

单词 repetition
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAPPEN〕A lot of the lesson was just a repetition of what we'd already done. 课堂上许多内容都是重复我们已经学过的东西。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕Hopefully, the experience will help us to avoid a repetition of our mistakes. 希望这次经历可以帮助我们避免犯同样的错误。朗文写作活用〔PRF〕Pulse repetition frequency.脉冲重复频率美国传统〔REPEAT〕Repetition is good for helping children learn language. 重复是帮助儿童学会语言的好办法。朗文写作活用〔REPEAT〕Repetition of movements is an important part of African dance. 不断地重复舞蹈动作是非洲舞蹈的重要特征。朗文写作活用〔REPEAT〕He builds his speeches around the repetition of certain key phrases. 他靠反复使用某些关键词语来拼凑自己的演讲。朗文写作活用〔REPEAT〕Through constant repetition, he was starting to show some improvement in his skills. 通过不断地重复,他的技术开始有了改进。朗文写作活用〔augmentation〕Music The repetition of a theme in notes of usually double time value.【音乐】 主题延长,增音:以通常音符两倍的时间来重复主旋律美国传统〔bluntly〕The constant repetition of violence has blunted the human response to it.反复出现的暴力事件使人们的反应都变得麻木了。柯林斯高阶〔catechism〕A manual giving basic instruction in a subject, usually by rote or repetition.指导手册:关于某一命题的基础指导的手册,通常以背诵或重复方式学习使用美国传统〔company〕Saudi Arabia, in company with some other Gulf oil states, is concerned to avoid any repetition of the two oil price shocks of the 1970s.沙特阿拉伯和海湾地区的其他一些产油国一样, 所关切的是如何避免20世纪70年代两次石油价格动荡的重演。外研社新世纪〔company〕Saudi Arabia, in company with some other Gulf oil states, is concerned to avoid any repetition of the two oil price shocks of the 1970s.避免20世纪70年代两次石油价格冲击的情形再次出现,这是沙特阿拉伯和其他一些海湾石油国家一致关心的问题。柯林斯高阶〔concerned〕There have been no repetitions of this incident in the department concerned.有关部门没有再出现这种事。外研社新世纪〔counter〕One that counts, especially an electronic or mechanical device that automatically counts occurrences or repetitions of phenomena or events.计数者;计算器:计数者,尤指电子或机械装备,自动记下某种现象或事件发生或重复的次数美国传统〔credibility〕The explanation gained credibility with repetition.反复多次以后, 人们相信了这个解释。外研社新世纪〔detract〕The repetition of this word detracts something from the poem.这个词的重复使用有损这首诗的文采。外研社新世纪〔device〕Repetition is a common rhetorical device.重复是种常见的修辞手法。英汉大词典〔diminution〕Music Repetition of a theme in notes one-quarter or one-half the duration of the original.【音乐】 减音:把音符紧缩为原始时值的四分之一或二分之一的重复主题的方法美国传统〔echolalia〕An infant's repetition of the sounds made by others, a normal occurrence in childhood development.幼儿学语:婴儿重复别人发出的声音,是幼儿成长过程中的正常现象美国传统〔echolalia〕Psychiatry The immediate and involuntary repetition of words or phrases just spoken by others, often a symptom of autism or some types of schizophrenia.【精神病学】 言语模仿症:立即且不自觉地重复别人刚刚说过的词或短语,常为孤独症或某些精神分裂症的症状美国传统〔echo〕Repetition of a sound by reflection of sound waves from a surface.回声:因表面反射声波而引起的声音重复美国传统〔echo〕Repetition of certain sounds or syllables in poetry, as in echo verse.重复:在一种诗歌格律中某些音节或发音的重复,如在重音格中美国传统〔echo〕Music Soft repetition of a note or phrase.【音乐】 复奏:音符或乐句的轻轻重复美国传统〔eh〕Used in asking a question or in seeking repetition or confirmation of a statement.啊,嗯,什么:用于提问、请求重复或请求对一结论的证明美国传统〔felicitous〕Her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition.她的散文风格并非总是恰到好处, 往往爱重复。外研社新世纪〔felicitous〕Her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition.她的行文风格并非总是恰到好处,往往爱重复。柯林斯高阶〔force of habit〕Behavior that has become automatic through long practice or frequent repetition.习惯行为:经过长时期实践或多次重复已成为自动的行为美国传统〔frequency〕The number of repetitions of a complete sequence of values of a periodic function per unit variation of an independent variable.频率:当自变量变化一个单位时,周期函数取同一完整数序的重复次数美国传统〔frequency〕The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, as of an electric current.频率:单位时间内某种完整波动的重复次数,例如电流美国传统〔habituate〕To accustom by frequent repetition or prolonged exposure.使…习惯:由于经常重复或长时间接触而适应美国传统〔habit〕A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.习惯:一种由于不断的重复而形成的反复出现,经常是无意识的行为方式美国传统〔habit〕These nouns denote patterns of behavior established by continual repetition.这些名词都表示由于不断的重复而形成的行为方式。美国传统〔hyperbolic〕His breezy style avoids the pitfalls of hyperbolic repetition.他以轻快的笔触避开了夸张堆砌的文风, 不落窠臼。外研社新世纪〔identical rhyme〕Repetition of the same word in the rhyme position.同韵:在押韵处使用同一单词美国传统〔imitation〕Music Repetition of a phrase or sequence often with variations in key, rhythm, and voice.【音乐】 乐句的重复:一个短句或一组乐句的重复,音调、节奏和声音往往有所变化美国传统〔iteration〕The act or an instance of iterating; repetition.重复:重复的动作或情况;重复美国传统〔iterative〕Characterized by or involving repetition, recurrence, reiteration, or repetitiousness.重复的:以反复、循环、重述或重复为特征的;或与之相关的美国传统〔learning〕Repetition is the mother of learning.重复乃学习之母。(指一遍遍重复才能学会) 英汉大词典〔mechanically〕It is real prayer, and not mechanical repetition.这是真正的祈祷,不是机械的重复。柯林斯高阶〔mechanical〕It is real prayer, and not mechanical repetition.这是真正的祷告, 而不是机械的重复。外研社新世纪〔mill〕A machine, such as one for stamping coins, that produces something by the repetition of a simple process.磨机,货币轧齿边机:通过重复简单的过程制造物品的机器,如压印钱币的机器美国传统〔monotone〕Sameness or dull repetition in sound, style, manner, or color.单调:声音、文体、风格和色彩的同样性或单调的重复美国传统〔narcotic〕The repetition of the same sound produces a narcotic effect.同一种声音的重复具有催眠作用。英汉大词典〔palingenesis〕Biology The repetition by a single organism of various stages in the evolution of its species during embryonic development.【生物学】 重演(性)发生;重演(性)变态:单个的有机体在物种的发展过程中在胚胎发展中所经历的不同阶段的重复演变美国传统〔plodding〕The book seems a plodding repetition of the same story.这本书好像是同一故事单调乏味的重复。英汉大词典〔process〕Repetition can help the learning process.重复对学习过程有帮助。朗文当代〔progression〕A series of repetitions of a phrase, each in a new position on the scale.和谐进行:分间节的重复系列,每一系列在音阶上有新的位置美国传统〔redundancy〕Repetition of parts or all of a message to circumvent transmission errors.备份:为避免传输错误而对信息的部分或全部重复美国传统〔redundancy〕Electronics Duplication or repetition of elements in electronic equipment to provide alternative functional channels in case of failure.【电子学】 超静定性:电子设备中为提供在出故障时可替换的功能线路而对原件的复制或重复美国传统〔redundancy〕Unnecessary repetition.赘言,冗长:不必要的重复美国传统〔repetition〕Repetition helps learning.背诵有助学会。英汉大词典〔repetition〕Blues is a musical form that uses a lot of repetition.蓝调音乐是一种不断重复旋律的音乐。牛津搭配〔repetition〕Casual conversation tends to be filled with repetition and pauses.随口闲谈往往多重复,也多停顿。英汉大词典〔repetition〕Children used to learn by repetition.过去小孩子是通过背诵来学习的。朗文当代〔repetition〕Children's songs involve lots of repetition.儿童歌曲中有许多重复。韦氏高阶〔repetition〕Collins wants to avoid repetition of the confusion that followed the discovery in 1989 of the cystic fibrosis gene.科林斯想要避免1989年发现囊肿性纤维化致病基因后的那种混乱局面再次出现。柯林斯高阶〔repetition〕Good writing avoids unnecessary repetition.好文章要避免不必要的重复。麦克米伦高阶〔repetition〕He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages.他原本也可以砍去许多重复的内容,从而缩减许多页。柯林斯高阶〔repetition〕His books are full of repetition.他的那些书都是在翻来覆去写同样的东西。剑桥高阶〔repetition〕I quit my job at the factory because I hated the mindless repetition.我辞掉了工厂工作,因为我厌恶机械的重复动作。韦氏高阶〔repetition〕If you can, perform multiple repetitions of this exercise on each hand.如果可能,每只手都反复进行这一练习。牛津搭配〔repetition〕She said I should avoid repetition of words in my essay.她说我的作文应该避免词语的重复使用。牛津搭配〔repetition〕Sometimes repetition is necessary to drive a point home.有时为阐明观点,重复是必要的。韦氏高阶〔repetition〕The job involved the constant repetition of the same movements.这份工作需要不断重复同样的动作。朗文当代〔repetition〕They want to avoid a repetition of the damaging strikes of the previous decade.他们想避免前10年间那些破坏性罢工的重演。麦克米伦高阶〔repetition〕Today the city government has taken measures to prevent a repetition of last year's confrontation.今天市政府已经采取措施,防止去年的冲突重演。柯林斯高阶〔repetition〕We do not want to see a repetition of last year's tragic events.我们不想看到去年的悲剧重演。牛津高阶〔repetition〕We want to prevent a repetition of last summer's fires, which destroyed more than 500,000 acres of land.去年夏天的火灾毁了超过50万英亩地,我们要防止此类火灾再次发生。剑桥高阶〔repetitious〕Filled with repetition, especially needless or tedious repetition.重复的:充满重复的,尤指没有必要的或单调乏味的重复美国传统〔repetitive〕Given to or characterized by repetition.重复的:有重复倾向或特征的美国传统〔replicate〕A repetition of an experiment or a procedure.同样的实验:某一实验或过程的重复美国传统〔reprise〕A repetition of a phrase or verse.重复:乐句或乐节的重复美国传统〔rep〕A repetition of a particular movement done as exercise, especially in weightlifting.试举:当作练习而重复做的特定动作,尤指举重时美国传统〔resort〕Repetition of the experiment was the only resort.唯有把实验重做一遍这条路了。英汉大词典〔rhythm〕The pattern of development produced in a literary or dramatic work by repetition of elements such as words, phrases, incidents, themes, images, and symbols.文学作品的节奏:通过例如单词、短语、插曲、主题曲、形象及象征等成分的重复在文学或戏剧作品中产生的展开的形式美国传统〔set〕Do two sets of ten repetitions.做两组十个重复动作。外研社新世纪〔stammer〕A way of speaking characterized by involuntary pauses or repetitions.口吃,结巴:以无意识的停顿或重复为特征的说话方式美国传统〔stammer〕To speak with involuntary pauses or repetitions.结巴:说话时无意识地停顿或重复美国传统〔stammer〕To utter with involuntary pauses or repetitions.结结巴巴地说:说话时无意识的停顿或重复美国传统〔stereotypy〕Excessive repetition or lack of variation in movements, ideas, or patterns of speech.思想定型:过分的重复或行动、思想或语言方式缺少变化美国传统〔stutter〕To speak with a spasmodic repetition or prolongation of sounds.口吃,结巴:说话时进行间歇性重复或拖长音节美国传统〔tautology〕An instance of such repetition.冗词赘语:这种同义反复的一个实例美国传统〔tautology〕Needless repetition of the same sense in different words; redundancy.同义反复:对同一意思使用不同的词进行的不必要的重复;赘言美国传统〔tremolo〕A tremulous effect produced by rapid repetition of a single tone.震音:一种由急速的重复一上单音而形成的震颤效果美国传统〔verbigeration〕Obsessive repetition of meaningless words and phrases, especially as a symptom of mental illness.言语重复症:过度地重复无意义的词或句子,尤指精神病的前兆美国传统〔wearying〕But all of it grew wearying with repetition.但是一味的重复使这一切都变得无聊乏味起来。外研社新世纪〔weary〕Programmes on television have degenerated into weary, predictable repetitions of each other.电视节目愈来愈糟,尽是些沉闷乏味看头就知尾的情节雷同之作。英汉大词典Casual conversation tends to be filled with repetition. 随意的交谈中常常有许多重复的话。译典通His books are full of repetition and useless information.他的书充斥着重复和无用的信息。剑桥国际His speech was padded out with repetition and cliches.他用重复话语和陈词滥调拉长他的发言。剑桥国际Some programs on television have degenerated into weary repetitions of each other. 某些电视节目愈来愈糟,沉闷乏味,相互雷同。译典通The president's weakness for repetition sometimes results in tautology.董事长有喜欢重复的语病,有时会造成赘述。剑桥国际These are things which can not be staled by repetition. 这些东西不会因为重复而失去新意。译典通These statements are just repetitions of what was said last year.这些说明只是去年讲话的重复。剑桥国际This accident is a repetition of one that happened here two weeks ago. 这次事故是两个星期前这里所发生的事故的复现。译典通




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