

单词 regrettably
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UNFORTUNATELY〕Regrettably Jousse's work has not been translated into English. 令人遗憾的是茹斯的作品未被翻译成英语。朗文写作活用〔UNFORTUNATELY〕The poor and disadvantaged will, regrettably, be the ones to suffer as a result of the new law. 遗憾的是,穷人和弱势群体将成为新法律的牺牲品。朗文写作活用〔doubt〕No doubt many will regard these as harsh words, but regrettably they are true.固然会有很多人认为这些话过于刻薄,但是遗憾的是这些都是真话。柯林斯高阶〔house〕Regrettably we have to house families in these inadequate flats.很遗憾, 我们不得不在这些拥挤的公寓中安置这些家庭。外研社新世纪〔house〕Regrettably we have to house families in these inadequate flats.很遗憾,我们不得不让住户挤在这些狭小的公寓里。柯林斯高阶〔indisposed〕The speaker was regrettably indisposed.很遗憾,演讲人身体不适。柯林斯高阶〔indisposed〕The speaker was regrettably indisposed.非常遗憾, 演讲者身体抱恙。外研社新世纪〔numbers game〕Regrettably, he resorts to the familiar numbers game when he boasts that fewer than 300 state enterprises currently remain in the public sector.遗憾的是,他又玩起了老一套的数字游戏,吹嘘说目前属于公有部门的国营企业已不到300家。柯林斯高阶〔regretfully〕Regrettably, some jobs will be lost.令人遗憾的是有些工作将会被裁。牛津高阶〔regrettable〕Regrettably we could find no sign of the man and the search was terminated.很遗憾我们没能找到这个人的踪迹,搜寻终止了。柯林斯高阶〔regrettable〕Regrettably, crime has been increasing in this area.令人遗憾的是这一地区的犯罪率在不断上升。牛津高阶〔regrettable〕The incidents are regrettably true.很可惜这些事件都是真实的。柯林斯高阶〔regrettably〕Regrettably few of them, if indeed any, have gone to university.他们之中如有人上大学,那数目也少得可怜。英汉大词典〔regrettably〕Regrettably, he will not be able to come.遗憾的是,他将不能来。朗文当代〔regrettably〕Regrettably, the book is not available.很遗憾,这本书还没有货美国传统〔regrettably〕Regrettably, the movie theater was shut down.遗憾的是,电影院关门了。韦氏高阶〔regrettably〕Regrettably, there's nothing more we can do to help.令人遗憾的是,我们帮不上更多的忙。麦克米伦高阶〔regrettably〕Regrettably, we had forgotten all about him.令人遗憾的是我们完全把他忘记了。英汉大词典〔regrettably〕He got regrettably drunk.他醉得一塌糊涂。文馨英汉〔regrettably〕The progress of the work was regrettably slow.工作进度缓慢得令人失望。韦氏高阶Regrettably, there will be no school play this year, because of lack of money.很遗憾,由于没钱,今年将没有学校戏剧演出。剑桥国际He is regrettably slow to understand.他理解太慢,令人遗憾。剑桥国际The holidays flew by all too (= regrettably very) quickly.假期过的太快了。剑桥国际




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