

单词 responsible
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔BLAME〕to be responsible for something bad that has happened 对发生的坏事负有责任朗文写作活用〔RESPONSIBLE〕to agree to be responsible for something 同意对某事负责朗文写作活用〔RESPONSIBLE〕when someone is responsible for something bad happening 某人应对发生的坏事负责朗文写作活用〔aboveboard〕an aboveboard and responsible proposal 一个坦诚而且负责的提议韦氏高阶〔administer〕institutions responsible for administering the programmes 负责执行各方案的机构英汉大词典〔agency〕a UN agency responsible for helping refugees 负责为难民提供帮助的一个联合国机构朗文当代〔archive〕the person responsible for keeping the archives 负责保管档案的人牛津搭配〔argument〕an argument about who was responsible for the accident 谁该为事故负责的争论朗文当代〔board〕the Welsh Tourist Board(= responsible for giving tourist information) 威尔士旅游局牛津高阶〔bombing〕a terrorist network responsible for a wave of bombings in Paris 在巴黎策划了一连串炸弹袭击事件的恐怖分子网络朗文当代〔box〕bring twelve good responsible citizens into a box 请来12名尽职的好公民担任陪审员英汉大词典〔cognition〕the regions of the brain that are responsible for memory and cognition 大脑主管记忆与认知的区域朗文当代〔conserve〕the Government-funded body responsible for conserving historic buildings.政府资助的历史建筑保护机构柯林斯高阶〔conserve〕the Government-funded body responsible for conserving historic buildings政府资助的历史建筑保护机构外研社新世纪〔conspiracy〕a conspiracy theory(= the belief that a secret conspiracy is responsible for a particular event) 阴谋论(认为某事件背后有阴谋)牛津高阶〔cool-headed〕a cool-headed, responsible statesman.一个头脑冷静、有责任心的政治家柯林斯高阶〔cool-headed〕a cool-headed, responsible statesman一个头脑冷静、富于责任感的政治家外研社新世纪〔determine〕the gene which is responsible for male sex determination.决定男性性别的基因柯林斯高阶〔equality〕the government department responsible for equalities 负责平等问题的政府机构剑桥高阶〔evil〕an evil dictator responsible for the deaths of millions 应为几百万人死亡负责的邪恶独裁者朗文当代〔factitious〕speculators responsible for the factitious value of some stocks.应对一些股票的虚假价值负责的投机者美国传统〔formation〕the top civil servants who are responsible for policy formation 负责制定政策的高级公务员牛津搭配〔gene〕genes that are supposedly responsible for violent behaviour被认为会使人产生暴力行为的那些基因外研社新世纪〔guilty〕the guilty party(= the person responsible for sth bad happening) 有罪的一方当事人牛津高阶〔immediately〕the man immediately responsible for this此事的直接负责人外研社新世纪〔indiscriminate〕terrorists responsible for indiscriminate killing 应为滥杀负责的恐怖分子朗文当代〔joint〕tenants who are jointly responsible for their rent 共同分担房租的房客朗文当代〔justice〕those who are ultimately responsible for dispensing justice 那些最终负责判案的人牛津搭配〔largely〕the manager who is largely responsible for the team's victory 对该队获胜起主要作用的经理牛津高阶〔legal〕to be legally responsible for sb/sth 对某人╱某事负有法律责任牛津高阶〔mechanism〕the mechanism responsible for typhoons 台风形成的物理过程英汉大词典〔minister〕the minister responsible for the health service 负责公共医疗卫生的部长牛津搭配〔murder〕a dictator who is responsible for murdering thousands of innocent people 杀害了成千上万无辜民众的独裁者韦氏高阶〔officer〕the officer responsible for implementing the plan 实施这一计划的负责人牛津搭配〔official〕the official responsible for handling the case 负责处理此案的官员牛津搭配〔oversee〕the committee that is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day implementation of this policy 负责监督该政策日常执行情况的委员会牛津搭配〔parenthood〕education about family planning and responsible parenthood 关于计划生育和父母责任的教育牛津搭配〔percent〕be one percent responsible for the accident 对事故负有百分之一的责任英汉大词典〔personnel〕a Personnel Manager responsible for personnel policy throughout the ICI Group一位在帝国化学工业集团负责人事政策的人事经理外研社新世纪〔police〕be responsible for the police of a gun position 负责炮兵阵地的内务值勤英汉大词典〔position〕a responsible position in the firm.商行里责任重的职位。牛津同义词〔regard〕regard parents as being responsible for the control of their children 认为父母应负责管教子女英汉大词典〔reliable〕a responsible used-car dealer; 负责任的旧汽车商人;美国传统〔responsible〕responsible financial policies 至关重要的金融政策英汉大词典〔responsible〕responsible tenants 能履行义务(按期交租)的租户(或佃户)英汉大词典〔responsible〕a responsible job (或 position) 要职 英汉大词典〔responsible〕a responsible job.责任重大的工作。牛津同义词〔responsible〕a responsible job/position 责任重大的工作╱岗位牛津高阶〔responsible〕a responsible position within the company.公司中的重要职位美国传统〔responsible〕a complex web of party bodies ultimately responsible to the Central Committee 最终向中央委员会负责的复杂的政党机构牛津搭配〔responsible〕a hard-working and responsible employee 勤恳负责的雇员剑桥高阶〔responsible〕choose a responsible person to perform the task 挑选一名负责可靠的人来执行这项任务 英汉大词典〔responsible〕if you're solely responsible for your family's welfare 如果你家庭的幸福只是靠你一个人牛津搭配〔responsible〕not to be responsible for your behaviour无法对自己的行为负责外研社新世纪〔responsible〕the minister responsible for the environment.负责环境工作的部长柯林斯高阶〔responsible〕the person nominally responsible for staff training 名义上负责职员培训的人牛津搭配〔responsible〕their efforts to make the industry more responsible and responsive to concerns 他们使该行业变得更有责任感且更积极回应人们所关心问题的努力牛津搭配〔society〕those responsible for destroying our African heritage and the fabric of our society.那些毁掉了我们非洲的文化遗产、破坏了我们的社会结构的人柯林斯高阶〔tax〕the government department responsible for collecting taxes 负责收税的政府部门牛津搭配the universe of companies considered socially responsible 被认为具有社会责任感的公司群牛津商务




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