

单词 refineries
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORKING〕All the oil refineries in the region are now back on-stream. 该地区的所有炼油厂现在又恢复生产了。朗文写作活用〔chary〕The industry has been chary about investment in new refineries.该行业已经谨慎对待投资新的炼油厂。外研社新世纪〔chillout〕Refineries may have to curtail heating-oil output enough to threaten more chillouts next winter.炼油厂也许不得不减少供热用油的产量,以致今冬可能出现更多的供暖不足情况。英汉大词典〔refinery〕There were two huge oil refineries on the coast.海岸边曾有两个大型炼油厂。剑桥高阶Every large petroleum company has its own refineries. 每间大型的石油公司都有自己的炼油厂。译典通Increased use of oil by refineries accounted for some, but not all, of the stock draw.炼油厂日益增加的石油用量是动用库存的一个原因,而不是全部原因。牛津商务Oil spills and seepage from refineries are common.油轮泄漏和炼油厂发生渗漏是很普遍的。剑桥国际The oil refineries are the most likely targets of any missile strike.炼油厂是导弹最可能的攻击目标。剑桥国际There were two huge oil refineries on the coast.沿海有两家大炼油厂。剑桥国际




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