

单词 pundit
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Hollywood pundits predicted the movie would grab the top spot in the ratings, but they were wrong. 好莱坞的专家预测这部电影能够荣登榜首,可是他们判断错了。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕If the pundits are right, the economic situation may become worse before the end of the year. 如果专家说得对,那么经济形势可能会在年底前恶化。朗文写作活用〔country〕The country had confounded the pundits by electing a fourth-term Tory government.该国国民连续四次选举托利党来执掌政府,这令专家们困惑不已。柯林斯高阶〔punditocracy〕A group of pundits who wield great political influence.政论团体:一群拥有强大政治影响力的学者专家美国传统〔pundit〕Every week, some pundit predicts that the team's luck cannot last.每周都会有一个权威人士断言这个队运数已尽。外研社新世纪〔pundit〕He is now a BBC soccer pundit.他现在是英国广播公司的足球专家。外研社新世纪〔pundit〕If you believe the fashion pundits, we'll all be wearing pink this year . 要是你相信时尚权威们的话,今年我们就都要穿粉红色衣服了。朗文当代〔tag〕The pundits were still tagging him with that age-old label, 'best of a bad bunch'.专家们仍用多年前的称呼“最好的坏人”来称呼他。外研社新世纪Few market pundits are prepared to predict the next move in share prices.愿意去预测下一步股票价格走势的市场专家寥寥无几。牛津商务When she first announced her candidacy, all the pundits thought little of her. 当她刚出道的时候,所有的权威人士都不看好她。译典通




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