

单词 recitative
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arioso〕A declamatory style used in opera and oratorio, similar to recitative but having greater melodic variation.咏叙调:一种用在歌剧和(宗教)清唱剧中的朗诵风格,类似于背诵,但在旋律上大不相同美国传统〔cantata〕A vocal and instrumental piece composed of choruses, solos, and recitatives.康塔塔,清唱曲:一段声音和器乐的乐段,由合唱、独唱和宣叙调组成美国传统〔music drama〕An opera in which the continuity is not interrupted by arias, recitatives, or ensembles, and in which the music reflects or embodies the action of the drama.音乐剧:连续性不受咏叹调、朗诵调或合唱的干扰并且通过音乐来反映和体现剧情的戏剧美国传统〔recitative〕The opera made use of recitative.这部歌剧中使用了宣叙调。韦氏高阶〔scena〕An extended operatic vocal composition for one or more voices consisting of a recitative and arias or an aria.咏叹调:一种歌剧声乐作品的延伸,由一种或多种声音组成的一种朗诵调和咏叹调或一种咏叹调美国传统〔secco〕Of or being a kind of recitative in which the words are sung rapidly to minimal melody, usually with continuo.低吟的:属于吟诵的一段音乐,其中的歌词要迅速唱到最小的旋律,通常伴有数字低音美国传统In the production, the recitatives are eliminated and replaced with much crisper spoken dialogue.在演出中,宣叙部被除去,代之以更清朗爽脆的对白。剑桥国际Italian serious opera of the 18th and early 19th century exhibited a rigid separation of aria and recitative.十八世纪和十九世纪初的意大利严肃歌剧展现出咏叹调和宣叙调的严格区别。剑桥国际




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