify the purchase 使得此项购买的合理性容易得到证明的许多问题牛津搭配〔leasehold〕to purchase land leasehold 购买有租约的土地牛津高阶〔option〕purchase an option to buy a house 购买购房权英汉大词典〔pitfall〕the pitfalls associated with the purchase of a used car 有关购买二手车的陷阱朗文当代〔purchasable〕to purchase an anchor起锚21世纪英汉〔purchase〕purchase a house 购买一座房子韦氏高阶〔purchase〕purchase freedom with one's blood 用鲜血换来自由英汉大词典〔purchase〕a loan towards the purchase of a new car 购买新车的贷款朗文当代〔purchase〕a major purchase 大额采购剑桥高阶〔purchase〕be sold at 20 years' purchase (地产等)以相当于20年租金的价格出售英汉大词典〔purchase〕get a (或some) purchase on sth.紧紧抓住某物英汉大词典〔purchase〕some ways to encourage customers to make a purchase 一些鼓励消费者购物的方法牛津搭配〔purchase〕the purchase of military supplies军用物资的采购外研社新世纪〔purchase〕the bulk purchase of paper 纸张的批量购买牛津搭配〔purchase〕the growing demand to purchase goods on credit 不断增长的赊账购物的需求朗文当代〔recreation〕the purchase of land as a recreation ground for the neighbourhood 购买土地作为社区娱乐场所牛津搭配〔refund〕refunded the purchase price.退还购买价美国传统〔splashy〕the splashy publicity attending the purchase of this building 买进这幢大楼引起的轰动英汉大词典〔voucher〕a 50p money-off voucher redeemable against any future purchase of the product 今后任何时候购买本产品都可抵 50 便士的优惠券牛津搭配a call option to purchase 10 000 pounds of sugar at $0.50 per pound 按每磅 0.50 美元购买 1 万磅食糖的购买期权牛津商务a hire purchase agreement/contract 分期付款购买协议/合同牛津商务an employee share purchase plan 雇员股票购买计划牛津商务incentivizing the purchase of energy-efficient vehicles 鼓励购买节能车辆牛津商务squaring invoices with purchase orders 保持发票和采购订单一致牛津商务to purchase land leasehold 购买有租约的土地牛津商务




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