

单词 recite
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Angelus〕A bell rung as a call to recite this prayer.天使经钟:用来号召进行这种祈祷的钟声美国传统〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Each Monday the teacher made us recite a poem which had to be word perfect . 每星期一老师都要求我们一字不差地背一首诗。朗文写作活用〔Kaddish〕A prayer that is recited in the daily synagogue services and by mourners after the death of a close relative.祈祷文:犹太教徒每日祈祷时吟诵的祈祷文;关系密切的亲戚死后,哀悼者念的哀悼祈祷文美国传统〔Kiddush〕The traditional blessing and prayer recited over wine on the eve of the Sabbath or a festival.祷文:安息日或节日前夕行圣餐时做的传统的祝福和祈祷美国传统〔Kol Nidre〕The opening prayer recited on the eve of Yom Kippur, declaring the annulment of all personal vows made to God in the preceding year.悔罪祈祷:在赎罪日前夜所颂读的祈祷文的开头部分,宣布取消前一年所有个人对上帝所发的誓言美国传统〔LEARN〕I recited the poem she had asked me to memorize. 我背了她叫我背的那首诗。朗文写作活用〔Low Mass〕A Mass of simple ceremony that was recited rather than sung by the priest. No longer in official use.平时小弥撒:简单仪式的弥撒,是由牧师背诵而不是唱出来的。现在不再被正式使用美国传统〔altar〕A structure, typically a table, before which the divine offices are recited and upon which the Eucharist is celebrated in Christian churches.圣餐台:一种结构,尤指桌子,基督教教堂内在其前面念祈祷文和在其上面举行基督教圣餐美国传统〔bard〕One of an ancient Celtic order of minstrel poets who composed and recited verses celebrating the legendary exploits of chieftains and heroes.吟游诗人:古代凯尔特族的吟游诗人,自编自唱,吟唱酋长和英雄的传奇业绩美国传统〔beginning〕A poem was recited at the beginning of the wedding ceremony.婚礼以诗朗诵开始。韦氏高阶〔blindfold〕He read the letter again although already he could have recited its contents blindfold.他把信又读了一遍, 尽管他早已闭着眼睛也能把内容背出来。外研社新世纪〔blindfold〕He read the letter again although already he could have recited its contents blindfold.尽管对信的内容已经能够倒背如流了,他还是又看了一遍。柯林斯高阶〔breath〕He recited the whole poem in one breath.他一口气背出了整篇诗。牛津高阶〔by-heart〕My father can still recite the poems he learned by heart at school.我父亲仍能背诵出他上学时背下来的诗。剑桥高阶〔cantillate〕To chant or recite in a musical monotone.吟诵,歌唱:在乐曲声中吟诵或歌唱美国传统〔catechism〕We were taught to recite the catechism.有人教我们把教义问答的内容背诵出来。朗文当代〔chorus〕An actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments on the action.解说员:在伊丽莎白戏剧中朗诵序言和尾声以及有时关于演出评论的演员美国传统〔complin〕The last of the seven canonical hours recited or sung just before retiring.晚祷:入睡前背诵或唱颂的七次日课经中的最后一次美国传统〔daven〕To recite Jewish liturgical prayers.祈祷文:背颂犹太礼拜仪式的祷告词美国传统〔declaim〕To utter or recite with rhetorical effect.慷慨激昂地演说或朗诵美国传统〔faldstool〕A desk at which the litany is recited.读经台:用作诵读祷文的台桌美国传统〔from memory〕She can recite from memory the capitals of all the states of the U.S.她可以凭记忆说出美国所有州的州府。韦氏高阶〔graduation〕At my brother's high school graduation the students recited a poem.在我弟弟的高中毕业典礼上,学生们朗诵了一首诗。柯林斯高阶〔graduation〕At my brother's high-school graduation the students recited a poem.在我哥哥的高中毕业典礼上, 学生们朗诵了一首诗。外研社新世纪〔improvise〕To invent, compose, recite, or execute something offhand.即席创作; 即席表演:即兴地发明、创作、背诵或者制成某事物美国传统〔improvise〕To invent, compose, or recite without preparation.即兴创作:无准备地发明、创作或者背诵美国传统〔in unison〕The children recited the alphabet in unison.孩子们齐声背诵字母表。韦氏高阶〔intone〕To recite in a singing tone.吟诵:以歌唱的声调背诵美国传统〔jerk〕Don't jerk out your words,try to recite more smoothly.不要结结巴巴地背诵,努力背得更流利些。21世纪英汉〔laundry list〕He recited a laundry list of problems.他列举了一大堆问题。韦氏高阶〔leave ... out〕She left out 3 words when she recited this poem.她朗诵这首诗时漏掉了三个词。21世纪英汉〔litany〕A liturgical prayer consisting of a series of petitions recited by a leader alternating with fixed responses by the congregation.启应祷文:礼拜仪式上的祷告,由主持人所背诵的一系列祷文所组成,期间交错着众人所作出的固定反应美国传统〔mantra〕He closed his eyes and began to recite a Buddhist mantra.他闭上眼开始念佛。朗文当代〔memory〕He recited the whole poem from memory.他凭记忆把整首诗背了出来。牛津搭配〔memory〕She can recite the whole poem from memory.她能背诵全诗。牛津高阶〔minstrel〕A medieval entertainer who traveled from place to place, especially to sing and recite poetry.吟游诗人:游历各地的中世纪表演者,尤指歌唱或背咏诗歌的演员美国传统〔oral〕As part of her oral examination, she had to recite the names of all the presidents.作为口试的一部分,她必须背出所有总裁的名字。韦氏高阶〔order〕In correct order I recited the twelve things I was supposed to do.我按正确的次序把应做的12件事逐项说一遍。英汉大词典〔parrot-fashion〕The student recited the speech parrot-fashion and could not answer any questions about it.那名学生鹦鹉学舌般地背诵演讲稿,回答不了有关演讲内容的任何问题。韦氏高阶〔parrot〕We recited poems parrot fashion.我们鹦鹉学舌般地背诵诗歌。朗文当代〔pat〕He recited the poem pat.他流利地背诵了这首诗。英汉大词典〔pledge〕The children recited the Pledge of Allegiance.孩子们背诵效忠誓词。韦氏高阶〔pledge〕They recited the Pledge of Allegiance. (in the US) 他们背诵效忠誓词。牛津搭配〔poem〕The poet recited some of her recent poems.诗人朗诵了她最近写的几首诗。剑桥高阶〔prayer〕We joined hands and recited the prayer together.我们手拉着手,共同背诵祷文。韦氏高阶〔prologue〕An introduction or a preface, especially a poem recited to introduce a play.开场白:介绍或序言,尤指介绍戏剧而背诵的诗美国传统〔psalm〕He recited a verse of the twenty-third psalm.他背诵了《诗篇》第23篇中的一节。外研社新世纪〔psalm〕He recited a verse of the twenty-third psalm.他背诵了《诗篇》第23篇中的一节。柯林斯高阶〔reader〕A layperson or minor cleric who recites lessons or prayers in church services.读经师:在教堂仪式中背诵经文或祈祷书的神职人员或职位较低的牧师美国传统〔reader〕One who publicly recites literary works.朗诵者:在大众面前背诵文学作品的人美国传统〔read〕Recite the poem exactly as it reads.一字不漏地背出这首诗美国传统〔recitable〕He loved to recite his personal experiences.他喜欢述说他个人的经历。21世纪英汉〔recitable〕It's my turn to recite.该轮到我背书了。21世纪英汉〔recitable〕Our history teacher recited dully a number of dates.我们的历史老师枯燥地列举了一大堆日期。21世纪英汉〔recitable〕She recited a long poem at the New Year's Eve entertainment.她在除夕晚会上朗诵了一首长诗。21世纪英汉〔recitable〕The little boy refused to recite at the evening party.这个小男孩拒不在晚会上朗诵。21世纪英汉〔recite〕All he could do was recite a list of Government failings.他能做的只是列举政府的种种不是。柯林斯高阶〔recite〕All he could do was to recite a list of Government failings.他能做的只有列举政府的种种不是。外研社新世纪〔recite〕Each child had to recite a poem to the class.每个孩子都得在班上背诵一首诗。牛津高阶〔recite〕He recited his poem in front of the whole school.他在全校师生面前背诵了他的诗。麦克米伦高阶〔recite〕He recited the poem/passage with great feeling.他饱含深情地朗诵了这首诗歌/这篇短文。韦氏高阶〔recite〕He began to recite from the Koran.他开始背诵《古·兰经》。韦氏高阶〔recite〕He can easily recite all the facts about any player on the team.他能不费劲地说出队里任何一名队员的所有情况。韦氏高阶〔recite〕It's your turn to recite, Mr. Alan.轮到你背书了,艾伦同学。英汉大词典〔recite〕Len recited the breakfast menu – cereal, bacon and eggs, and toast.莱恩报出早餐菜单 — 谷物食品、熏猪肉煎蛋和烤面包片。朗文当代〔recite〕Let me recite the names of the pupils who have not been absent this term.现在我来一个个报出本学期不曾缺席的学生的名字。英汉大词典〔recite〕She recited a poem that she had learnt at school.她背诵了一首她在学校里学的诗。朗文当代〔recite〕She could recite a list of all the kings and queens.她能一一说出所有的国王和王后的名字。牛津高阶〔recite〕She proudly recited the Pledge of Allegiance.她自豪地背诵《效忠誓言》。剑桥高阶〔recite〕The opposition party recited a long list of the government's failings.反对党列举出政府一大堆失误之处。剑桥高阶〔recite〕They recited all their grievances to me.他们把所受的委屈都告诉了我。牛津高阶〔recite〕They recited poetry to one another.他们互相朗诵诗歌。柯林斯高阶〔recite〕They recited poetry to one another.他们给彼此朗诵诗歌。外研社新世纪〔rehearse〕To retell or recite.复述或背诵美国传统〔repeat〕To recite from memory.背诵美国传统〔responsory〕A chant or an anthem recited or sung after a reading in a church service.应答圣歌:在教堂仪式中读经之后背诵或唱的曲调或圣歌美国传统〔rhapsodist〕One who recited epic and other poetry, especially professionally, in ancient Greece.职业诵诗人:吟诵史诗或其它诗作的人,尤指古希腊的职业者美国传统〔rhapsodize〕To recite (something) in the manner of a rhapsody.以吟诵狂热诗的方式吟诵(某事)美国传统〔saw〕His grandfather recited the old saw about an apple a day keeping the doctor away.他的祖父说起了那句老话:一天一苹果,医生远离我。韦氏高阶〔slip〕He recited the whole poem without making a single slip.他一字不差地背诵了全诗。牛津高阶〔solemn〕He recited the poem in a solemn voice.他用庄严的声音朗诵了这首诗。韦氏高阶〔speech〕She recited a speech from Shakespeare.她背诵了一段莎士比亚剧中的台词。外研社新世纪〔spell〕The wizard recited a spell.巫师念了一道咒语。牛津高阶〔the Pledge of Allegiance〕The teacher asked the children to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.教师要孩子们站起来并宣誓效忠美国。剑桥高阶〔thrum〕To speak, repeat, or recite in a monotonous tone of voice; drone.以单调的声调说、重复或背诵;低沉单调地说美国传统〔top〕She recited the poem off the top of her head.她即兴背诵了诗歌美国传统〔verse〕She recited a verse from the Bible/the Koran.她背诵了《圣经》/《古兰经》里的一节。剑桥高阶〔whip〕The Whip recites the business to be taken in the following week.一周议事日程表中列举了下周需要处理的事项。英汉大词典〔woe〕She began to recite the woes of the day.她开始诉说那天所遭遇的种种倒霉事。英汉大词典As a young child, she often recited lines from the ancient odes. 小时候她经常背诵古赋里的辞句。译典通He can recite whole chunks of books from memory.他能凭记忆背出整部整部的书。剑桥国际He gets nervous whenever he recites in front of an audience.每当在大庭广众朗诵他就紧张。剑桥国际I used to be able to recite the whole poem parrot-fashion.我过去能够鹦鹉学舌般地背出整首诗。剑桥国际My father can still recite the poems he learned (off) by heart (=in such a way that he could say them from memory) at school.我父亲仍然能背诵他在学校里背过的诗。剑桥国际She recited a catalogue of the mistakes he had made in the past.她一一列举了他过去所犯的一系列错误。剑桥国际She proudly recited the Oath of Allegiance.她骄傲地背诵了《忠诚誓言》。剑桥国际The little boy recited the text pat. 那小男孩流利地背诵了这篇课文。译典通The opposition party recited a litany (= a long list) of national failings: a collapsing health system, a failing educational system, homelessness, crime and unemployment.反对党列出了一长串全国性失误: 崩溃的保健体系、失败的教育制度、无家可归、犯罪、失业等。剑桥国际The poet will recite some of her recent poems.诗人要背诵她最近创作的几首诗。剑桥国际The teacher called on me to recite. 老师叫我背课文。译典通The young man recited his poems with a touch of pride. 那个青年带点骄傲地朗诵他的诗作。译典通




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