

单词 bramble
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bramble〕I became caught in the brambles.我被困在了黑莓丛中。外研社新世纪〔bramble〕I became caught in the brambles.我被困在了黑莓灌木丛里。柯林斯高阶〔bramble〕We carefully pushed our way through the low brambles.我们小心翼翼地走过低矮的黑莓灌木丛。剑桥高阶〔bramble〕We stopped to pick brambles by the side of the road.我们在路边停下来采摘黑莓。剑桥高阶〔disentangle〕He disentangled himself from the brambles.他从荆棘丛中挣脱出来。英汉大词典〔floricane〕The flowering and fruiting stem of a biennial plant, especially of a bramble.花茎:两年生植物开花并结果的茎,尤指有刺灌木的美国传统〔hew〕He hewed our way through the brambles with his sharp chopper.他用他的利刃从荆棘中为我们开辟出一条道路。21世纪英汉〔scratch〕Her hands were covered in scratches from the brambles.她手上布满了荆棘划的口子。牛津高阶〔snag〕Brambles snagged his suit.荆棘把他的西服钩住了。柯林斯高阶〔snag〕Brambles snagged his suit.荆棘钩破了他的西装。外研社新世纪〔thrust〕Finding a gap, she thrust through the brambles.她发现了一处缺口,于是便从带刺的灌木丛中钻了过去。麦克米伦高阶〔woody〕The garden was overgrown with woody plants such as hawthorn and bramble.花园里长满了诸如山楂、黑莓之类的木本植物。剑桥高阶The brambles plucked at her skirt. 荆棘钩扯著她的裙子。译典通The garden was overgrown with bramble and honeysuckle.花园里的刺藤和忍冬长得太多了。剑桥国际We picked basketfuls of brambles on that one bank alone.我们只在一条堤岸上就摘了满满几篮子黑莓。剑桥国际We pushed our way with difficulty through low brambles.我们费力地挤过矮矮的有刺藤木丛。剑桥国际When we bought the house, the garden was overgrown with woody plants such as hawthorn and bramble.当我们买下这座房子的时候,花园里长满了山楂,荆棘等木本植物。剑桥国际




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