

单词 red hair
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AROUND/ROUND〕Her small face was framed by a mass of red hair 一头散乱的红发衬托着她的一张小脸。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Katrina's over there in front of that man with red hair. 卡特里娜在那儿,那个红头发男人的前面。朗文写作活用〔MYSTERIOUS〕It was strange that she had had this baby with red hair when both she and her husband were very dark. 真奇怪,她的婴孩长着红头发,可她和丈夫的头发都是乌黑的。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕At school, her nickname was Carrots because of her red hair. 学校里,她外号叫“胡萝卜”,因为她长着红头发。朗文写作活用〔both〕Both Mike and Jim have red hair/Mike and Jim both have red hair.迈克和吉姆都是红头发。剑桥高阶〔bristly〕His bristly red hair was standing on end.他粗硬的红头发根根竖起。外研社新世纪〔conspicuous〕Mary's red hair always made her conspicuous at school.玛丽的红头发在学校里总是很惹眼。牛津高阶〔creature〕She was an exotic creature with long red hair and brilliant green eyes.她长着红色长发、明亮碧眼,是个少见的大美人。牛津高阶〔denotable〕The word “red”denotes all red things,as blood,red hair,etc.“红色”一词指称一切红色的东西,诸如血、红发等。21世纪英汉〔disordered〕Moretti ran a hand through his disordered red hair.莫雷蒂用手理了理他那一头凌乱的红发。柯林斯高阶〔distinguish from〕Her red hair distinguished her from her sisters.她的红头发使她有别于她的姐妹们。21世纪英汉〔fetish〕She had a fetish for red hair, and so married a redhead.她对红头发爱得入迷,所以就嫁了一个红头发的人。英汉大词典〔flamboyant〕She has red hair and a rather flamboyant appearance.她一头红发,外表相当艳丽。朗文当代〔flow〕Her long red hair flowed down over her shoulders.她红色的长发飘垂在肩头。剑桥高阶〔foil〕The green dress was a foil for Jenny's red hair.那件绿衣服将珍妮的红头发衬托得更美。文馨英汉〔freckle〕He has red hair and freckles.他红头发,脸上有雀斑。剑桥高阶〔hair〕He has carroty red hair.他长着胡萝卜色的红头发。英汉大词典〔halo〕Trish's red hair haloed in the beams of the car's headlights.在车前灯光束的照射下特蕾西的红发周围形成了一圈光晕。外研社新世纪〔have〕All the children in that family have red hair.那家的孩子都是一头红发。韦氏高阶〔hers〕Nicky and I both have red hair but hers is lighter than mine.尼基和我头发都是红的,但她的颜色稍浅一些。剑桥高阶〔mane〕The painting depicts a beautiful young man with a flowing mane of red hair.画中描绘了一位英俊的年轻人,留着一头飘逸的红色长发。剑桥高阶〔mistake〕You can't mistake him. He has long red hair.你不会认错他的,他留着红色长发。牛津搭配〔narrow〕His head was narrow under bristling red hair.他的红发一根根直竖,使头显得狭长。英汉大词典〔nickname〕Red got his nickname because of his red hair.“红毛”是昵称, 起因是他有一头红发。外研社新世纪〔offspring〕Every one of his offspring had red hair like his own.他的每一个孩子都长着像他一样的红头发。英汉大词典〔peek〕Strands of red hair peeked from under her hat.几缕红色的头发从她的帽子底下露了出来。麦克米伦高阶〔pick out〕His red hair makes it easy to pick him out of/in a crowd.他那一头红发在人群中很容易辨认。韦氏高阶〔recessive〕Red hair is a recessive trait. = Red hair is recessive.红色头发是隐性特征。韦氏高阶〔recognize〕I recognized her by her red hair.我从她的红头发认出了她。牛津高阶〔recognize〕I recognized her by her red hair.我根据她的红头发认出了她。牛津搭配〔recognize〕You'll recognize me by my red hair.你从我的红头发就能认出我来。外研社新世纪〔redheaded〕Having red hair.红头发的美国传统〔red〕She has long red hair.她留着红褐色长发。外研社新世纪〔round〕Outside she saw a boy with round cheeks and red hair.在外面她看到一个小男孩, 圆乎乎的脸蛋, 红头发。外研社新世纪〔shock〕The baby had a shock of bright red hair.这个婴儿长着一大团鲜红的头发。剑桥高阶〔side〕She gets her red hair from her mother's side.她继承了母系家族的红头发。韦氏高阶〔stature〕His red hair and short stature made him easy to recognize.他红头发,五短身材,很容易认出来。剑桥高阶〔strange〕The strange thing is all four victims had red hair.令人奇怪的是,四名受害者都是红头发的。朗文当代〔tease〕I used to hate being teased about my red hair when I was at school.我上学期间一直讨厌别人取笑我的红头发。剑桥高阶〔throw〕Her red hair and blue eyes throw back to her great-grandmother.她的红头发和蓝眼睛都像她曾祖母。 英汉大词典Even as a tiny baby, she had a good / thick head of red hair.她就在婴儿时期,也长着一头很好的 / 浓密的红发。剑桥国际He has red hair, green eyes and a face full of freckles.他长着红头发、绿眼睛和一张满是雀斑的脸。剑桥国际He watched as she brushed her long red hair.他看着她梳理她的长长的红发。剑桥国际Her long red hair flowed down over shoulders.她那红红的长发在肩上飘拂。剑桥国际His red hair and short stature made him easy to recognise.他的红头发和矮小的身材使他很容易被认出来。剑桥国际I used to hate being teased about my red hair when I was at school.我读书时总是讨厌别人取笑我的红头发。剑桥国际Recessive characteristics such as blue eyes or red hair can reappear after being hidden for a generation.隐性性状如蓝眼睛或红头发在隐藏一代之后会重现。剑桥国际She had red hair and freckles. 她长著红头发和雀斑。译典通She has red hair and a pale, freckly complexion.她长着一头红发和一张苍白、雀斑点点的脸。剑桥国际She has fiery red hair. 她有著火红的头发。译典通




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