

单词 requirements
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕They can order their requirements on line.他们可以在线下订单。柯林斯高阶〔ABD〕A candidate for a doctorate who has completed all the requirements for the degree, such as courses and examinations, with the exception of the dissertation.准博士:除论文外的取得学历证书所必须的一切条件,如课程和考试,都已具备的博士候选人美国传统〔CONDITION〕A high grade in mathematics is one of the requirements for entry to medical school. 数学高分是进入医学院的必要条件之一。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕The business does not satisfy all the requirements necessary to qualify for tax concessions. 这家公司未能完全符合获得减税资格所必需的条件。朗文写作活用〔Doctor of Philosophy〕To earn the Doctor of Philosophy degree from the Department of Health Studies, students must fulfil the following requirements.要想获得健康学系的哲学博士学位, 学生必须满足如下要求。外研社新世纪〔GOOD ENOUGH〕The building does not meet the essential safety requirements. 大楼不符合基本的安全要求。朗文写作活用〔LEGAL〕The clerk to the court will reject any document that does not meet the legal requirements. 法庭书记将拒收任何不符合法律要求的文件。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕Legal requirements state that working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week. 法律规定,工作时间每周不得超过42小时。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕Beginning in April, street vendors will be required to meet a tough new set of requirements. 从4月份开始,街头小贩必须遵守严厉的新规定。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕For the second year in a row, the city's water supply has failed to meet minimum purity requirements. 本市的供水已经连续第二年没有达到最低要求的纯净度。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕The group has been notified by school officials that it no longer meets the requirements for a voluntary student organization. 这个组织接到校方的通知,说他们已不再符合自发学生组织的要求。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕They are standardising all the equipment throughout the area and bringing it up to British Standards safety requirements. 他们把整个地区的设备实行标准化,使之符合英国标准体系中的安全要求。朗文写作活用〔air〕There are regulatory requirements for clean air and water.对清洁的空气和水有监管要求。牛津搭配〔alignment〕The school has to bring its programs into alignment with state requirements.学校必须按照州的要求调整教学计划。韦氏高阶〔align〕The schools had to align their programs with state requirements.学校必须按照州的要求调整教学计划。韦氏高阶〔answer〕He showed me some software that answered my requirements exactly.他给我看了一些正符合我要求的软件。剑桥高阶〔attractively〕The services are attractively priced and are tailored to suit individual requirements.服务费价格诱人且内容按个人需求量身定制。柯林斯高阶〔brief〕We are confident we will meet all the requirements of the design brief.我们相信我们会达到设计指示的所有要求。麦克米伦高阶〔certain〕Students must fulfill certain requirements to graduate.学生们必须达到某些要求才能毕业。韦氏高阶〔certified public accountant〕A public accountant who has been certified by a state examining board as having met the state's legal requirements.执业会计师:达到州法定要求且考试委员会颁发了证书的准许开业的会计师美国传统〔clear〕To comply with customs and harbor requirements in discharging a cargo or in leaving or entering a port.结关手续:在卸货或进出港口时遵照海关和港口的要求美国传统〔clear〕To free (a ship or cargo) from legal detention at a harbor by fulfilling customs and harbor requirements.结关:通过满足海关和港口的要求使(船或货物)摆脱在港口的合法延滞美国传统〔complicate〕To complicate matters further, everybody's vitamin requirements vary.更麻烦的是, 每个人的维生素需求量是不同的。外研社新世纪〔complicate〕To complicate matters further, everybody's vitamin requirements vary.更麻烦的是,每个人对维生素的需求量是不同的。柯林斯高阶〔comply〕The monitoring we do complies with the requirements of the Environment Protection Agency.我们做的监控符合环保机构的要求。外研社新世纪〔conformity〕Our goal is to improve conformity with customer requirements.我们的目标是让产品更加符合顾客的需要。剑桥高阶〔conform〕The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.“夜行者”灯的设计符合新的英国安全标准的要求。柯林斯高阶〔conform〕The accountant's reports appear to conform with the requirements of professional standards.会计师的报告看起来符合专业标准。牛津搭配〔conform〕The lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.这个台灯的设计符合英国安全标准新要求。外研社新世纪〔conform〕These are very simple requirements, but they must be conformed with.这些要求很简单,但必须遵守。21世纪英汉〔consider〕The local authority considered that the school did not meet requirements.当地政府认为这所学校达不到要求。朗文当代〔construct〕Mathematics To draw (a geometric figure) that meets specific requirements, usually with instruments limited to a straightedge and compass.【数学】 作图:根据具体要求画出(几何图形),通常只用直尺和圆规工具美国传统〔custom-made〕Furniture can also be custom-made to suit your own requirements.你也可以按照自己的要求定制家具。柯林斯高阶〔devalue〕He argues that placing too many requirements on schools devalues the education they provide.他认为对学校施加过多要求会降低它们所提供教育的价值。韦氏高阶〔disadvantage〕These requirements will have to be standardized if some banks are not to suffer a competitive disadvantage.这些要求必须标准化,以免有些银行在竞争中处于劣势。牛津搭配〔diversify〕User requirements have diversified over the years.这几年来,客户要求已经多样化。朗文当代〔doctor〕Dr. Smith, can you explain the exam requirements again? 史密斯博士,你能再解释一遍考试规定吗?韦氏高阶〔education〕There are additional education requirements for nurses on this course.这一课程对护士有进一步的教育要求。牛津搭配〔entry〕Academic or technical ability are simply the threshold requirements to gain entry to a career.学术或技术能力仅是跨进某一职业的基本要求。外研社新世纪〔evolve〕Our products have been evolving according to the requirements of the times.我们的产品一直在随时代需求而发展变化。牛津搭配〔exemption〕Companies with fifty-five or fewer employees would be exempted from the requirements.员工在55人及以下的公司将免除这些条件。柯林斯高阶〔exempt〕Companies with 55 or fewer employees would be exempted from the requirements.员工人数等于或少于55人的公司可不用遵守这些规定。外研社新世纪〔exempt〕She was exempt from physical education requirements because of her health problems.她因健康问题而获准免修体育课。韦氏高阶〔exempt〕Small businesses are expressly exempted from the requirements of this legislation.明文规定小型企业无需符合这一立法的规定。牛津搭配〔faculty〕The faculty agreed on a change in the requirements.全体教师一致同意修改规定。柯林斯高阶〔fastidious〕Microbiology Having complicated nutritional requirements.【微生物学】 有很复杂的营养要求的美国传统〔fill-in〕Stores are urged to anticipate normal requirements and avoid last minute fill-ins.有关方面力促各商店预测顾客的正常需要,以免到了最后一分钟才临时补充缺货。英汉大词典〔fill〕I thought I had filled the requirements of my job description.我觉得自己达到了所在岗位的职责要求。外研社新世纪〔fit〕I'm sure we'll have something to fit your requirements.我肯定我们会有符合您要求的东西。剑桥高阶〔fulfil〕Do you fulfil the entry requirements for the course? 你达到这门课程的报名要求了吗?麦克米伦高阶〔fulfil〕Much of the electrical equipment failed to fulfill safety requirements.许多电器未能符合安全要求。朗文当代〔functionally〕It satisfies the user's requirements both functionally and emotionally.它从功用和情感两方面满足了用户的需求。外研社新世纪〔functional〕It satisfies the user's requirements both functionally and emotionally.它同时满足了用户在功能和情感上的需求。柯林斯高阶〔harmony〕Our proposal has been revised to bring it into harmony with their requirements.为了能符合他们的要求,我们的提案已重新修改。韦氏高阶〔hidden agenda〕The prime minister denied that the new visa requirements were part of a hidden agenda to reduce immigration.首相否认实行新的签证规定的背后目的之一是要减少移民。剑桥高阶〔high-test〕Meeting exacting requirements.符合严格的要求的美国传统〔highball〕He thought she was highballing her salary requirements.他认为她的薪金要求过高。牛津高阶〔instance〕We hope you will be able to meet our requirements in this instance.在这件事情中希望你们能满足我们的要求。英汉大词典〔lay down〕The Companies Act lays down a set of minimum requirements.《公司法》规定了一系列最低标准。外研社新世纪〔lay down〕The Companies Act lays down a set of minimum requirements.《公司法》规定了一系列最低标准。柯林斯高阶〔layover〕A short stop or break in a journey, usually imposed by scheduling requirements.短暂停留:旅途中很短的停留或中断,通常是日程安排要求所强加的美国传统〔list〕Variety is near the top of many people's list of job requirements.很多人对工作的首要要求差不多都是不单调。牛津搭配〔livable〕These are the basic requirements that make life livable.这些是维持生活的基本要求。剑桥高阶〔make up〕They're going to make up a list of requirements for us. = They're going to make us up a list of requirements.他们会给我们列一张需求清单。韦氏高阶〔make〕The dress had been made up to her exact requirements.裙子是严格按照她的要求制作的。朗文当代〔match〕Courses are designed to match the training requirements of each student.课程是为了适应每个学生的训练要求而设计的。麦克米伦高阶〔match〕We'll help you find a home that will match your requirements.我们会帮助你找到一套能够满足你需求的住房。朗文当代〔meet〕Employees must meet certain eligibility requirements.雇员必须满足某些适任要求。外研社新世纪〔meet〕Out of the original 23,000 applications, 16,000 candidates meet the entry requirements.最初的2.3万份申请中有1.6万份满足入选的要求。柯林斯高阶〔mentoring〕The company has spent several years tailoring the mentoring process to suit its own requirements.该公司几年来一直在改进辅导制流程, 以使其适应公司自身需求。外研社新世纪〔minimum〕What are the minimum requirements for the job? 这项工作的最低要求是什么?韦氏高阶〔mismatch〕There was a mismatch between requirements and resources.需求与资源不相称。外研社新世纪〔mix〕You can mix and match courses to suit your requirements.你可以根据自己的要求将课程自由组合。牛津高阶〔mix〕You can mix and match courses to suit your requirements.你可以根据需要选配课程。牛津搭配〔modest〕Our requirements seem fairly modest.我们的要求似乎并不过分。牛津搭配〔narrow〕To narrow down its pool of applicants, the school made its admission requirements stricter.为压缩申请人数量,学校出台了更为严格的录取标准。韦氏高阶〔non-negotiable〕The school must meet several non-negotiable requirements to be eligible for the funding.学校必须满足几项硬性要求才有资格得到拨款。韦氏高阶〔personalize〕All the products can be personalized to the client's exact requirements.所有产品都可以根据客户的具体要求来设计。朗文当代〔position〕Requirements for the position include a master's degree and at least five years of work experience.这个职位要求具备硕士学历和不少于五年的工作经验。韦氏高阶〔priority〕Official business requirements obviously take/have priority over personal requests (= official business matters will be dealt with first).公事显然应放在私事之上。剑桥高阶〔product〕They produce a product that meets the customer's quality requirements.他们生产的一款产品符合客户对质量的要求。牛津搭配〔profile〕We first build up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements.首先,我们建立起我们的客户及其需求的详细资料。牛津高阶〔projection〕We revised our projections of funding requirements upwards / upward.我们调高了对资金需求的预测。牛津搭配〔relief〕It may be a relief to know that the new design meets all these requirements.新方案符合所有这些要求,了解这一点或许会使人觉着宽慰。英汉大词典〔repress〕Disclosure requirements will repress bribery.要求人们举报将可制止贿赂。英汉大词典〔requirement〕Applicants must satisfy the requirements for admission to the university.申请人必须符合该大学的入学要求。麦克米伦高阶〔requirement〕Check the engine's fuel requirements.检查一下发动机所需的燃料。麦克米伦高阶〔requirement〕He has met the basic/minimum requirements for graduation.他达到了毕业的基本/最低要求。韦氏高阶〔requirement〕I have some very simple requirements.我有一些很简单的要求。牛津搭配〔requirement〕If you are installing a new bathroom, it has to meet the requirements of the Building Regulations.建新的浴室必须符合《建筑法规》的规定。朗文当代〔requirement〕Its products met all legal requirements.它的产品符合所有的法律要求。柯林斯高阶〔requirement〕Large buildings have specific requirements for fire-service access.对大型建筑物的消防通道有具体要求。牛津搭配〔requirement〕My requirements are few and reasonable.我需要的东西既不多,也不过份。英汉大词典〔requirement〕Our porches can be designed to your exact requirements.我们可以完全根据贵方的要求设计门廊。牛津搭配〔requirement〕She has fulfilled/satisfied the general requirements of the course.她达到了那门课程的一般要求。韦氏高阶〔requirement〕Students who fail to meet the requirements (of the course) will fail.达不到(本门课程)要求的学生将不能及格。剑桥高阶〔requirement〕The government has imposed strict safety requirements on fairground rides.政府已就露天游乐场乘坐设施实行严格的安全规定。牛津搭配〔requirement〕The increase in gas-fired power stations means traditional coal ones are becoming surplus to requirements.燃气发电站的增多意味着传统的燃煤发电站变得过剩了。朗文当代〔requirement〕The new computer system will meet all our requirements.新计算机系统将满足我们的全部要求。朗文当代〔requirement〕The refugees' main requirements are food and shelter.难民的主要需求是食物和住所。朗文当代〔requirement〕The school can decide which students will be given priority, subject to the requirements of the law.在法律允许的范围内,学校可以决定优先录取哪些学生。牛津搭配〔requirement〕To find out about entry requirements for students, write to the college admissions board.若想了解入学条件,请写信给大学的招生办事处。朗文当代〔requirement〕Two measures have been introduced as legal requirements .制定了两项措施作为法定要求。朗文当代〔requirement〕Variations of this programme can be arranged to suit your requirements.本方案可以进行调整,以满足您的需求。柯林斯高阶〔requirement〕We can arrange a honeymoon to meet your requirements exactly.我们可以完全按你的要求安排蜜月。牛津搭配〔requirement〕We grow enough vegetables for our own requirements.我们种植了足够我们自己所需的蔬菜。牛津搭配〔requirement〕What are the requirements for the job?这个岗位有哪些要求?外研社新世纪〔requirement〕Workers at the factory have been told they are surplus to requirements.这个工厂的工人被告知已成为冗员。牛津搭配〔restrict〕There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.有传闻称将通过提高录取条件来限制在校学生的数目。柯林斯高阶〔satisfy〕Have you satisfied all the requirements for the general degree? 你达到普通学位的所有要求了吗?朗文当代〔satisfy〕She failed to satisfy all the requirements for entry to the college.她没有达到进入那所学院的全部要求。牛津高阶〔satisfy〕She satisfies all the requirements for the job.她符合这项工作的所有要求。剑桥高阶〔satisfy〕Students must satisfy all requirements to be accepted on the course.学生要参加这门课程的学习必须符合所有要求。麦克米伦高阶〔satisfy〕The procedures should satisfy certain basic requirements.这些程序应该符合某些基本要求。柯林斯高阶〔satisfy〕To conform to the requirements of (a standard or rule); be sufficient to (an end).符合要求:达到(标准或规则)的要求;足以达到(目标)美国传统〔scratch〕Meeting the requirements.符合要求的美国传统〔self-sufficient〕People in very remote villages are usually self-sufficient in food requirements.住在偏远乡村的人们在食品需求上往往自给自足。英汉大词典〔signify〕A check mark next to your name signifies that you have met all the requirements.名字旁的勾号表示你已符合所有要求。韦氏高阶〔specify〕Specify your requirements.详细说明你的需要。牛津同义词〔stiff〕Some colleges have stiffer entry requirements than others.有些大学比其他大学有更严格的入学资格要求。剑桥高阶〔suffice〕To satisfy the needs or requirements of; be enough for.足够:满足…的需要或要求;对…够用美国传统〔suit〕Their offer suits our requirements.他们提供的正适合我们的需要。牛津同义词〔surplus to requirements〕His services had become surplus to requirements.他的服务已变得多余了。韦氏高阶〔surplus〕He found out he was surplus to requirements in London and left.他发现自己再留在伦敦是多余的了,于是就离开了。朗文当代〔surplus〕It is surplus to our requirements.这超出了我们的需求。外研社新世纪〔surplus〕The houses are being sold because they are surplus to requirements.这些因超出需求而闲置着的房子正在出售。柯林斯高阶〔surplus〕The store is selling off stock that is surplus to requirements (= more than they need to have).这家商店正在甩卖多余的存货。剑桥高阶〔swing〕They were swung their requirements.他们被迫放弃了他们的要求。21世纪英汉〔syntrophism〕A biological relationship in which microorganisms of two different species or strains are mutually dependent on one another for nutritional requirements.互养,共同生长:生物间的一种关系,即两种不同物种或品质的微生物体互相依靠,从彼此的身上获取所需的营养美国传统〔system〕The system requirements for this program are listed below.(计算机程序的)系统要求麦克米伦高阶〔tailor-made〕We tailor-made a machine specially for their requirements.专为满足他们的要求,我们精心设计了一台机器。21世纪英汉〔tailor〕Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements.为了满足个别人士需要,大多数旅行社都愿意作出专门的旅游安排。牛津高阶〔tailor〕To make (a garment), especially to specific requirements or measurements.裁制:做(一件衣服),尤指根据特殊要求或尺寸来做的美国传统〔toughen〕Universities are toughening up their entrance requirements.大学都在提高入学门槛。麦克米伦高阶〔under the wire〕They got in under the wire just before the entry requirements for the training program changed.他们在招生要求变更前的最后时刻加入了这个培训计划。剑桥高阶〔undue〕These requirements shouldn't cause you any undue hardship/burden.这些要求应该不会给你带来任何额外的辛苦/负担。韦氏高阶〔waive〕The authorities had agreed to waive normal requirements for permits to cross the border.当局已经同意免除跨境所需办理的常规手续。外研社新世纪〔waive〕The authorities had agreed to waive normal requirements for permits to cross the border.当局已经同意免除跨境所需办理的常规手续。柯林斯高阶〔wish〕Draw up a wish list, defining the requirements for your ideal home.列一个愿望清单,明确你对理想住宅的要求。牛津搭配A school fails if it does not fulfil the needs / requirements of its pupils.如果一所学校不能实现学生们的需要/要求,它就不会成功。剑桥国际Banks are subject to minimum capital requirements.银行受最低资本金额规定所约束。牛津商务Clothing retailers often have to make guesstimates about customer requirements months in advance of the season.服装零售商经常要在每一季的几个月前就对顾客的需求作出约略估计。剑桥国际He has filled all requirements for promotion. 他已具备晋升的一切条件。译典通He showed me a computer that answered my requirements exactly.他给我看了一台正符合我要求的电脑。剑桥国际Her qualifications answer the requirements of the job. 她的资历符合该项工作的要求。译典通I'm sure we'll have something to fit your requirements, Madam.夫人,我肯定我们有东西能满足您的要求。剑桥国际My requirements from/in life are a well-paid job and a fast car.我对生活的要求是一份报酬丰厚的工作和一部快车。剑桥国际Official business requirements obviously take/have priority over personal requests (= Official business matters will be dealt with first and given preferential treatment).公事显然应放在私事之上。剑桥国际One of the requirements of the job is fluency in two or more African languages.对该工作的要求之一是熟练掌握两门或两门以上的非洲语言。剑桥国际Our training requirements are the most stringent in the industry.我们的训练要求是全行业中最严格的。剑桥国际Output from the plant approximates to one quarter of national requirements.这厂的产量接近全国需求量的四分之一。牛津商务Search our online job bank for a position that matches your requirements.到我们的在线就业资料库中找符合你要求的职位。牛津商务She satisfied the entrance requirements for the college and was accepted as a student.她达到了大学的入学标准,被录取了。剑桥国际Some college courses have stiffer entry requirements than others.有些大学专业的入学要求比其他的严格。剑桥国际Some insurance companies are struggling to meet solvency requirements.一些保险公司正努力满足偿付能力要求。牛津商务Strict testing requirements mean that it can take several years for a new drug to become generally available.严格的检验要求意味着一种新药被广泛使用需要好几年的时间。剑桥国际Students who fail to meet the requirements (of the course) will fail.没有达到(课程)要求的学生将会不及格。剑桥国际The airline has hedged 77% of its expected fuel requirements next quarter at 79¢ a gallon.航空公司已经将下一季度预计的燃料需求的 77% 通过对冲定于每加仑 79 美分的水准。牛津商务The company should be able to fulfill our requirements. 公司应该能够满足我们的要求。译典通The court has permitted the resurrection of these laws, if they meet certain procedural requirements.法庭已同意重新起用这些法律,如果它们符合一定的程序要求的话。剑桥国际The government wants to increase the capital requirements for financial institutions.政府准备提高金融机构的法定资本金额。牛津商务The product has been validated against safety requirements.这款产品已通过安全要求检验。牛津商务These items are surplus to requirements (= not needed).这些物品是多余的。牛津商务We built up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements.我们积累了顾客及其需要的详细资料。牛津商务We can tailor a large order for you/ to your individual requirements.我们可以依你个人的需要,供应大量货物。剑桥国际We specialize in batch production which we tailor to each customer's requirements.我们针对每一位顾客的要求专门从事批量生产。牛津商务Your work does not come up to the requirements. 你的工作不符合要求。译典通




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