

单词 response
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Fascism〕the Catholic response to the rise of Fascism in Italy天主教会对法西斯主义在意大利兴起的反应外研社新世纪〔attack〕his response to attacks on his work他对别人对他工作的责难所做的回应外研社新世纪〔automatic〕an automatic response 机械的反应麦克米伦高阶〔biphasic〕a biphasic waveform; a biphasic response to a stimulus.两阶段波形;对刺激物的两阶段反应美国传统〔character〕a response so much out of character that it amazed me.回答与其性格如此不符,使我感到吃惊美国传统〔circumspect〕a circumspect response 慎重的反应麦克米伦高阶〔consider〕a carefully considered response 经过仔细考虑的回复牛津高阶〔constructive〕constructive response 积极的响应英汉大词典〔disingenuous〕a disingenuous response 虚伪的答复韦氏高阶〔dry〕a dry response 冷淡的回应英汉大词典〔elicit〕to elicit a response with a question以问题引起反应21世纪英汉〔emotional〕an emotional response to the problem 对该问题的感性反应朗文当代〔evince〕to evince response from …引起…的反响21世纪英汉〔evoke〕evoke a strong response 引起强烈反响英汉大词典〔exaggerated〕an exaggerated blood-pressure response to mental stress精神紧张引起的血压过高外研社新世纪〔fast〕a fast response time 迅速的反应时间牛津高阶〔fight-or-flight〕a fight-or-flight response 或战或退的反应剑桥高阶〔flaccid〕a flaccid response 软弱的回应韦氏高阶〔graded〕tests that measured the response to graded doses of the drug 对渐进药物剂量的反应所做的测试麦克米伦高阶〔growl〕growl a response 怒冲冲地答话英汉大词典〔guarded〕a guarded response 谨慎的答复剑桥高阶〔guarded〕a guarded response from the teaching unions来自教师工会的谨慎回应外研社新世纪〔heartwarming〕a heartwarming response to sb.'s work 对某人工作的令人欣慰的反应英汉大词典〔hurried〕a hurried response 仓促的回复英汉大词典〔hysterical〕the hysterical response from the press新闻界的过激反应外研社新世纪〔immune〕an immune response that will wipe out HIV-infected cells能清除受艾滋病病毒感染细胞的免疫应答外研社新世纪〔ineffectual〕a slow and ineffectual response to the crisis 对该危机迟缓且不奏效的反应麦克米伦高阶〔international〕the response of the international community 国际社会的反响朗文当代〔laconic〕a laconic response 简洁的回答麦克米伦高阶〔learned〕a learned response 后天形成的反应韦氏高阶〔learned〕a learned response 后天的反应(指非天生的) 英汉大词典〔lukewarm〕a lukewarm response 冷淡的反应牛津高阶〔measured〕a measured response to the problem 对问题作出的慎重答复朗文当代〔mediate〕the thymus, the organ which mediates the response of the white blood cells胸腺, 调节白细胞反应的器官外研社新世纪〔mumble〕a mumbling response 含糊不清的回答韦氏高阶〔old〕providing a caring response for the needs of the old and the handicapped.对老年人和残疾人的需求予以关心照顾柯林斯高阶〔old〕providing a caring response for the needs of the old and the handicapped对老年人和残疾人的需求予以关切的回应外研社新世纪〔oracular〕an oracular response 像神谕一般的回答英汉大词典〔perceptual〕perceptual response to a work of art 对一件艺术作品的知觉反应英汉大词典〔physiological〕a normal physiological response to cold temperatures 对低温的正常生理反应韦氏高阶〔readership〕readership response 读者反应英汉大词典〔response〕a positive response 积极的反应牛津高阶〔response〕his delayed response to the event 他对该事件延迟的反应牛津搭配〔response〕make a response 作答 英汉大词典〔response〕my knee-jerk response to the story 我对这个故事不假思索的反应牛津搭配〔restrained〕a restrained and cool-headed response to their criticisms 对他们的批评作出的克制冷静的回应朗文当代〔separation〕a baby's response to separation from its mother 婴儿对与母亲分离的反应麦克米伦高阶〔stoical〕a stoical response to pain.对疼痛能忍。牛津同义词〔swift〕a swift and accurate response 精准迅速的反应韦氏高阶〔tepid〕a tepid response 不太热情的回答麦克米伦高阶〔throw〕threw off a quick response to the letter.一挥而就地写了封回信美国传统〔unconditioned〕an unconditioned response 无条件反射牛津高阶〔underwhelming〕the distinctly underwhelming response to their second album.对他们的第二张专辑明显不够热烈的反应柯林斯高阶〔underwhelming〕the distinctly underwhelming response to their second album对他们的第二张专辑明显不够热烈的反应外研社新世纪〔unenthusiastic〕an unenthusiastic response 不热情的回应韦氏高阶〔ungracious〕an ungracious response 无礼的回复韦氏高阶〔unhelpful〕an unhelpful response 于事无补的反应牛津高阶〔unmeaning〕gave a vapid and unmeaning response to a difficult query.对一个难于回答的提问作出了一个干瘪而无甚意义的反应美国传统a fast response time 快速反应时间牛津商务direct response TV advertising 直效电视广告牛津商务




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