

单词 refine
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PURE〕The dealers buy raw cocaine in the south, refine it here, and smuggle it into the north. 毒品贩子在南部买进原始古柯叶,在此地提炼成可卡因,然后私运到北部。朗文写作活用〔PURE〕The oil is piped to the coast, where it is refined. 原油经管道输送到海岸,在那里提炼。朗文写作活用〔Theophrastus〕Greek philosopher who succeeded Aristotle as leader of the Peripatetics and refined the work of Aristotle in botany and natural history.西奥佛雷特斯:继亚里斯多德之后的作为逍遥派领袖的希腊哲学家,并改进了亚里斯多德在植物学和自然史方面的著作美国传统〔absorb〕Refined sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly.精制糖很快就被吸收进入血液。外研社新世纪〔absorb〕Refined sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly.精制糖迅速吸收进血液中。柯林斯高阶〔aestheticism〕Devotion to and pursuit of the beautiful; sensitivity to artistic beauty and refined taste.爱美性:对美好事物的热爱与追求;对艺术美及优雅品味的敏感性美国传统〔annually〕El Salvador produces 100,000 tons of refined copper annually.萨尔瓦多每年生产10万吨纯铜。柯林斯高阶〔bon vivant〕A person with refined taste, especially one who enjoys superb food and drink.讲究饮食者:有高雅口味的人,尤其指喜欢极好的食物和饮料者美国传统〔brown sugar〕Unrefined or incompletely refined sugar that still retains some molasses, which imparts a brownish color to it.赤砂糖:没有(完全)精制的糖,含糖蜜,呈棕色美国传统〔choice〕Appealing to refined taste.迎合高雅品味的美国传统〔classic〕Formal, refined, and restrained in style.拘谨的,精炼的:风格正式、精致和克制的美国传统〔cognoscente〕A person with superior, usually specialized knowledge or highly refined taste; a connoisseur.鉴赏家,专家:知识渊博的人,常有专门知识或高度精细的判别能力;鉴赏家美国传统〔cultivated〕Educated; polished; refined.有教养的;文雅的;精炼的美国传统〔cultivate〕To form and refine, as by education.改善,教养:使…养成和改善,如通过教育美国传统〔culture〕This technique was then adapted and refined by the more sophisticated cultures of the ancient world.这种技术后来被更先进的古代文明加以改进和升华。朗文当代〔dainty〕Of refined taste; discriminating.品味高雅的;有辨别力的美国传统〔discipline〕The writer disciplines and refines his style.这位作家行文严谨,文笔优美。英汉大词典〔educate〕To develop or refine (one's taste or appreciation, for example).培养:开发或使(如鉴赏力或喜好)变得高雅美国传统〔epicure〕A person with refined taste especially in food and wine.讲究饮食的人:一个在食物和酒方面很有品味的人美国传统〔exquisitely〕She was exquisitely refined and glamorous.她非常优雅迷人。外研社新世纪〔genteel〕Refined in manner; well-bred and polite.优雅的:举止优雅的;受良好教育并有礼貌的美国传统〔gentle〕Suited to one of good breeding; refined and polite.有教养的,有礼的:与良好教养相称的;优雅的,礼貌的美国传统〔idea〕It's a good idea to avoid refined food.不吃精制的食物是个好主意。外研社新世纪〔kosher salt〕A refined, coarse-grained salt with no additives.精制盐:一种精制,质地粗糙且不含任何添加物的盐美国传统〔lady〕I remember her as a refined elegant lady.我记得她是一个很有教养的文雅女子。麦克米伦高阶〔mama's boy〕A boy or man characterized by unusual closeness to his mother and often by timidity and overly refined manners.缺乏男子气的男人,恋母男孩:与母亲关系异常亲密的男孩或男人,通常胆怯且过于拘礼美国传统〔mandarin〕Marked by elaborate and refined language or literary style.繁复而华美的:具有精心雕琢和语言或文学风格之特点的美国传统〔mincing〕Affectedly refined or dainty.矫揉造作的:假装文雅或斯文的美国传统〔mineral oil〕A refined distillate of petroleum, used as a laxative.石蜡油:一种石油的精炼蒸馏物,用作泻药美国传统〔netback〕Linkage of the price of crude oil to the market price of products refined from it.原油价格随原油精炼的产品市场价格而波动美国传统〔overrefine〕To refine beyond a desired or appropriate point.使过分精炼:精炼得超过了理想的或适合的限度美国传统〔patrician〕A person of refined upbringing, manners, and tastes.有教养的人:具有良好教养、礼貌和爱好的人美国传统〔polish〕To become perfect or refined.变完美,变精良美国传统〔rarefy〕To purify or refine.精炼:使变纯或变精美国传统〔rectify〕Chemistry To refine or purify, especially by distillation.【化学】 精馏:提炼或提纯,尤指通过蒸馏的方法来提纯美国传统〔refinable〕His behaviour and manners have been refined.他的行为和仪态变得很文雅。21世纪英汉〔refinable〕Their daily work is to refine crude oil.他们每天的工作是精炼原油。21世纪英汉〔refinable〕They refined their original design.他们改进了他们原来的设计。21世纪英汉〔refine on〕They have refined on their teaching methods for the last few years.他们在过去几年中改进了他们的教学方法。21世纪英汉〔refined〕He has very refined manners.他举止非常得体。韦氏高阶〔refined〕His speech and manner are refined.他谈吐优雅, 彬彬有礼。外研社新世纪〔refined〕His speech and manner are refined.他谈吐优雅,彬彬有礼。柯林斯高阶〔refined〕Laser surgery has become much more refined over the last decade.在过去十年里,激光手术已经越来越完善。朗文当代〔refined〕She has become more refined in her painting technique.她的绘画技巧已变得更加细腻。韦氏高阶〔refined〕She is so refined that she uses a finger bowl at mealtime.她真是穷讲究,吃饭时都得备有一只小碗洗濯手指。英汉大词典〔refined〕This technique is becoming more refined and more acceptable all the time.这种技术变得越来越完善,越来越受人欢迎。柯林斯高阶〔refine〕Crude oil is industrially refined to purify it and separate out the different elements, such as benzene.原油经过工业提炼来提纯并且分离出诸如苯之类的不同元素。剑桥高阶〔refine〕He refined the whole art of shuttle diplomacy.他把穿梭外交艺术提高到炉火纯青的地步。英汉大词典〔refine〕He refined upon the older methods.他对较陈旧的方法作了细致入微的改进。英汉大词典〔refine〕He has refined his taste and manners.他已使自己的趣味爱好和举止仪态变得高雅完美。英汉大词典〔refine〕Modern medical techniques refine on those of the past.现代医疗技术比过去的医疗技术要优越。英汉大词典〔refine〕Much of the really nutritive material actually was refined out of the foods.大部分真正有营养价值的物质经精制加工实际上从食物中丧失了。英汉大词典〔refine〕My summer job certainly refined my ideas on how restaurants are run.暑期打工自然使得我对餐馆的经营管理有了更确切的了解。英汉大词典〔refine〕Oil is refined to remove naturally occurring impurities.油经过提炼去除天然存在的杂质。外研社新世纪〔refine〕Oil is refined to remove naturally occurring impurities.油经过提炼去除天然存在的杂质。柯林斯高阶〔refine〕Reporters tried to refine their questions to draw a direct response.记者们力图把问题提得简练巧妙,以便引得一个直接的答复。英汉大词典〔refine〕Sugar cane is refined into sugar.从甘蔗中提炼出食糖。牛津搭配〔refine〕Surgical techniques are constantly being refined.外科手术的技术不断得到完善。外研社新世纪〔refine〕Surgical techniques are constantly being refined.外科手术的技术不断得到完善。柯林斯高阶〔refine〕The class is meant to help you refine your writing style.这门课旨在帮助你们改进文风。韦氏高阶〔refine〕The information system is constantly refined and updated.信息系统在不断完善和更新。牛津搭配〔refine〕We've refined the system since it was first launched.自这个系统首次投入市场到现在我们已对它进行了改进。麦克米伦高阶〔search〕You can refine a search using Boolean parameters.你可以使用布尔参数缩小搜索范围。牛津搭配〔sensibility〕Refined awareness and appreciation in matters of feeling.鉴赏力:在感情方面精炼的意识和欣赏能力美国传统〔smooth〕To make less harsh or crude; refine.使文雅,使圆滑:使变得不强硬或不粗野;使变好美国传统〔soft paste〕Any of various ceramics containing frit and refined clay.软质瓷:一种含有釉料和细粘土的瓷美国传统〔sophisticate〕To make more complex or inclusive; refine.使复杂,使精巧:使更加复杂或完备;使精致美国传统〔spirituel〕Having or evidencing a refined mind and wit.优雅的,风趣的:拥有或显示出优雅风趣的思想或智慧美国传统〔superficial〕Beneath his refined manners and superficial elegance lay something treacherous.在他温文尔雅、貌似高贵的举止下隐藏着某种奸诈。朗文当代〔superfine〕Excessively delicate or refined.过于精细的或过于考究的美国传统〔virgin〕Existing in native or raw form; not processed or refined.原始的:以自然的或原始的形式存在的;未进化或精炼的美国传统〔well-bred〕Of good upbringing; well-mannered and refined.教养好的;风度佳的和文雅的美国传统Crude oil can be refined into various petroleum products. 原油可炼制成各种石油产品。译典通Crude oil is industrially refined to purify it and separate out the different elements, such as benzene.原油经工业提炼净化,把不同的成份如苯等分离出来。剑桥国际Delia is so terribly refined -- I really can't imagine her using foul language.德丽娅非常有教养----我真的不能想象她会说脏话。剑桥国际It should not be forgotten that this is raw data, not refined information.这是原始数据,是未经加工的资料,这点不应该忘记。牛津商务Many doctors say it's unhealthy to eat only refined foods such as white bread and white sugar which are almost empty of original goodness.许多医生说只吃白面包和白糖之类的精制食品是不利健康的,它们中几乎不含原来的有益成份。剑桥国际Much of the really nutritive material actually was refined out of the foods. 在食品加工过程中很多真正有营养价值的物质实际上却丧失了。译典通Reading good books helps to refine our speech. 读一些好书有助于使我们的言谈更优雅。译典通She has a refined way of speaking. 她谈吐优雅。译典通The architects can refine their designs on screen.建筑师可以在屏幕上完善其设计。牛津商务The company refines crude oil from Venezuela.这家公司提炼来自委内瑞拉的原油。牛津商务The company produced 35 000 tonnes of refined copper under tolling agreements in the first half of the year.这家公司根据今年上半年的设施使用协议生产了 3.5 万吨精炼铜。牛津商务The design has been refined.这个设计已经作过改进。牛津商务The new computer software is highly refined (= complicated and made with great skill) and can do much more than the old version.新的计算机软件极其复杂而精确,比老软件能做更多的工作。剑桥国际There is a huge duty differential between crude (65%) and refined oils (92.5%).原油(65%)和精制油(92.5%)之间存在着巨大的税率差距。牛津商务




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