

单词 be subjected to
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SUFFER〕Black people in the area are claiming they have been subjected to repeated racial attacks from police officers. 该地区的黑人称他们不断地遭到警察的种族攻击。朗文写作活用〔SUFFER〕The charity helps children who have been subjected to domestic violence and sexual abuse. 这家慈善机构帮助遭受过家庭暴力和性骚扰的儿童。朗文写作活用〔ammonify〕To subject or be subjected to ammonification.氨化,生氨:使氨化或被氨化美国传统〔analytic〕Using, subjected to, or capable of being subjected to a methodology involving algebra and calculus.解析的:使用,属于,或可能属于包括代数和积分在内的方法学美国传统〔bake〕To become hardened or dry by or as if by having been subjected to the heat of an oven.烘干:在或似在炉子里受热而变硬或变干美国传统〔creep〕Their organisation has been subjected to creeping privatisation since 1981.自1981年以来他们的组织已经被逐渐私有化了。柯林斯高阶〔creep〕Their organization has been subjected to creeping privatization since 1981.自1981年起他们的组织就逐步私有化了。外研社新世纪〔deeply〕Deep in the earth's crust the rock may be subjected to temperatures high enough to melt it.在地壳深处,温度如此之高,可能足以将岩石熔化。柯林斯高阶〔enquiry〕You may be subjected to a disciplinary enquiry.你可能要接受纪律审查。牛津搭配〔foul〕She claimed she had been subjected to abuse and foul language.她声称一直受到虐待和辱骂。朗文当代〔harassment〕She had been subjected to continual sexual harassment.她曾经频繁遭到性骚扰。牛津搭配〔ill〕They had been subjected to months of ill treatment.他们遭受过数月的虐待。韦氏高阶〔imaginable〕He had been subjected to the most terrible abuse imaginable.他遭受了能想象得到的最残酷的虐待。麦克米伦高阶〔invert〕To be subjected to inversion.颠倒:容易颠倒美国传统〔investigation〕Many people have been subjected to an investigation through interview or questionnaire.很多人不得不通过访谈或问卷的形式接受调查。外研社新世纪〔peer review〕All these papers have been published after being subjected to peer review.所有这些论文都是在同行审议后发表的。剑桥高阶〔peer〕Research data will be subjected to peer review.研究数据将交由同行评审。牛津搭配〔precess〕To move in or be subjected to precession.产生进动:向前运动或被驱向前美国传统〔preform〕An object that has been subjected to preliminary, usually incomplete shaping or molding before undergoing complete or final processing.预成型件:在进行彻底和最后加工之前已进行初步的,通常是不完整的塑造或铸造的事物美国传统〔redress〕There is legal redress against such an annoyance as you are being subjected to.对付像你现在正受到的这种烦扰有依法要求赔偿的办法可循。英汉大词典〔repression〕Reports claimed that civilians were being subjected to ruthless repression.报道声称平民正遭受无情镇压。牛津搭配〔scrutiny〕I realized I was being subjected to intense scrutiny by a group of children.我意识到自己正受到一帮孩子的严密监视。牛津搭配〔strain〕To be subjected to great stress.受到强大的压力:处于极大的压力之下美国传统〔subject sb/sth to sth〕The investigation found that they had been subjected to unfair treatment.调查发现他们曾受到过不公正待遇。剑桥高阶〔subject to〕Have they been subjected to the war?他们经历过战争吗?21世纪英汉〔subject to〕No one should have to be subjected to my uncle's bad jokes.没有人必须得忍受我叔叔的那些烂笑话。韦氏高阶〔subject〕It is a bounden duty for a soldier to be subjected to the orders.服从命令是军人的天职。21世纪英汉〔subject〕The defence lawyers claimed that the prisoners had been subjected to cruel and degrading treatment.辩护律师声称囚犯遭到了残暴和侮辱性的对待。牛津高阶〔submit〕To allow oneself to be subjected to something.使某人屈服于某物美国传统〔verbal〕They can be subjected to verbal and physical abuse.谩骂;辱骂麦克米伦高阶〔vilification〕Clare did not deserve the vilification she had been subjected to.克莱尔不该受到这样的诽谤。柯林斯高阶〔vilification〕Clare did not deserve the vilification she had been subjected to.克莱尔不该受到这样的诽谤。外研社新世纪Everyone interviewed had been subjected to unfair treatment.每个参加面试的人都受到不公正的对待。剑桥国际He had been subjected to continual racial harassment (= harassment because of his race) by colleagues.他曾不断遭受同事的种族歧视。牛津商务Many of the strikebreakers have been subjected to verbal and physical attacks.许多罢工破坏者都已遭到口头和身体攻击。剑桥国际Metal fatigue is a weakness which develops in a metal structure that has been subjected to many repeated stresses.金属疲劳是金属结构在受到许多反复的应力之后产生的一种软弱状态。剑桥国际The family said that they had been subjected to a vilification campaign by their neighbours.那一家人说他们一直受到了邻居的诋毁。剑桥国际




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